{% hint style="danger" %} This is a deprecated feature that will be removed in a future version of Maestro. {% endhint %}
First, install the latest version of maestro
as this functionality is available from version 1.22.0
and up.
{% content-ref url="../../../getting-started/installing-maestro/" %} installing-maestro {% endcontent-ref %}
Step 1 - Setup Maestro SDK
If you haven't already, make sure to setup Maestro SDK in your project first
{% content-ref url="../maestro-sdk/" %} maestro-sdk {% endcontent-ref %}
Step 2 - Replace base URL
Then, replace your API base url with a base url provided by Maestro SDK:
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %}
import dev.mobile.maestro.sdk.MaestroSdk
// use baseUrl as you normally would
val baseUrl = MaestroSdk.mockServer().url("https://api.company.com")
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS" %}
import Maestro_SDK
// use baseUrl as you normally would
let baseUrl = MaestroSdk.mockServer().url(baseUrl: "https://api.company.com")
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %}
import { mockServerUrl } from 'maestro-rn-sdk';
// use baseUrl as you normally would
async function getBaseUrl() {
await mockServerUrl('https://api.company.com')
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
You can then use baseUrl
as you normally would.
{% hint style="warning" %}
The URL passed in should start with https://
and should not have a trailing /, as that is added by Maestro SDK automatically. You can then access your API endpoint by sending requests to ${baseUrl}${path}
- you don't need to add /
in between.
{% endhint %}
Step 3 - Try it out
Build and run your app and you should start seeing events in the Maestro Mock Server UI!
You can run maestro mockserver init
to generate a sample rule locally that you can keep building on.