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202 lines (115 loc) · 4.74 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (115 loc) · 4.74 KB


A Leiningen plugin that shows a Clojure project's namespace dependencies as a graph, and also shows the namespace hierarchy.

This documentation tracks the master branch. Consult the relevant Git tag (e.g. 0.12.0) if you need documentation for a specific release.


An example namespace graph:

An example namespace graph


  • Graphviz must be installed. (Run dot -V at the command line to check whether you have it.)


Current version:

Clojars Project

You probably want this plugin to be available to multiple projects, so add the above coordinates to the :plugins vector of your :user profile.


Run when in a Clojure project directory.

Basic Usage

To show dependencies between Clojure namespaces:

lein nomis-ns-graph

This produces a file called nomis-ns-graph.png showing namespace dependencies within the project's .clj sources.

Specifying an Output File

To specify a different output file:

lein nomis-ns-graph :filename foo

This will produce a file named foo.png instead of the default nomis-ns-graph.png.


To show dependencies between ClojureScript namespaces:

lein nomis-ns-graph :platform cljs

The default is :platform clj.

Source Paths

To specify source paths:

lein nomis-ns-graph :source-paths "a/b c/d e/f"

The separator for the source paths can be either a space or a vertical bar (|). (I found spaces didn't work when using Git Bash on Windows. Strange.)

The defaults are the :source-paths in the project definition.

Non-Project Dependencies

To show one level of dependencies going to namespaces outside of your project:

lein nomis-ns-graph :show-non-project-deps

Inclusions and Exclusions Using a Prefix

In the following, as for source paths, the separator can be either a space or a vertical bar (|).


To include namespaces using a prefix:

lein nomis-ns-graph :inclusions "user timbre"


To exclude namespaces using a prefix:

lein nomis-ns-graph :exclusions "user timbre"

Example of Matching

For a namespace named aaa.bbb.ccc, the following strings would all match and no other strings would match:

  • aaa.bbb.ccc
  • aaa.bbb.c
  • aaa.bbb.
  • aaa.bbb
  • aaa.b
  • aaa.
  • aaa
  • aa
  • a

Inclusions and Exclusions Using a Regex


To include namespaces using a regex:

lein nomis-ns-graph :inclusions-re "^my-prefix|\.my-full-section\.|my-any-section"


To exclude namespaces using a regex:

lein nomis-ns-graph :exclusions-re "^my-prefix|\.my-full-section\.|my-any-section"

Example of Matching

For a namespace named aaa.bbb.ccc, the following regular expressions would all match:

  • ^a
  • \.bbb\.
  • b

Writing a .gv File

To write a .gv file:

lein nomis-ns-graph :write-gv-file?

lein-nomis-ns-graph uses Graphviz under the covers.

Before the .png file is produced, an intermediate Graphviz dot file format version of the namespace graph is produced.

If this option is provided, lein-nomis-ns-graph writes the intermediate version to a file. The file has the same base name as the .png file, but a .gv extension.

The Graphviz dot file format is a text format, so this is useful when developing and debugging.


No such var: ctns-find/cljs

Syntax error compiling at (leiningen/nomis_ns_graph/p200_graphing/graph.clj:68:27).
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: ctns-find/cljs

nomis-ns-graph uses features of org.clojure/tools.namespace add in v3.0.0. If there are other plugins including tools.namespace prior 3.0.0, the required symbols are not available causing issues in this plugin.

There are two workarounds for it:

  1. change the order of plugins

    :plugins [[lein-nomis-ns-graph "0.14.2"]
              [lein-kibit "0.1.6"]]
  2. exclude tools.namespace from conflicting plugin

    :plugins [[lein-kibit "0.1.6" :exclusions [org.clojure/tools.namespace]]
              [lein-nomis-ns-graph "0.14.2"]]


Inspired by the following:

The plugin itself is small; all the hard work is done by and nomis-rhizome.


Portions copyright © 2013 Hilverd Reker

Copyright © 2017-2019 Simon Katz

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.