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File metadata and controls

101 lines (65 loc) · 6.02 KB


🇫🇷 Version française

I - General Information

Presentation image of RTGE

This MapStore2 plugin enables you to request data extraction from a grid layer. This involves selecting the tiles that cover the geographical area, filling out a form and sending an email to the department responsible for extracting the data. At Rennes Métropole, this plugin is used to manage extractions of RTGE (Référentiel Topographique très Grande Échelle) data in DXF format.

II - Using this repository

II.1 - Repository Organization

This repository is meant to be used with the geor_MapstoreExtension repository:

  • This repository (geor_RTGE_Mapstore) contains the JS code of the plugin
  • The geor_MapstoreExtension repository contains the configurations files of the plugin (configs and translations) The "Main" branch is used for the development of the plugin. For each release of the plugin, a new branch is created. The release note will specify the mapstore2-georchestra version for which the plugin version has been created. The settings files for each plugin release are located in the RM/RTGE_v.NumVersion branch of the geor_MapstoreExtension repository.

II.2 - Using the repository

II.2.1 - Setting up the repository

To deploy this repository locally, the follow the steps below:

git clone --recursive

Select the desired branch:

git checkout RM/RTGE_v.NumVersion Where VersionNum is the desired release number.

Then install the dependencies: NodeJS >= 12.16.1 is needed

npm i
cd MapStore2
npm i
cd ../mapstore2-georchestra
npm i
npm run fe:start

The application runs at http://localhost:8081 afterwards.

II.2.2 - Settings

Proxies are managed in ./proxyConfig.js file.

Locales are managed in ./assets/translations/data.lang-LANG.json

Build configuration for local use is managed in ./configs/localConfig.json

Configuration for production build is managed in ./assets/index.json

II.3 - Plugin deployment

This project allows the creation of a zip file that can be added in your Mapstore2 for geOrchestra environment. This file can be generated using the CI/CD or manually:

II.3.1 - CI/CD

The project CI/CD uses the geor_MapstoreExtension CI/CD file which generates the steps of the continuous integration process. It is important to provide it with the correct project link in order to reach an instance of geor_MapstoreExtension with the correct branch (in our case RM/RTGE_v.NumVersion) in order to retrieve the correct submodule from the geor_MapstoreExtension directory. The submodule in js/extension corresponds to the corresponding plugin's version.

The steps of the process are automatic and described in the CI files. This process can be described as follows: the plugin calls geor_MapstoreExtension, which generates a build of the plugin and deploys it in a remote repository. This repository has to be set up in the .gitlab-ci.yml of geor_MapstoreExtension ("publish" section). These steps can be modified according to the architecture of your system.

II.3.2 - Manual deployment

To manually starts the build of the plugin, you need to run the following command from the root directory of the project:

npm run ext:build

A .zip file is created with the name of the extension in the 'dist' folder.

III - Installing and configuring the plugin

III.1 - Installing the plugin

This plugin is a MapstoreExtension. To install it, simply go to the mapstore map context management interface and click on the "Add an extension to Mapstore" button in the plugin configuration interface to add the plugin using its .zip file.

III.2 - Configuring the plugin

Plugin Installation Interface

When the plugin is added to a MapStore context for geOrchestra, it needs to be configured to work correctly. These configuration parameters are:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
rtgebackendurlprefix "" Link to the back-end used by the plugin. This plugin currently works without a backend.
rtgegridlayerid "ref_topo:rtge_carroyage" ID, in the map context, of the grid layer used to select data extraction zones.
rtgegridlayername "ref_topo:rtge_carroyage" Name, in the map context, of the grid layer used to select data extraction zones.
rtgegridlayertitle "RTGE : Carroyage au 1/200" Title, in the map context, gaved to the grid layer used to select the data extraction zones.
rtgegridlayerprojection "EPSG:3948" EPSG code of the native projection system used by the grid layer.
rtgegridlayergeometryattribute "shape" Name of the attribute of the grid layer containing the tile geometry.
rtgeuserdetailsurl "/console/account/userdetails" Link to retrieve the logged-in user's information to pre-fill the form.
rtgehometext "" Text (HTML) that is displayed on the home tab of the RTGE plugin.
rtgemaxtiles "50" Maximum number of tiles that can be selected.
rtgetileidattribute "id_case" Name of the attribute field containing the tiles Ids. These ids are sent as a text list in the extraction request email.
rtgetilesattributes [{
"attribute": "id",
"colWidth": "col-sm-5"
"attribute":"date ",
"title": "Date MAJ",
List of attributes that will be displayed in the table of selected tiles. For each attribute :
- Attribute : name of the attribute to display
- Title : alias to be displayed in the column header
- colWidth : column width value in the form "col-sm-X" where X is the desired width value.
It is recommended that the sum of the column width values does not exceed 12.

The plugin is optimised for use in a map context using the EPSG:3857 projection system, and has been tested in an environment using the EPSG:3948 projection system.