Synthetics for Mobile runs E2E test scenarios. Monitors assert the proper propagation of data.
CI continuously builds, signs, and uploads a runner application to Synthetics which runs predefined tests daily.
Before building the application, the E2ETests/xcconfigs/E2E.local.xcconfig
configuration file must be present and contain the Mobile - Integration Org
client token and RUM application ID. These values are sensitive and must be securely stored.
Files can be base64 encoded and stored in secret variables. To copy the encoded file content, you can do:
cat E2ETests/xcconfigs/E2E.local.xcconfig | base64 | pbcopy
To sign the runner application, the certificate and provision profile defined in Synthetics.xcconfig and in exportOptions.plist needs to be installed on the build machine. These files are sensitive and must be securely stored. Make sure to update both files when updating the certificate and provisioning profile, otherwise signing fails.
Certificate & Provisioning Profile are also available through the App Store Connect API. But we don't have the tooling in place.
The application version (build number) is set to the commit SHA of the current job, and the build is uploaded to Synthetics using the datadog-ci CLI. This step expects environment variables to authenticate with the Mobile - Integration Org
Each scenario is independent and can be considered as an app within the runner.
A scenario must comply with the Scenario
protocol. Upon start, a scenario initializes the SDK, enables features, and returns a root view-controller.
Here is a simple example of a scenario using Logs:
import Foundation
import UIKit
import DatadogCore
import DatadogLogs
struct SessionReplayWebViewScenario: Scenario {
func start(info: TestInfo) -> UIViewController {
with: .e2e(info: info), // SDK init with the e2e configuration
trackingConsent: .granted
return LoggerViewController()
The test should then be added to the SyntheticScenario
enumeration so it can be selected, either manually or by setting the E2E_SCENARIO
environment variable.
Note: When creating a test in Synthetics, make sure to always run on the latest version.
You can skip the scenario selection screen by setting the Process Arguments of the Synthetic test:
"E2E_SCENARIO": "<name of the test>"
The test's name must match the SyntheticScenario
enum case.