Javascript library which implements client for decentralized file storage on SKALE chains.
- Node.js v10, 12, and v14 support
Run the following command:
npm i --save @skalenetwork/filestorage.js
To use Filestorage.js you should have SKALE endpoint.
Example: http://some.local-or-remote.node:8546
Construct new Filestorage object:
new Filestorage(web3Provider, enableLogs);
Parameter | Description |
String | object web3Provider |
URL of SKALE endpoint or one of the Web3 provider classes |
boolean enableLogs |
(optional) Enable/disable console logs |
Initialize with SKALE endpoint:
const Filestorage = require('@skalenetwork/filestorage.js');
let filestorage = new Filestorage('----SKALE ENDPOINT----');
Initialize with external web3 provider:
const Filestorage = require('@skalenetwork/filestorage.js');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3Provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('----SKALE ENDPOINT----');
let filestorage = new Filestorage(web3Provider);
To use filestorage.js in HTML you should import filestorage.min.js
from npm package:
<script src="PATH_TO_PACKAGE/@skalenetwork/filestorage.js/dist/filestorage.min.js"></script>
<script src="PATH_TO_PACKAGE/@skalenetwork/filestorage.js/dist/filestorage.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
async function downloadFile() {
let fs = new filestorage('----SKALE ENDPOINT----', true);
await fs.downloadToFile('----STORAGEPATH----');
Upload file using internal signing:
filestorage.uploadFile(address, filePath, fileBuffer, privateKey);
Upload file using external signing (Metamask, etc.):
filestorage.uploadFile(address, filePath, fileBuffer);
Parameter | Description |
String address |
Account address |
String filePath |
Path of uploaded file in account directory |
Buffer fileBuffer |
Uploaded file data |
String privateKey |
(optional) Account private key, to sign transactions internally |
Type | Description |
String |
Path of file in Filestorage |
Download file from Filestorage into browser downloads folder:
Parameter | Description |
String storagePath |
Path of file in Filestorage |
Download file from Filestorage into buffer
Parameter | Description |
String storagePath |
Path of file in Filestorage |
Type | Description |
Buffer |
File content |
Delete file using internal signing:
filestorage.deleteFile(address, filePath, privateKey);
Delete file using external signing (Metamask etc):
filestorage.deleteFile(address, filePath);
Parameter | Description |
String address |
Account address |
String filePath |
Path of the file in account directory to be deleted |
String privateKey |
(optional) Account private key, to sign transactions |
Creates directory on the specific path. To create directory using internal signing:
filestorage.createDirectory(address, directoryPath, privateKey);
Create directory using external signing (Metamask etc):
filestorage.createDirectory(address, directoryPath);
Parameter | Description |
String address |
Account address |
String directoryPath |
Path of the directory to be created |
String privateKey |
(optional) Account private key, to sign transactions |
Parameter | Description |
String storagePath |
Path of directory in Filestorage |
Deletes directory on the specific path. To delete directory using internal signing:
filestorage.deleteDirectory(address, directoryPath, privateKey);
Create directory using external signing (Metamask etc):
filestorage.deleteDirectory(address, directoryPath);
Parameter | Description |
String address |
Account address |
String directoryPath |
Path of the directory to be deleted |
String privateKey |
(optional) Account private key, to sign transactions |
Lists content of the specific directory
Parameter | Description |
String storagePath |
Path of directory in Filestorage |
of content. Each content could be file or directory.
Content Object
for file contains:
Field | Description |
String name |
File name |
String storagePath |
Path of file in Filestorage |
String isFile |
Whether content is file |
number size |
File size, in bytes |
number status |
File uploading status |
number uploadingProgress |
Upload progress, in percents |
Content Object
for directory contains:
Field | Description |
String name |
Directory name |
String storagePath |
Path of directory in Filestorage |
String isFile |
Whether content is file |
Reserve space for certain address in Filestorage in bytes.
- Note: can be called only by ALLOCATOR_ROLE (or schain owner in v1 chains)
filestorage.reserveSpace(allocatorAddress, addressToReserve, reservedSpace, privateKey);
Reserve space using external signing (Metamask etc):
filestorage.reserveSpace(allocatorAddress, addressToReserve, reservedSpace);
Parameter | Description |
String allocatorAddress |
Address with ALLOCATOR_ROLE |
String addressToReserve |
Address to reserve space for |
String reservedSpace |
Reserved space in bytes |
String privateKey |
(optional) sChain owner private key, to sign transactions |
Granting allocator role to be able to reserve space in Filestorage
- Note: can be called only by ADMIN_ROLE (on v2+ chains)
filestorage.grantAllocatorRole(adminAddress, allocatorAddress, adminPrivateKey);
Grant allocator role using external signing (Metamask etc):
filestorage.grantAllocatorRole(adminAddress, allocatorAddress, adminPrivateKey);
Parameter | Description |
String adminAddress |
String allocatorAddress |
Address to grant role for |
String adminPrivateKey |
(optional) DEFAULT_ADMIN private key, to sign transactions |
Get information about reserved space for account in bytes.
Parameter | Description |
String address |
Account address |
Parameter | Description |
Number reservedSpace |
Reserved space in bytes |
Get information about occupied (actually used) space for account in bytes.
Parameter | Description |
String address |
Account address |
Parameter | Description |
Number occupiedSpace |
Occupied space in bytes |
Get information about total space in Filestorage in bytes.
Parameter | Description |
Number space |
Total space in Filestorage in bytes |
Get information about total reserved space (sum of all reserved spaces) in bytes.
Parameter | Description |
Number reservedSpace |
Total reserved space in bytes |
git clone
cd filestorage.js
npm install
First of all, please create random files for testing:
npm run generate
To run tests locally you need environment variables defining two keypairs (account, foreign account):
: SKALE chain owner privatekeyPRIVATEKEY
: test account privatekeyFOREIGN_PRIVATEKEY
: second test account privatekey
Then execute:
npm test
Requirements to run chrome integration tests:
- Chrome v80
Required environment variables to run browser integration tests locally:
: SKALE chain owner privatekeyPRIVATEKEY
: test account privatekeyFOREIGN_PRIVATEKEY
: second test account privatekeySEED_PHRASE
: seed phrase to run metamask testsMETAMASK_PASSWORD
: password to run metamask tests (> 7 chars)
Run tests:
npm run test test/browser
npm run minify
Publishing on npm:
npm publish
The version scheme for this repo is {major}.{minor}.{patch}
For develop version scheme is {major}.{minor}.{patch}-develop.{number}
For beta version scheme is {major}.{minor}.{patch}-beta.{number}
For more details see:
Conforming to linting rules is a prerequisite to commit to filestorage.js.
npm run lint
Storage path is a label used to point to file or directory in Filestorage. It contains 2 parts through slash:
- File owner address (without 0x)
- File/directory path in owner's root directory
0x77333Da3492C4BBB9CCF3EA5BB63D6202F86CDA8/random_text.txt #Invalid storagePath
If you have any questions please ask our development community on Discord.
All contributions are made under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3. See LICENSE.