🐍 Python challenge for Hacktoberfest 2020
- Each person should try to solve just one issue (Save some of the fun for others!)
- Once you solve an issue, edit the Fixed section below with the issue you fixed and open a Pull Request (PR)
- Example
- Add documentation for Mac users
- Don't destroy anything important in this section!
- Have fun and support other open source projects!
- Removed # sign in front of email field at line 13 to receive input
- Added 'email' element to the database list at line 15
- Removed line 26 - 28 chance = random.randint(0, 100) if chance >= 70: userId = str(random.randint(1, 100))
- Converted the userInput data type to int in line 44
- Changed remove function to del in line 61
There are 5 bugs 🕷️ found in the source code of the Python project. Find it, solve it, and open a PR!
There are additional freebie pull requests you can claim by modifying this README file and:
- Add instructions
- Fix typos
- Be creative! (e.g. What is Hacktoberfest about?)
Not interested in fixing the README? Modify the source code! Add comments, refactor code, mess around!
- newId in line 14 should be generated with a counter instead of database list length
You are encouraged to improve on the source code because that is where your creativity shines and the possibilities are endless!