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Haskell and SML Implementations of the languages from EOPL

Welcome to the LETREC interpreter. Control-d to exit.
LETREC> letrec fact(n) = if zero?(n) then 1 else *(n, (fact -(n,1))) in (fact 5)

This project aims to implement the languages found in the textbook Essentials of Programming Languages, in Haskell.


The textbook implements the languages using Scheme, which is indeed a very powerful functional programming language. What about a Haskell version? This repository explores that, an intellectual exercise in implementing various languages, which will later include ideas such as such as mutable state, exceptions, then object orientation and a module system, as EOPL does.



The parser is implemented with monadic parser combinators. This is written from scratch in Haskell. Expressions are represented as inductive data types. Since Haskell is pure, exceptions are implemented with an Exceptional monad.


The interpreter is very simple. In its current form it is an environment-passing interpreter, taking an expression, environment and returning a Result Val, where Result is an alias for Exceptional Exception, where Exceptional is a type constructor of kind * -> *. This allows us to still signal errors during evaluation.

How to use


Run make to build the Haskell REPL for the language EXPLICIT-REFS. The Standard ML reference implementations can be run with SML/NJ, by typing use "ref.sml" into the SML prompt.

Standard ML Functions

The most interesting function is probably repf, which accepts a filename, parses it into the AST, runs eval over it and then uses the pretty printer to display the result. runfile reads the filename, executes it but doesn't convert the final value into a pretty printed version, which can be useful for debugging purposes. parse_tree accepts a filename and shows the parse tree for that file. Due to the way the grammar of the language is specified, you will find that adding extra parens around expressions can dramatically change its semantics. parse_tree lets you see those invisible empty string variable names that may pop up, for instance.

Program example (prime numbers with lazy streams)

[ Comments are shown with square brackets (which cannot be nested) ]

streamCar(s)  = car(s)
[ We don't have thunks so pass a dummy value ]
streamCdr(s)  = (cdr(s) 44)
take(n)       = proc(s)
                    cons((streamCar s),
                         ((take -(n,1)) (streamCdr s)))
[ Some examples of stream operations. ]
repeat(n)     = cons_stream(n, (repeat n))
addStreams(a) = proc(b) cons_stream(+(car(a),car(b)),
                                    ((addStreams (streamCdr a)) (streamCdr b)))
[ Modular arithmetic ]
mod(x) =
    let q = /(x,y) in
      let a = *(y, q) in
        -(x, a)

[ Logical not ]
not(b) = if b then false else true

[ Is n not divisible by b? ]
ndividesq(d) = proc(n) (not zero?(((mod n) d)))
filterStream(f) = proc(s)
                      (f car(s))
                                  ((filterStream f) (streamCdr s)))
                      ((filterStream f) (streamCdr s))

[ The Sieve of Eratosthenes ]
sieve(s) = cons_stream(car(s),
                       (sieve ((filterStream (ndividesq car(s)))
                                             (streamCdr s))))

[ Generate integers starting from a number ]
integersFrom(z) = cons_stream(z, (integersFrom +(z,1)))

[ Get the first twenty prime numbers ]
((take 20) (sieve (integersFrom 2)))

Usage example

Standard ML

- parse_tree "factorial.prog";
val it =
        (Zerop (Var "n"),Const 1,
         Mult (Var "n",Call (Var "fact",Sub (Var "n",Const 1))))],
     Call (Var "fact",Const 5)) : Expr
- runfile "factorial.prog";
val it = Num 120 : Val
- repf "streams.prog";
Result of evaluation: (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71)
val it = () : unit