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Writing SigPro Primitives

In this document you will find a step by step guide about how to write a valid SigPro primitive and contribute it to either SigPro or your own library.

0. Set up your library

If you intend to create a SigPro primitive for your own library you will need to make sure to have configured your library to allow MLBlocks to find your primitives. In order to do so, please follow these steps.

Otherwise, if you intend to contribute your primitive to the SigPro library you do not need to configure anything and you can skip this step and proceed to writing your primitive.

1. Write your Python function

Types and subtypes of functions

Once you have installed the repository, you can proceed with the creation of a transformation or aggregation function.

First of all, you need to identify the type of function that you are going to implement.

In SigPro, there are two types of functions:

  • transformations: They are functions that take time series segments as transform them into a different representation format that makes the extraction of features easier.
  • aggregations: They are functions that take the transformation outputs as input and generate one or more float values that will be used as features to solve Machine Learning problems.

The transformations and aggregations are further divided in three subtypes of functions:

  • Amplitude:
    • Transformations: The Amplitude Transformations take as input a vector of amplitude values and transform them into a new vector of amplitude values.
    • Aggregations: The Amplitude Aggregations take as input the amplitude values returned by the Amplitude Transformations and compute one or more float values out of them.
  • Frequency:
    • Transformations: The Frequency Transformations take as input a vector of amplitude values and a single float value that indicates the sampling frequency associated with the amplitude values. The output of these functions are two vectors, one indicating amplitude values and the other one indicating the associated frequency values.
    • Aggregations: The Frequency Aggregations take as input the two vectors returned by the Frequency Transformations anaggregate them into one or more float values.
  • Frequency Time:
    • Transformations: The Frequency Time Transformations take the same input as the Frequency Transformations, but instead of returning only two vectors indicating amplitude values and frequency values, they return a 2d matrix of amplitude values and 2 vectors, one indicating the frequency values, and the other one indicating the time values. Alternatively, the Frequency Time Transformations can return a single DataFrame that contains all the values.
    • Aggregations: The Frequency Time Aggregations take as input the output from the Frequency Time Transformations and generate one or more float values out of them.

Module Path

When implementing your function, you will need to write the code in a python module (a file called <your-module>.py) that needs to be placed in the right place for the type and subtype of function that you are implementing.

The paths where your python modules will need to be placed are:

  • Transformations:
    • Amplitude: sigpro/transformations/amplitude/<your-module>.py
    • Frequency: sigpro/transformations/frequency/<your-module>.py
    • FrequencyTime: sigpro/transformations/frequency_time/<your-module>.py
  • Aggregations:
    • Amplitude: sigpro/aggregations/amplitude/<your-module>.py
    • Frequency: sigpro/aggregations/frequency/<your-module>.py
    • FrequencyTime: sigpro/aggregations/frequency_time/<your-module>.py

Module Name

When writing a python module for your function, we recommend you to create one file for each primitive.

For example, if you are implementing an amplitude aggregation function called my_custom_aggregation, we recommend you to implement the corresponding function in the file sigpro/aggregations/amplitude/

However, there will be cases where multiple functions are closely related to each other, because they are very similar or use some common code, and you may want to group them together as a family of primitives. In these cases, it's acceptable to put all of them inside the same python module.

Implementation Examples

In the following sections we will show you an example of how to implement a transformation and an aggregation function.

Transformation Example

In this example, we will show you the steps to implement a Frequency Transformation that simply applies and fft transformation using numpy and then returns the real part of the returned vector and the frequency values returned by the fftfreq function, also from numpy.

We will call this function fft_real, and we will implement it in a module called

Based on the previous sections we can conclude the following properties:

  • Primitive type: transformation
  • Primitive subtype: frequency
  • Primitive Folder: sigpro/transformations/frequency/
  • Module Name:
  • Function Name: fft
  • Inputs:
    • amplitude_values
    • sampling_frequency
  • Outputs:
    • amplitude_values
    • frequency_values

Based on these properties, you can create the file sigpro/transformations/frequency/ inside the folder in which you have cloned our SigPro repository.

import numpy as np

from cms_ml.utils import frequency_converter

def fft_real(amplitude_values, sampling_frequency):
    """Apply an FFT on the amplitude values and return the real components.

    This computes the discrete Fourier Transform using the `fft` function
    from `numpy.fft` module and then extracting the real part of the
    returned vector to discard the complex components that represent
    the phase values.
    Also compute the frequency values using the `fftfreq` from the
    same module.

        amplitude_values (np.ndarray):
            A numpy array with the signal values.
        sampling_frequency (int, float or str):
            Sampling frequency value used for the signals.

            * `amplitude_values (numpy.ndarray)`
            * `frequency_values (numpy.ndarray)`
    frequency = frequency_converter(frequency)
    amplitude_values = np.real(np.fft.fft(amplitude_values))
    frequency_values = np.fft.fftfreq(len(amplitude_values), frequency)

    return amplitude_values, frequency_values

Aggregation Example

In this example, we will show you the steps to implement a Frequency Aggregation that computes the mean the given amplitude values within a specified frequency band.

We will call this function band_mean, and we will implement it in a module called

In this case, the function will have two fixed hyperparameters, min_frequency and max_frequency, with specify the lower and higher ends of the frequency band.

Based on the previous sections we can conclude the following properties:

  • Primitive type: aggregation
  • Primitive subtype: frequency
  • Primitive Folder: sigpro/aggregation/frequency/
  • Module Name:
  • Function Name: band_mean
  • Inputs:
    • amplitude_values
    • frequency_values
    • min_frequency
    • max_frequency
  • Outputs:
    • mean_band_value

Based on these properties, you can create the file sigpro/aggregation/frequency/ inside the folder in which you have cloned our SigPro repository.

import numpy as np

from sigpro.utils import frequency_converter

def band_mean(amplitude_values, frequency_values,
              min_frequency, max_frequency):
    """Compute the mean values for a specific band.

    Filter between a high and low band and compute
    the mean value for this specific band.

        amplitude_values (np.ndarray):
            A numpy array with the signal values.
        frequency_values (np.ndarray):
            A numpy array with the frequency values.
        min_frequency (int or float):
            Band minimum.
        max_frequency (int or float):
            Band maximum.
            Mean value for the given band.
    lower_frequency_than = frequency_values <= max_frequency
    higher_frequency_than = frequency_values >= min_frequency
    selected_idx = np.where(higher_frequency_than & lower_frequency_than)
    selected_values = amplitude_values[selected_idx]
    return np.mean(selected_values)

Note: Make sure to properly document the purpose of your function and the inputs and outputs as shown in the example. Also if there is an external library used your modules, make sure that it's specified in inside the list of external dependencies: install_requires.

2. Test your function with demo data

Once you have finished implementing your function you will want to test it by directly passing input data to it.

SigPro includes functions to load demo data in the exact format that each one of the different types of functions will expect:

  • get_amplitude_demo: Returns amplitude values and sampling frequency used.
  • get_frequency_demo: Returns amplitude values transformed using an fft and their corresponding frequency values.
  • get_frequency_time_demo: Returns amplitude values, frequency values and time values computed using an stft transformation. Optionally, the output format can be changed to return a pandas.DataFrame.

These functions can be found inside the module demo of sigpro and can be imported and used like this:

from sigpro.demo import get_amplitude_demo
from sigpro.demo import get_frequency_demo
from sigpro.demo import get_frequency_time_demo
from sigpro.demo import get_demo_data 

amplitude_values, sampling_frequency = get_amplitude_demo()
amplitude_values, frequency_values = get_frequency_demo()
amplitude_values, frequency_values, time_values = get_frequency_time_demo()
dataframe = get_demo_data()

In all cases, the functions will return values that correspond to a random index from the Timeseries demo returned by the sigpro.demo.get_demo function. If you want to obtain a fixed index value, you can pass the index number with the index argument, like this:

amplitude_values, sampling_frequency = get_amplitude_demo(index=100)

Testing the fft_real transformation

In order to test the fft_real, first you will import the demo data and the function in a jupyter notebook or ipython console. In this case call the get_amplitude_demo and pass its outputs to the fft_real function:

from sigpro.demo import get_amplitude_demo
from sigpro.transformations.fft import fft_real

amplitude_values, sampling_frequency = get_amplitude_demo()

output_amplitudes, output_frequencies = fft_real(

Testing the band_mean aggregation

In order to test the band_mean, first you will import the demo data and the function in a jupyter notebook or ipython console. In this case call the get_frequency_demo and pass its outputs to the band_mean function:

from import band_mean
from sigpro.demo import get_frequency_demo

amplitude_values, frequency_values = get_frequency_demo()
mean_value = band_mean(

3. Use make_primitive to create a primitive

Once you have ensured that your functions work as expected, you can convert it into a primitive by using the make_primitive function from the contributing module.

In order to use this function you will need to pass the name of the primitive, which is the name of the primitive is the complete python path of the function including the full name of the module.

For example, the names for the two functions that we created above would be:

  • sigpro.transformations.frequency.fft.fft_real

Additionally, you will need to specify any additional arguments that the function will need to extract from the context and the fixed and tunable hyperparameters that the function has.

Once this information is given, this function will:

  • Identify the type and subtype of your primitive based on its name.
  • Validate that the inputs that the primitive expects are correct for its type and subtype
  • Validate that the function also expects the specified context arguments and hyperparameters
  • Validate that there are no additional arguments that have not been specified
  • If everything is correct, create a JSON file for your primitive in the primitives folder of the repository.

You can find the complete specification of usage for this function on the Usage documentation.

Making the fft_real primitive

In order to create the fft_real primitive using the make_primitive function, you will have to import this function and call it with the name of the primitive, which in this case is the complete python path to this function: sigpro.transformations.frequency.fft.fft_real

As there are no extra context arguments or tunable hyperparameters, the creation of this function is very simple and no additional information needs to be passed:

from sigpro.contributing import make_primitive


After this, a message will be printed if the primitive JSON was successfully created in the expected path, which in this case will be sigpro.transformations.frequency.fft.fft_real.json.

If you open the file, you should see the following structure in it:

    "name": "sigpro.transformations.frequency.fft.fft_real",
    "primitive": "sigpro.transformations.frequency.fft.fft_real",
    "produce": {
        "args": [
                "name": "amplitude_values",
                "type": "numpy.ndarray"
                "name": "sampling_frequency",
                "type": "float"
        "output": [
                "name": "amplitude_values",
                "type": "numpy.ndarray"
                "name": "frequencies",
                "type": "numpy.ndarray"
    "hyperparameters": {
        "fixed": {},
        "tunable": {}

Making the band_mean aggregation primitive

Since the band_mean function has a couple of fixed hyperparameters, in order to create its JSON primitive using the make_primitive function you will need to pass the fixed hyperparameters specification as follows:

from sigpro.contributing import make_primitive

        'min_frequency': {
            'type': 'float',
        'max_frequency': {
            'type': 'float',

And the JSON sigpro/primitives/ file will be generated as follows:

    "name": "",
    "primitive": "",
    "produce": {
        "args": [
                "name": "amplitude_values",
                "type": "numpy.ndarray"
                "name": "frequency_values",
                "type": "float"
        "output": [
                "name": "value",
                "type": "float"
    "hyperparameters": {
        "fixed": {
            "min_frequency": {
                "type": "float",
            "max_frequency": {
                "type": "float",
        "tunable": {

4. Test your primitive

TODO: Explain how to set up the environment to let MLBlocks find the primitives.

Once you have created your primitive using make_primitive, there is one more step required to ensure that this primitive was correctly created, which is to test our primitive.

To do so, we have implemented the run_primitive function that will use your primitive against the demo data so you can validate that the primitive specification is correct.

This function is available in the module contributing and can be imported as follows:

from sigpro.contributing import run_primitive

The function run_primitive has the following arguments:

  • primitive (str): Complete name of the primitive or path to the primitive.
  • tunable_hyperparameter: Tunable hyperparameter with it's value.
  • fixed_hyperparameter: Fixed hyperparameter and it's value.

And it does the following steps:

  1. It loads the demo data as timeseries segments
  2. If the primitive is a frequency or frequency_time aggregation, it applies an fft or stft transformation on the demo data.
  3. It calls your primitive for each row in the data, passing the given hyperparameter values
  4. Returns a list of tuples with the outputs that your primitive generated.

Running the fft_real primitive

Considering the previously generated primitive, sigpro.transformations.frequency.fft.fft_real, first you have to import the run_primitive function and call it with the name of the primitive:

from sigpro.contributing import run_primitive

output = run_primitive(

The returned output will be a list with the output that your primitive generated for each row in the demo dataset.

Band Mean Example

Considering the previously generated primitive,, first you have to import the run_primitive function and call it with the name of the primitive:

from sigpro.contributing import run_primitive

output = run_primitive(