The main goal of the DynamoDB Tasks is to enable your Serverless Jarvis to keep track of the created serverless applications and its belonging services, so that you can .
You will need to have:
- A service that will handle all the communication with DynamoDB. (Required, if you decide to go with DynamoDB)
- A service method to create a serverless application and store it in DynamoDB. (Required, if you decide to go with DynamoDB)
- A service method to create a serverless component, and store it, along with the relation to the current active parent application and the input, process and output information of the service, to the DynamoDB. (Required, if you decide to go with DynamoDB)
- A service method which will get the currently developed (active) serverless application. (Optional)
- A service that will list all the available applications from DynamoDB (Optional)
- A service that will list all services from the currently active application (Optional)