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How to use the lernOS Canvas in WOL Circles

Simon Dückert edited this page Jul 15, 2018 · 7 revisions

The lernOS Canvas can be used to work in a Working Out Loud Circle and to document the reults from the WOL exercises in a visual way. You can also use it to tell you WOL story to other Circle members and help them to understand your WOL journey.

Paper vs. Digital Canvas Version

It’s totally up to you if you work with a paper version or a digital version of the Canvas. If you choose the paper version you should not write on the Canvas but use sticky notes so you can change anything at anytime. To keep the current version of a paper Canvas in your mind and share it with the other Circle members you can take a photo with your smartphone, post it in your group, and use the image as background of your phone.

Step 1: Preparation

  • Decide if you want to use the paper version or the digital version of the Canvas.
  • If paper: print the Canvas at least in A3. Get small stick notes and a black pen.
  • If digital: download the preferred version of the digital Canvas (e.g. PowerPoint, OneNote) and practice to use it.

Step 2: Use the Canvas in the Circle

The WOL Circle guides come in a PDF version. Instead of printing the documents and writing the results of the exercises on that printed version you can write the results on sticky notes and put it on the Canvas. If something changes you just rewrite the sticky notes or move them around on the Canvas.

This table gives you an overview which exercises will have an effect on the Canvas:

WOL No. Exercise lernOS Canvas
Week 1 1 What brought you here? -
2 Your goal for the next 12 weeks My Objectives & Key Results: formulate WOL goal as OKR
3 Create your first relationship list My Relationships: put names/roles there
Week 2 4 Intimacy levels My Relationships: put intimacy level 1-5 next to names
5 Make your first contributions My Social Networks: list networks where you found people
Week 3 6 Pay yourself first -
7 Leveraging existing networks My Social Networks: update network list and add groups you found
8 Another universal gift My Relationships: add the two people you sent a message
Week 4 9 The inbox empathy game -
10 The inbox empathy game My Knowledge Assets: add article, book, video you chose, My Relationships: add the three people you sent the ressource
Week 5 11 So much to offer My Knowledge&Skills: add knowledge domains/skills from facts list
12 Make a personal connection -
Week 6 13 Who are you? My Social Networks: add new networks and link names to your profile
14 Update your main online profile My Social Netowrks: mark your main profile (e.g. bold)
15 A better way to connect -
Week 7 16 A letter from your future self -
17 Share your aspiration My Social Networks: update main profile if necessary
Week 8 18 The habit checklist -
19 Create your own progress chart My Objectives & Key Results: use checkboxes next to OKRs
20 I‘d like to introduce you to … -
Week 9 21 Your top ten My Knowledge Assets: add your top ten resources
22 The dinner table university My Knowledge & Skills: add topics you learned something about
Week 10 23 The contribution checklist My Knowledge Assets: add contributions from checklist
24 From ad hoc to systematic My Relationships: add dates to relationships
25 Offering vulnerability -
Week 11 26 Finding tribes you care about My Social Networks: add tribes like groups in week 3
27 Who‘s leading tribes? My Relationships: add leaders or active members from the tribe
28 What‘s your lemonade stand? -
Week 12 29 Your one thing -
30 Time capsules -
31 Pay it forward -