layout |
home |
{{ site.description }}
{% include icon.html name='bootstrap' %} Bootstrap 5.3.3 {% include icon.html name='bootstrap' %} Bootstrap Icons 1.11.3 {% include icon.html name='github' %} View on GitHubParaqeet is a Jekyll theme for building websites using Bootstrap - the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world. Paraqeet comes pre-loaded with the latest versions of Bootstrap and Bootstrap Icons - the official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap, as well as built-in Sass support for Rouge - Jekyll’s default code syntax highlighter.
- Add this line to your Jekyll site's
gem "paraqeet"
- Add this line to your Jekyll site's
theme: paraqeet
- Then execute:
To customise Bootstrap to the look and feel of your project, override the variables found in _sass/bootstrap/_variables.scss
and _sass/bootstrap/_variables-dark.scss
with your own values in _sass/_variables.scss
and _sass/_variables-dark.scss
For example, to change the primary theme colour to purple and the default sans-serif font family to Roboto, add the following to _sass/_variables.scss
$primary: $purple !default;
$font-family-sans-serif: "Roboto", sans-serif !default;
To make it easy to use Bootstrap Icons in your project, Paraqeet ships with an icon
{% raw %}{% include icon.html name='bootstrap' %}{% endraw %}
which will produce:
{% include icon.html name='bootstrap' %}
which looks like: {% include icon.html name='bootstrap' %}
{% raw %}{% include icon.html name='rocket-takeoff-fill' type='sprite' size='40' class='text-primary' %}{% endraw %}
which will produce:
{% include icon.html name='rocket-takeoff-fill' type='sprite' size='40' class='text-primary' %}
which looks like: {% include icon.html name='rocket-takeoff-fill' type='sprite' size='40' class='text-primary' %}
Name | Description | Deafult | Required? |
name |
The name of the icon (e.g. bootstrap-fill ). |
nil |
Yes |
type |
The type of icon. Available values are font , image , and sprite . |
font |
No |
size |
The width and height of the icon in pixels. | 16 |
No |
class |
Any additional class attribute values to be applied (e.g. fs-3 text-info ). |
nil |
No |
To customise syntax highlighting to the look and feel of your project, override _sass/_highlight.scss
in your own project. Below are examples of the syntax highlighter in use.
Without line numbers:
class Greeter
def initialize(name="World")
@name = name
def say_hi
puts "Hi #{@name}!"
class Greeter
def initialize(name="World")
@name = name
def say_hi
puts "Hi #{@name}!"
With line numbers:
{% raw %}{% highlight ruby linenos %}
class Greeter
def initialize(name="World")
@name = name
def say_hi
puts "Hi #{@name}!"
{% endhighlight %}{% endraw %}
{% highlight ruby linenos %} class Greeter def initialize(name="World") @name = name end
def say_hi puts "Hi #{@name}!" end end {% endhighlight %}
Inspired by the Tailwind CSS Typography Plugin, Paraqeet ships with a .prose
class you can use to add typographic defaults to any vanilla HTML you don’t control, like HTML rendered from Markdown, or pulled from a CMS.
<article class="prose">
{% raw %}{{ content }}{% endraw %}
To customise typographic defaults to the look and feel of your project, override _sass/_prose.scss
in your own project.
To see what it looks like in action, check out the [live demo]({{- '/typography' | relative_url -}}).