Please refer to the GTAS Technical Guide document for a more detailed set of installation instructions or, check out our youtube playlist that walks you through the whole process:
- Java 8
- Apache Tomcat 8
- MariaDB 10.0 Stable
- Maven 3.3
- Apache ActiveMQ 5.15
Any branch of GTAS can be built from source code, or you can download the .war files from the latest stable release. Grab the latest code from the 'dev' branch GitHub:
git clone --branch dev --single-branch
OR download the master branch.
git clone
Standard build with unit tests. Note: if maven shows a java socket error (invalid argument 'connect'), you may need to add to the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable.
cd gtas-parent
mvn clean install
Build without unit tests
mvn clean install -Dskip.unit.tests=true
Build with integration tests (and unit tests). Requires setting up the database fully. See below.
mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=false
Create the database schema, load application configuration and lookup data using Maven:
Log in to MariaDB and run the following command to create the 'gtas' database:
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gtas CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
To script the database, run the following commands
cd gtas-commons
mvn hibernate:update
mvn hibernate:drop
mvn hibernate:create
Deploy to tomcat, update file, and start the server.
You will need to create two folders for processing messages in a development environment; one for unprocessed messages and one for messages that have been loaded by GTAS. You may name the files as you wish, but the names must correspond with those in the file. This file can be located in the directory below:
This file must be moved to the ~/usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.22/conf directory before starting the server to take effect.
Move the .war files to the tomcat server
cp gtas-webapp/target/gtas.war [tomcat home]/webapps
cp gtas-job-scheduler-war/target/gtas-job-scheduler.war [tomcat home]/webapps
Start the server
./usr/local/apache-tomcat-9.0.22/bin/ run
Access site at http://localhost:8080/gtas
The default login is:
user: admin password: password