This is going to be a continuous blog on strings and usecases, might be practical , might not be but it's just things i found
there are many usecases and many crucial things that can be done with strings,
here is official documentation of strings
also here i will not talk about python built-in string module
, i will talk about str-type variable or strings in general
there are different methods you can use with string-type variables about all those methods you can have a look at the official documentation, which has pretty good information with example code blocks, or elsewhere on Google/Youtube .
capitalize or lower perticularly used when you want to match any case but you dont know user will enter in
... pass... fill in later
** 2.1 Complete division problem**
problem statement : create a function that takes two arguments a,b int or float and divides a by b (a/b)
but, if the number is xomplete integer then program should return int form of number , otherwise float
For example
Input : 10/2
Output : 5
Input : 100/10
Output : 10
Input : 1/2
Output : 0.5
Input : 4/5
Output : 0.8
this problem can be solved via several diffrenet approaches
# method 1 :using math.floor
import math
def compl_div(a,b):
if math.floor(c) == c:
return int(c)
return c
# second method is using string operaions
def cdiv_str(a,b):
if ('.' in str(a) or '.' in str(b)) and a!=b:
return a/b
if c.split('.')[1] == '0':
return int(a/b)
return a/b
2.2 floor function and round function with strings
# round function implemented using string operations
def str_round(num,places):
if type(places) == int :
if places == 0:
return int(num.split('.')[0])
add = num.split('.')[0]+'.'
add += num.split('.')[1][:places]
return eval(add)
print('places,second argument in function, has to be an integer')
# floor function implemented using string operations
def str_floor(num):
if '.' not in str(num) :
return num
num2 = str(num).split('.')[0]
return int(num2)
# floor function implemented using string operations
def str_ceil(num):
if '.' not in str(num) :
return num
num2 = str(num).split('.')[0]
return int(num2)+1