v0.0.1-alpha.2 - 2022-07-03
- github: build
- CHANGELOG: Readme changelog
- docs: workflow badge
- api: config weixin default created user
- auth: check weixin login auth
- code: update the response code
v0.0.1-alpha.1 - 2022-07-01
- chaglog: update docs about changelog
- docs: update readme chaglog
- api: weixin user info
- core: weixin session context
- intercepter: weixin login intercepter
- interceptor: interceptor
- login: redis save more user info when login
- sql: update weixin sql
- sql: update weixin table
- go mod tidy
- update dependences
- dependences
- prettier maxlen
- eslintignore
- editor config update
- mysql redis initialized symbol
- ignore
- ignore libs stastic
- update
- update
- lang
- changelog: configure git changelog
- conf: conf
- config: update dev config
- debug: launch debugger with args
- dep: update deps
- dep: update dependences
- deps: upgrade deps
- git: language vue
- mod: tidy module
- spell: update words
- add gin docs link
- how to start
- reference
- Readme: 😇
- debug: how to use vscode debugger
- docs: create mysql user and PRIVILEGES
- docs: 😇
- docs: show partial surface 🏆
- image: add logo image
- mysql: update table name in repo table
- readme: add readme file
- sql: update sql hl
- wx: wx login core snippets
- app js
- gorm
- https pusher
- update
- update
- upgrade dependences
- upgrade main code
- errors pkg
- lang config
- post json
- admin table init sql
- update
- use gin.logger middleware
- login page complete
- router
- gaceful shutdown
- alert: alert temp
- api: authorized api
- api: login handler with all info
- api: init api server for minprogress
- api: URLSearchParams
- api: json return
- api: logout api
- api: weixin login api
- api: api querystring
- api: install execute sql all
- api: http clirent fetch api
- api: admin user query api compelete
- api: url params
- api: delete auth api available
- api: md5 handler api
- api: app auth add api
- api: assets templates dir
- api: update main.go
- api: login api
- api: execute sql
- api: query authorized api data
- api: signature api and router
- api: authorized delete api update
- api: html render
- api: authorized create & search api
- api: update used api
- api: user info api
- cache: modify the default opration method
- cache: extends wechat cache method
- client: searchparams tostring
- code: update error code
- code: business error code definition
- code: templates ext name
- component: naive ui esm browser
- components: vue3 components in browser
- config: const about error
- config: add config field
- config: update configs
- config: prod config
- config: appid for test
- configs: add configs
- configs: toml configs with env
- configs: wechat miniprogram config
- const: add new const filed
- core: core functinal available
- core: encode decode password
- core: upgrade context method and errors
- core: login logic
- core: update Kiko context
- core: DEBUG for fed live reload !important
- core: mail alert service
- core: complete custom errors handler
- core: the core framework
- core: enable error, logger, mail
- core: add headerauth get method
- core: staic, templates and context update
- core: more context methods
- core: check signature interceptor
- core: error main noticify
- dep: upate dependences
- error: withAert method
- fed: dashboard html
- fed: fed js umd libs
- fed: iife md5 to esm md5
- fed: page for query admin users list
- fed: delete auth api is available
- fed: custom network request class
- fed: simple login page use vue@3.x
- fed: use URLSearchParams encode
- fed: Non-function value encountered Non-function value encountered for default slot
- fed: cancel the api auth
- fed: use naive ui data table
- fed: patch the authorized account
- fed: authorized list
- fed: add api auth js component
- fed: patch the authorized status api
- fed: remove unusefull js lib
- fed: update naive table ui
- fed: list show authorized api
- fet: lib func
- fetch: upgrade http client
- gorm: weixin table gorm sql
- home: home page
- html: use vue@3.x,esm in browser!!
- http: kiko update
- http: kilo http client update
- http: pusher
- js: update login handler
- lib: lib umd in browser
- logger: open logger server
- login: how to save weixin user to local db
- login: login suceess cache wx user info
- login: create wx usse success and token
- menu: mymenu service
- menu: my menu repository
- metrics: metrics service is available
- middlerare: add middleware dir
- mysql: add mysql repositories
- pkg: add new common pkg
- pkg: graceful shutdown package
- pkg: common package logger
- pkg: haskids pkg
- pkg: common pkg
- pkg: common pkg
- pkg: file pkg
- pkg: mail pkg
- public: public static files
- redis: add redis repositories
- redis: add method campatable weixin
- redis: redis del method
- render: admin list page server render
- render: unnessisery page
- render: dashboard router render
- render: dashboard show env info
- render: render fed html
- reop: munu repository
- repo: mysql redis repo
- router: login interceptor
- router: redis method
- router: install render router
- router: rbac intercepter
- router: enable cors
- router: authorized create handler
- router: construst the base router sys.
- service: weixin login server & handler
- service: weixin login service
- service: menu action service
- service: authorized service create & list
- service: wx login service table query update
- service: create wx user service
- service: upgrade service update route struct
- service: wx login success & token return
- service: login service new method
- service: weixin service
- sql: wx chart user table
- sql: wx user table update
- sql: execute sql
- sql: admin menu sql
- sql: int table and table data
- sql: uesr display menu
- sql: update admin`s password
- tidy: go mod tidy
- tool: password tool func
- views: server render templates
- views: login view
- wechat: wechat login utils
- wechat: wechat login interface
- wx: the core wx login logic
- wx: wx table sql update column
- api: initialize slice in struct
- fed: string slot in h render
- service: new struct instance
- sql: redis save error secret
- tag: struct tag sytax
- tag: struct tags sytax
- wx: wx service struct field map error
- eslint: add eslint config
- js: target
- update
- add spell
- project dev utils
- add comment
- update
- public
- remove unnecessary dir
- start path update
- wechart sample code
- configs
- add comments
- comment: signature check available prod
- comments: add line coment
- config: update configs
- ftm: remove print
- html: remove not found css
- ico: update favicon.ico
- imgs: redme imgs
- playground: remane the playground code
- service: impl wechat cache interface
- wx: update wx sql table
- configs
- fed: fed static embed