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526 lines (344 loc) · 20.1 KB

File metadata and controls

526 lines (344 loc) · 20.1 KB


  1. Refining the resource cleanup process for io_service during the handle_stop phase, particularly when a worker thread is terminated externally


  1. Use dynamic buffer for recv
  2. Improve kcp, invoke ikcp_peeksize before invoke ikcp_recv


  1. Fix yasio_ni
  2. Improve ohos support


  1. Update llvm to 17.0.6 for msvc14.40 support
  2. Remove logging duplicate new line
  3. Fix compile error on llvm-19


  1. Fix c++23 deprecated std::aligned_storage warning
  2. Ensure WSAStartup before initializing user static variables


  1. Fix #441 socket.bind always fail with EPERM when runs on macos in code signing sandbox mode


  1. Improve kcp implementation
  2. Fix pure udp not handle packet forward
  3. Improve echo_client & echo_server
  4. Improve ssl handshake
  5. Update self-signed ssl certs for ssltest
  6. Fix docs ci
  7. Fix speedtest typo
  8. Fix UE5 compile error with vs2022


  1. Fix destroy of object_pool with mutex not thread-safe


  1. Enable hres timer for Windows Universal Apps
  2. Add YASIO_NT_XHRES_TIMER to control whether forcing use undocumented NT API to setup high-resolution timer
  3. Fix yasio_ni compile error


  1. Slice sending udp data to mtu (65507) avoid send fail


  1. Fix unpack incorrect when YOPT_C_UNPACK_STRIP > 0
  2. Improve pod_vector aka array_buffer, now yasio::byte_buffer just a alias of it


  1. Change yasio-ni API yasio_create_service prototype to: YASIO_NI_API void* yasio_create_service(int channel_count, void(YASIO_INTEROP_DECL* event_cb)(yasio_event_data* event), void* user);
  2. Prob both v4, v6, v4mapped when resolve ip address
  3. Add option YOPT_S_HRES_TIMER for enable high resolution timer on win32


  1. IMPORTANT: Rename YOPT_S_DEFERRED_EVENT to YOPT_S_NO_DISPATCH, and the default event dispatch behavior was changed, by default, the network thread will always dispatch events at end of event loop. you must set YOPT_S_NO_DISPATCH to 1 to ensure the dispatch behavior match with previous releases
  2. The YOPT_S_DEFER_EVENT_CB return check changed, return true to tell io_service the event already processed, io_service will skip processed event, previous releases should return false
  3. Improve kcp transport, fix data retention problem(caused by interval too large) and update kcp to git 1.7-f2aa30e
  4. Add support forward packet on both send and recv stages
  6. Refactor non-blocking io mode, add epoll/wepoll, kqueue, evport support by YASIO_ENABLE_HPERF_IO, by default not enabled
  7. Remove namespace yasio::gc
  8. Improve object_pool and singleton
  9. Migrate build scripts to powershell runs on windows,linux,macos
  10. Rename cmake feature options:
  11. Auto disable YASIO_BUILD_TESTS and YASIO_BUILD_LUA_EXAMPLE when yasio not in root directory of cmake project
  12. Move public headers to yasio/ which are allow include directly, like yasio/xxx.hpp, private header to yasio/impl/ which don't allow been included


  1. Add more kcp options setup support
  2. Fix vs2013 lua binding build


  1. Refactor pipe signal suppression.
  2. Refine fd_set_adapter as io_watcher.


  1. Improve object_pool, ensure address of allocated object from pool align with std::max_align_t, should fix optimized-build crash on android x86_64.


  1. Remove unsafe option: YOPT_S_FORWARD_EVENT, may cause internal channel behavior incorrect.

  2. Add forward packet event support, new option: YOPT_S_FORWARD_PACKET, after enable forward packet:

    • Use event->packet_view() receive packet event
    • No upack
    • No deferred packet
    • No GC alloc
  3. Fix sort_timers may cause std::sort crash on sort callback when system clock slow


  5. Fix timer queue empty check


  1. Add forward event support fire packet event, new option: YOPT_S_FORWARD_EVENT, after enable forward event:

    • Use event->packet_view() receive packet event
    • No upack
    • No deferred event
    • No GC alloc
  2. Refactor ssl backends, add follow new option and channel kind

    • YOPT_S_SSL_CERT: to specific ssl server cert and private_key files
    • YCK_SSL_SERVER: open a channel as ssl server, notes: require specific valid cert and private_key file with option YOPT_S_SSL_CERT
    • Also fix crash on destructor of io_transport_ssl
  3. Improve option YOPT_S_SSL_CACERT, now support specific multi-certs with delimiter ,

  4. Improve c-ares integration

  5. Improve extesion yasio_http, move it's dependent llhttp to thirdparty and managed by git submodule

  6. Remove signal_blocker when create service thread

  7. Fix c++20 compiler warnings


  1. Reimplement reactor backends: select, poll
  2. Now the default reactor backend is poll
  3. Add compiler flag YASIO_DISABLE_POLL for switching to as same with previous releases
  4. Add signal_blocker when create service thread


  1. Fix no callback when resolve domain failed by getaddrinfo


  1. Fix process order
  2. Fix luabinding compile issue when shared packet enabled
  3. Improve CMake script, output libs to same directory


  1. Improve byte_buffer stl compatible
  2. Add option YOPT_C_UNPACK_NO_BSWAP
  3. Add urlEncode/urlDecode to extension yasio_http
  4. Improve extension yasio_http as unreal engine plugin
  5. Fix missing retrun statement in cxx17::string_view hasher template
  6. Change lua script io_event.packet(bool) to io_event:packet(bufferType)
    • yasio.BUFFER_DEFAULT: take packet as native yasio::ibstream
    • yasio.BUFFER_NO_BSWAP: take packet as natvie yasio::fast_ibstream without byte order convert
    • yasio.BUFFER_RAW: take packet as lua string
  7. CMake: Set default ssl backend to mbedtls


  1. Use byte_buffer instead std::vector<char>
  2. Add extension yasio_http implementation
  3. Fix name query will defunct when name server dirty


  1. Don't output transport object address


  1. Improve binary reader and writer, the push/pop API was broken, use -DYASIO_OBS_BUILTIN_STACK=1 for compatible with previous release
  2. Improve stop flow, always try do stop at io_service destructor


  1. Fix trasnport reuse problem
  2. Unify transport address print format


  1. Fix connnect maybe always failed with error -26 when last domain name resolving failed
  2. Fix xxsocket::strerror incorrect for MinGW
  3. Add UWP ci
  4. Improve io_service::stop flow, thanks to @koobin
  5. Other code improvements


  1. Add option YOPT_S_DNS_LIST to set custom dns servers build with c-ares
  2. Add OpenSSL 3.0.0 support
  3. Add better API ip::endpoint::format_to to format socket address to string
  4. Add API ip::endpoint::scope_id to set or get ipv6 scope_id
  5. Improve ip::endpoint::as_xx for parsing scope_id from ipv6 string
  6. Add MinGW build support
  7. Fix compile issue when build inside unreal engine with module TraceAnalysis
  8. Fix timer not sort when same timer expire time changed, thanks to @koobin
  9. Fix the len of ip::endpoint not set when update endpoint ip with ip::endpoint::ip, will cause error 10014 on windows
  10. Make ibstream_view can construct with basic_obstream_view
  11. Improve xxsocket::disconnect platform compatible for BSD-like systems and windows
  12. Imporve multicast support, and the test case works on windows,linux,macOS, thanks to @wzhengsen
  13. Add option YOPT_C_MCAST_IF to set multicast interface, on BSD-like system, it's required for ipv6
  14. Improve io_service::stop flow, thanks to @koobin


  1. Make yasio::obstream more reusable
  2. Fix multicast behavior incorrect
  3. Fix ssl handle not destroy when connect timeout reached
  4. Mbedtls 3.0.0 support


  1. Make c++20 compatible API starts_with/ends_wtih more easy to use
  2. Correct yasio::set_thread_name platform macro detection
  3. Move yasio::errc to standalone file errc.hpp
  4. Improve YOPT_DNS_DIRTY behavior
  5. Fix header only link when c-ares enabled
  6. Make yasio::strfmt more reusable
  7. Improve Unreal Engine support


  1. Unify io_service timeout options: XXX_TIMEOUT in seconds and XXX_TIMEOUTMS in milliseconds
  2. Add io_channel user timer support
  3. Move yasio:errc to yasio.hpp
  4. Add yasio_fwd.hpp


  1. Add pkg-config file.
  2. Improve UnrealEngine support.
  3. Improve cmake scripts.
  4. Fix bind failed not processed.
  5. Add passive event support for server open/close.
  6. Add YASIO_ENABLE_PASSIVE_EVENT to control whether generate passive event.
  7. Add github action docs-ci and host docs on github pages.
  8. Fix gcc-4.7 compile issues.
  9. Renable appveyor ci for build with vs2013.
  10. Inline namespace yasio::inet.


  1. Update yasio_ni to v2.
  2. Add io_channel::bytes_transferred, it's useful for client channel Traffic Statistics.
  3. Add io_channel::connect_id.
  4. Add support build as windows dll.
  5. Add YASIO_USE_SHARED_PACKET to control whether packet could be shared on multi-threadings.


  1. Make timer object more safe, don't hold reference of io_service.
  2. Embed default zh_CN docs markdown sources.
  3. Fix compile error when YASIO_VERBOSE_LOG enabled.
  4. Fix speedtest compile error when YASIO_HAVE_KCP enabled.
  5. Make host_to_network and network_to_host public at namespace yasio.
  6. Add yasio::set_thread_name to set caller thread name.
  7. Add obstream::clear for buffer reuse.
  8. Add ibstream::advance to move read position fastly.
  9. Enhance builtin decode_len function for transport stream unpack.
  10. Add github action freebsd.


  1. Add ssl backend mbedtls support.
  2. Add xxsocket::not_send_error for check whether socket status is good when send retval < 0.
  3. Add xxsocket::not_recv_error for check whether socket status is good when recv retval < 0.
  4. Delete xxsocket::alive.
  5. Delete all deprecated functions.
  6. Rename xxsocket::detach to xxsocket::release_handle.
  7. Rename xxsocket::pserv to xxsocket::pserve.


  • Provides normally byte order convert function templates host_to_network and network_to_host at namespace yasio::endian.
  • Reimplement obstream, ibstream as class templates basic_obstream, basic_ibstream with convert_traits support.
  • Using new yasio::endian::convert_traits<network_convert_tag> for obstream and ibstream with byte order convertion.
  • Using new yasio::endian::convert_traits<host_convert_tag> for fast_obstream and fast_ibstream without byte order convertion.
  • Add io_service::cleanup_globals
    It's useful to clear custom print function object when you unload the module (usually .dll or .so) which contains the function object.
  • Fix socket reuse_address behavior since v3.33.7
    a. User can do custom packet resolve at network thread, such as decompress and crc check.
    b. Return true, io_service will continue enque to event queue.
    c. Return false, io_service will drop the event.
    d. Callback prototype is: typedef std::function<bool(event_ptr& event)> defer_event_cb;


  • Add 7bit Encoded Int64 support for obstream/ibstream
  • Rename obstream/ibstream 7bit Encoded Int APIs write_i/read_i to write_ix/read_ix
  • Rename obstream/ibstream Fixed Encoded Number APIs write_ix/read_ix to write/read


  • Fix win32 udp server implementation
  • Print remote point as peer for a new udp transport
  • Remove options YOPT_IGNORE_UDP_ERROR


  • Auto call socket.shutdown at xxsocket::close to fix blocking on socket.recv when close socket at other thread for non-win32 platforms.


  • Unix domain socket via SOCK_STREAM support, define YASIO_ENABLE_UDS at config.hpp and use YCM_UDS combine with YCK_TCP_CLIENT, YCK_TCP_SERVER


  • Reduce kcp cpu cost.


  • Add support to set kcp conv id, use option YOPT_C_KCP_CONV.


  • Add log level support, use option YOPT_S_PRINT_FN2.


  • Add API xxsocket::tcp_rtt.


  • Fix c-ares doesn't get system dns for ios.
  • Add option YOPT_S_DNS_DIRTY for user to change system name servers after mobile network changed when c-ares enabled.
  • Refine write event register when system kernel write buffer is full.


  • Reduce the size of the Windows header files.
  • Improve yasio::inet::ip::endpoint code style.
  • Explicit socket_select_interrupter workaround code logic for borken firewalls on Windows.
  • Sets and pass user data of transport through event.
  • Fix KCP do_read may can't dispatch upper data to user.
  • Fix behavior of yasio::wcsfmt.


  • Refactor UDP like transport, UDP client don't establish 4-tuple with peer, and provide YPOT_T_CONNECT and YPOT_T_DISCONNECT to change association.
  • Add io_service::write_to for unconnected/connected UDP transport.
  • Remove unused channel masks YCM_MCAST_CLIENT, YCM_MCAST_SERVER
  • Remove unused channel flag YCF_MCAST_LOOPBACK
  • Add new options YOPT_C_ENABLE_MCAST, YOPT_C_DISABLE_MCAST for multicast support
  • Change timer_cb_t prototype to []()->bool { }, return true for once, false for continue.
  • Add highp_timer::async_wait_once to wait timer timeout once.
  • Add yasio::xhighp_clock to retrive nanoseconds timestamp.
  • Fix xxsocket APIs connect_n, recv_n doesn't handle signal EINTR.
  • Tidy obstream/ibstream API, by default write_v/read_v use 7bit encoded int for length field.
  • Rename io_service start_service/stop_service to start/stop.
  • Fix c-ares timeout behavior.
  • Improve c-ares cleanup behavior, now destruct io_service more stable with c-ares enabled.
  • Make cxx17::string_view support unordered set/map on compilers which only support c++11 standard.
  • Use shared_ptr + shared_mutex to ensure destruct io_service safe without side affect for concurrency of name resolving.
  • Fix dns cache timeout mechanism doesn't work.
  • Simplify c-ares dns-server setup on android, when use yasio as static library, you need call yasio__jni_onload at JNI_OnLoad.
  • Fix yasio::_strfmt may crash on some incorrect use, now it's more stable on all platforms.
  • Improve behavior when kernel send buffer is full, don't sleep a fixed time, just drived by select.
  • Optimize udp transport close behavior, by default, udp transport will never close except user request, still can use io_service's option YOPT_S_IGNORE_UDP_ERROR to change this behavior.
  • Change write completion handler prototype to: std::function<void(int ec, size_t bytes_transferred)>.
  • Implement literals for cxx17::string_view.
  • Fix ssl handshake failed with certificate verify failed when cacert file provided and flag SSL_VERIFY_PEER was set.
  • Fix doesn't call io_service destructor when use lua binding library kaguya on compiler without c++14 support.
  • Add io_service::init_globals(const print_fn_t&) to support redirect initialization log to custom file(U3D/UE4 Console).
  • Improve compiler support, now support c++14, c++17, c++20.
  • Auto choose library sol2 for lua binding when cxx_std >= 14, older require cxx_std >= 17.
  • Recreate the socket_select_interrupter's sockets on error.
  • Update kcp to v1.7, the kcp older version may cause SIGBUS on mobile ARM.
  • Simplify API, remove unnecessary API io_service::reopen, please use io_service::open instead.
  • Fix crash at yasio::inet::ip::endpoint::ip() when af=0.
  • Make io_service::write to a kcp return value same as other channel.
  • Fix kcp server doesn't decode packet header.
  • Add xxsocket::disconnect to dissolve the 4-tuple association.
  • Rename option YOPT_I_SOCKOPT to YOPT_B_SOCKOPT.
  • Other code quality & stable improvements.


  • Optimize API io_service::write, add write raw buf support.
  • Fix issue: #208
  • Fix issue: #209


  • Optimize singleton implementation, see: #200
  • Explicit set socktype for getaddrinfo, see: #201
  • Improve xxsocket send_n/recv_n implementation and behavior, see: #202


  • Make c-ares works well on android 8 or later.


  • Add Initial Bytes To Strip support for length field based frame decode, use YOPT_C_LFBFD_IBTS.
  • Add SSL client support, use YASIO_HAVE_SSL to enable, YCM_SSL_CLIENT to open a channel with ssl client support.
  • Integrate c-ares support, YASIO_HAVE_CARES to enable, make sure your build system already have c-ares.
  • Optimize schedule_timer behavior, always replace timer_cb when timer exist.
  • Remove deprecated functions.
  • Remove tolua support.


  • Sync optimizations from v3.31.2.


  • Sync optimizations from v3.31.


  • Make option enums compatible with v3.31.
  • Simplify io_service state.


  • Fix missing break at set_option for YOPT_C_REMOTE_ENDPOINT.


  • Make normal concurrent queue more safe if SPSC queue is disabled.
  • Make sure udp recv buf enough at kcp transport do_read.
  • Fix io_service::write always retur 0.


  • Optimize jsb, jsb2.0 and lua binding.


  • Fix jsb2.0 bindings issue, see: #192


  • Add construct channel at io_service constructor, now all options could be set before start_service if you doesn't use the start_service with channel hostents, and mark them deprecated
  • Use cmake for trvis ci cross-platform build at win32, linux, osx, ios
  • Sync script bindings


  • Tidy option macros.
  • Add YCF_ enums to control channel to support more features.
  • Add multicast support.
  • Add a workaround implementation to support win32 udp-server.
  • Add io_service::cindex_to_handle.
  • Add ftp sever example.
  • Remove loop behavior of deadline_timer, user can schedule again when it's expired.
  • Add obstream::write_byte.
  • Add to_strf_v4 for ip::endpoint.
  • Optimizing for file transfer, avoid high cpu occupation when system kernel send buffer is full.
  • More safe to check object valid which allocated from pool.
  • Add send complete callback.
  • Mark io_service::dispatch_events deprecated, use dispatch to instead.
  • Add YCF_REUSEPORT to control whether to enable socket can bind same port, default and previous vesion is enabled.
  • Implement case insensitive starts_with, ends_with at string_view.hpp.
  • Ignore SIGPIPE for tcp at non-win32 system.
  • Remove reconnect timeout.