The Toronto Transit Explorer app visualizes transit, biking and walking accessibility across the city of Toronto.
Screen recording (YouTube):
- Install Homebrew ( if you don't have it.
- Make sure you have Java 8 installed:
java -version
If not, install it:brew tap caskroom/versions && brew cask install java8
- Install yarn and Node (4<= version <=9). You can use NVM to manage your Node versions.
brew install yarn
nvm install --lts
The router is our fork of Conveyal's R5 transit router. This lives at sidewalklabs/totx-r5.
Clone the repo and check out the totx-r5
git clone
git checkout totx-r5
Then run:
mvn package
java -Xmx8g -classpath ./target/r5build.jar com.conveyal.r5.R5Main point --build ./totx_transit_data one-to-many toronto-das.locations.txt
java -Xmx8g -classpath ./target/r5build.jar com.conveyal.r5.R5Main point --graphs ./totx_transit_data one-to-many toronto-das.locations.txt
You should see something like:
9200 [Thread-1] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @9326ms
Congrats! Your router is up!
This will install all required dependencies.yarn develop -- transit --router-url http://localhost:8080
- Go to http://localhost:1337 in your browser.
Congrats! You're running your very own TOTX.