Maestro currently supports iOS Simulator builds (.app), AppStore distribution device builds (.ipa) are not currently supported. The easiest way to get an app installed on the simulator is by building and running it from Xcode (make sure that simulator target is selected):
If you want to install the .app manually, the file can be found under the Products folder at Xcode Menu:
Product -> Show Build Folder in Finder -> Then go to path Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
The .app file can then be installed on the simulator by simple dragging and dropping the file or via Xcode command line tools by running:
xcrun simctl install $DEVICE_UDID /path/to/your/app
To build an app with Xcode command line tools xcrun xcodebuild should be used. Here is an example on how to build Food Truck app for iOS simulator target:
xcrun xcodebuild -scheme 'Food Truck' \
-project 'Food Truck.xcodeproj' \
-configuration Debug \
-sdk 'iphonesimulator' \
-destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator' \
-derivedDataPath \
The .app file can be then found under /build folder
If you use fastlane for your automation pipelines the script should look the following way:
configuration: build_config[:configuration],
scheme: build_config[:scheme],
workspace: build_config[:xcode_workspace],
xcargs: "-quiet -sdk 'iphonesimulator' -destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator'",
derivedDataPath: IOS_DERIVED_DATA_PATH # this will contain the .app which we need later on