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File metadata and controls

122 lines (84 loc) · 4.61 KB


A project to facilitate the use of Mountebank

The key points for this project are:

  1. Mountebank - server used to run the mocked API


To use this project the easiest way is to use the /sample-project as it already contains a package.json configured and the structure to initiate the mocked api.


  • configuration file with required values


  • folder with all stubs packages that will be used
  • every folder directly inside /stubs must have an index.ts file that exports the stubs object
  • the export stubs object is as follow:
  export const stubs = {
    [stubsName]:  {
      predicates: ...,
      responses: ...,

it is an object that map each property or 'stubName' to it's stub object, the stub has two properties: predicates and responses.

As you can see the predicates in or http://localhost:2525/docs/api/predicates if the mountebank is running.

And the responses in or http://localhost:2525/docs/api/stubs


  • file that load and configure all stubs packages


  • file responsible to communicate with the Mountebank and configure the mock server

Required configurations

  • On the command line inside the base folder of the repository, run: npm i to install everything

Run steps using

  • On the command line run: npm run mb

  • On an new command line run: npm run mock

    • Every time that its necessary to update the mock server it is just this last command again.

Integrating with another project:

  • An project can copy all the sample project inside of it and make it available to others as unique project, with only a few configuration options.

  • Structure example:

/my-sample-project    - project folder
  /src                - my sample project source code
  /mocks              -  main folder used by the mock-server-api project.
  /package.json       - Some configurations inside it are needed to start the mock-server project
  /tsconfig.json      - Some configuration to run correctly with Typescript

The current mock-server project

  • Inside /mocks/stubs there are some folders that can be discarded, they are there to be used as a sample;

There is two methods of generating the mock:

  1. from any index.ts inside a folder in /mock/stubs export the stubs as: export const stubs
    1. This stubs const is a mapper of stubs as { anyStubName: {} as StubData } as StubCollection
    2. For better understanding see the file @types/index.ts there is a lot of definitions including StubData and StubCollection
  2. from any index.ts inside a folder in /mock/stubs export the apis as: export const apis
    1. A better example is implemented on the folder /mocks/stubs/projects there is use of urlParams, generated fields and query functions;

Query filters options (using list-total model api)

There are some options for query filters they are:

  • "CONTAINS" : the query param name must be equal to the param inside the object, the query param value must be inside the object param value

  • any other string: the same as "CONTAINS" but it will search for equality;

  • array [param, type]: the 'param' is the param name in the object, the 'type' follow the above rules

  • (funtion) : the funcion will have this structure: (list: any[], value: any, config: ConfigInjection) => any[];

    • list: array of values that would be returned without this filter,
    • value: the value of the query param;
    • config: object containing all the values passed by Mountebank
  • queryPriority: set the priority of an query, if the priority is greater than 9 that query will be executed after extract the list length, default value is 5.

  • list-total/utils.ts there are 2 functions that could be used to add query function: sort = used to sort the result list, offset = used for pagination, a sample of use is on /mocks/stubs/projects


On the sample-project there is this folder withImport with this StubCollection:

  withImport: {
    predicates: [{ equals: { method: "GET", path: "/_demo/withImport" } }],
    responses: [
        run: "/withImport/fns.firstFn",
        behaviors: [{
          wait: 1000,
        run: "/withImport.innerFn",

The main point is to use an exported function inside the stub response, it will only need to pass the path to the function on the following format: "/pathToFolder/InsideStubs/Location/FileName.functionExported"