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Channel communication primitive, modelled after golang channels. Useful for communication between concurrent activities, e.g. coroutines. Plays especially well with generators or ES7 async/await, but doesn't depend on these language features. Depends on Promise being available.

Supported features:

All supported operations respect and propagate backpressure, so, for example, if you make a chan from a generator function, the function's iterator won't be advanced until the last produced value is either consumed or buffered.

Implementation status

Not ready for producution until 1.0 is released. API and semantics may change, and there may be some bugs as the code is not completely covered with unit tests yet (TBD before 1.0).

However, I encourage you to play with examples and, maybe, try using the project in some experimental or self-educational work. Please report any bugs you find and ask any questions you've got in the issues.

Quick demo

This example demonstrates how to distribute some I/O work, e.g. querying FS, processing images using GraphicsMagick, uploading data to S3, etc., in a way that maintains the following nice properties:

  • No more than a configurable number of parallel operations are being processed at any given time.
  • The process of requesting new work can be potentially asynchronous, like querying some remote service or message queue.
  • The process of consuming work results can be potentially asynchronous too, e.g. writing to disk, db, or some remote service/queue.
  • New work gets requested only when it can be processed. Optionally, new work can be requested in advance and buffered, with a reasonable upper bound, to minimize the amount of waiting for new work to process.
  • Requesting and processing of new work stops until all current results are consumed. Optionally, results can be buffered, with a reasonable upper bound, to minimize the amount of waiting for current results consumption.
  • The whole process can be cancelled at any time, without leaking resources.

This snippet shows ES7 async/await syntax, but it can be converted into ES6 with generators and co (or Bluebird's Promise.coroutine) rather trivially, and even to plain Promises, albeit not so trivially.

async function generateWork(ctx) {
  let chNewWork = chan.fromPromise(ctx.requestWork())
  let chCanSend = null
  while (true) {
    switch (await chNewWork, chCanSend, ctx.cancel )) {
      case chNewWork: // got new work
        chCanSend = chan.fromPromise(
      case chCanSend: // probably can send work
        if ( { // work sent, can request more
          chNewWork = chan.fromPromise(ctx.requestWork())
        } else {
          chCanSend = chan.fromPromise(
      case ctx.cancel:
        console.log(`work generator cancelled, reason: ${ctx.cancel.value}`)

async function worker(ctx) {
  let chWork =
  let chResult = null
  let opSendResult = null
  while (true) {
    switch (await chWork, chResult, opSendResult, ctx.cancel )) {
      case chWork: // got new work
        chResult = chan.fromPromise(ctx.performWork(chWork.value))
        chWork = null // disable input chan until the work is done and sent
      case chResult: // got work result
        opSendResult = ctx.results.send(chResult.value)
      case ctx.results: // result sent, can query more work
        chWork =
        opSendResult = null
      case ctx.cancel: // cancelled
        console.log(`worker cancelled, reason: ${ctx.cancel.value}`)

function run(opts) {
  let workBufferSize = Math.ceil(opts.maxParallel * opts.workBufferingRatio)
  let resultsBufferSize = Math.ceil(opts.maxParallel * opts.resultsBufferingRatio)
  let chResults = chan(resultsBufferSize)
  let ctx = {
    requestWork: opts.requestWork,
    performWork: opts.performWork,
    work: chan(workBufferSize),
    results: chResults.sendOnly,
    cancel: chan.signal()
  for (let i = 0; i < opts.maxParallel; ++i) {
    worker(i, ctx).catch(opts.onError)
  return {
    results: chResults.takeOnly,
    cancel: (reason) => {

let processor = run({
  requestWork: requestSomeWork, // function that returns a Promise of new work
  performWork: performSomeWork, // function that returns a Promise of result for a given work
  maxParallel: 4,
  workBufferingRatio: 1.5,
  resultsBufferingRatio: 0,
  onError: err => console.log(err.stack)

// processor.results is a channel with work results
// call processor.cancel(reason) to cancel the whole process any time

Please see the complete working example.


You can find all examples inside the _examples directory. Run them by cloning this repo, doing npm install and then ./run-example _examples/path/to_example.js (requires Node 4 or later). The run-example script configures Node to transpile ES6/7 syntax used in examples to a subset of ES6 suported in Node.js v4 (using Babel).

There are three sub-directories inside _examples: async-await, generators-co and promises. Examples with the same name implement the same logic, and should give the same, or very similar, output. So _examples/async-await/1-buffer.js, _examples/generators-co/1-buffer.js and _examples/promises/1-buffer.js differ only in the used language features.



To install from NPM:

npm i -S cochan

Basic operations

To create a channel, use chan() function:

var chan = require('cochan')
var ch = chan()

The function accepts optional argument that sets the number of items that this channel can buffer (defaults to 0):

var bufferedCh = chan(3)

To send a value to a channel, use send(value):

ch.send('some value')

The send() function returns a Promise that gets resolved when the value is either received by someone, or buffered inside the channel:

var pReceived = ch.send('some value')
pReceived.then(() => console.log('the value is either buffered or received'))

To receive (take, consume) a value from a channel, use take(). It returns a Promise that gets resolved with the received value, when one is available in the channel:

var pValue = ch.take()
pValue.then(value => console.log('received value:', value))

Only one consumer can receive a given value. This is the main semantic difference between channels and Observable/FRP patterns, where the same value gets observed by all current consumers.

Basic operations: async-await.
Buffering: async-await, generators-co, plain-promises.


To close a channel, use close(). It waits for consumption of all values that are already sent to this channel, but not yet consumed, and then closes the channel. Returns a Promise that gets resolved when the channel is completely closed:

var pClosed = ch.close()
pClosed.then(() => console.log('channel completely closed'))

After you call close(), but before the all items are consumed, the channel is in "closing" state. You can check this by accessing isActive and isClosed properties; isActive means "is not closing or closed":

ch.send('some value')
console.log(ch.isActive, ch.isClosed) // true, false

console.log(ch.isActive, ch.isClosed) // false, false

console.log(ch.isActive, ch.isClosed) // false, true

To close a channel immediately, discarding any non-consumed values that are currently enqueued to the channel, use closeNow():


When you close a channel, all consumers that are currently waiting for the next value receive chan.CLOSED. All new consumers immediately receive the same value upon attempt to take(). It is a good practice to always test for it:

ch.take().then(value => {
  if (value == chan.CLOSED) {
    console.log('channel closed')
  } else {
    console.log('got new value:', value)

For convenience, chan.CLOSED is also available via all chan instances:

var ch = chan()
console.log(ch.CLOSED === chan.CLOSED) // true

All attempts to send a value into a closed or closing channel will fail:

ch.send('some value')
  .then(() => console.log('sent'))
  .catch(err => console.log(err)) // Error: attempt to send into a closed channel

When you use closeNow() function, all currently waiting sends will fail too:

var ch = chan()
ch.send('some value')
  .then(() => console.log('sent'))
  .catch(err => console.log(err))
ch.closeNow() // The send above fails with "Error: channel closed"

To test whether a channel can accept new values (i.e. not closed or closing), use canSend property:

var ch = chan()
console.log(ch.canSend) // true

console.log(ch.canSend) // false

Basic operations: async-await.

Synchronous operations

The send() function has one disadvantage: it always returns a Promise. It means that, in order to ensure that the sent items are either consumed or buffered before sending the next one, you always need to wait until the returned Promise is resolved. And each Promise gets resolved not earlier than on the next event loop tick, even if the channel can accept the next item immediately (e.g. the channel is a buffered one, or there are consumers waiting for a value on that channel).

The take() function is no different: even if there are multiple values already sitting in the channel buffer, and/or there are multiple waiting publishers, the returned Promise gets resolved only on the next tick. This is a property of all Promises that prevents them from releasing Zalgo.

Sometimes you'd want to send/take as much values as possible at once, e.g. for performance or synchronization reasons. That's where sendSync(value) and takeSync() come to the rescue. They return true when synchorous sending/consuming succeeded, and false otherwise. To obtain consumed value of successful takeSync(), use value property of the channel.

There are also canSendSync and canTakeSync properties that can be used to determine whether sendSync() and takeSync() will succeed if you call them immediately after.

// producer
while (items.length) {
  let item = items.shift()
  if (!ch.sendSync(item)) {
    await ch.send(item)

// consumer
while (true) {
  let item = ch.takeSync() ? ch.value : await ch.take()
  if (item !== chan.CLOSED) {
    console.log('got item:', ch.value)
  } else {
    console.log('channel closed')

Another pair of related functions are maybeCanSendSync() and maybeCanTakeSync(). They return a Promise that gets resolved when there is an opportunity to send/consume a value synchronously (in which case the returned promise resolves with true), or the channel is closed (in which case the promise resolves with false). Please note that these functions do not guarantee that you'll be able to actually send/consume a value synchronously, but instead just provide a hint that you can try and succeed with a high probability.

Batching: async-await.

Selection from a set of operations

The function allows to perform the first available send/take operation from the provided set, and discard all others. Besides this, it tells you which channel that operation was performed on.

For example, to consume the first value that appears in a set of channels, and find out which channel that value came from, you can do this:, ch2.take()).then(ch => {
  switch(ch) {
    case ch1: console.log('received a value from ch1:', ch1.value); break
    case ch2: console.log('received a value from ch2:', ch2.value); break
    case chan.CLOSED: console.log('both ch1 and ch2 are closed'); break

Send a value to channel a, or receive a value from channel b, whichever comes first:'some value'), b.take()).then(ch => {
  switch(ch) {
    case a: console.log('sent a value to a'); break
    case b: console.log('received a value from b:', ch2.value); break
    case chan.CLOSED: console.log('nothing was done: both a and b have closed'); break

When several operations from the provided set can be performed simultaneously, the operation to perform gets selected randomly.

As a shortcut, for receive operations you can skip the .take() call and just pass the channel:, ch2).then(ch => {
  switch(ch) {
    case ch1: console.log('received a value from ch1:', ch1.value); break
    case ch2: console.log('received a value from ch2:', ch2.value); break
    case chan.CLOSED: console.log('both ch1 and ch2 are closed'); break

The non-blocking counterpart of is chan.selectSync(...ops). It either synchronously performs an operation and returns the channel that the operation was performed on, or returns null if there are no operations in the provided set that can be performed synchronously, or returns chan.CLOSED if all non-timeout channels are closed.

Note the difference from the golang select operation, where receive operations proceed as soon the corresponding channel has closed. In contrast, doesn't treat receive operations on closed channels as able to proceed, despite the fact that such operations outside of chan.take() can proceed immediately, yielding chan.CLOSED. Instead,, if needed, blocks until some other operation become available. Only when all passed channels are closed, it returns chan.CLOSED. This behavior may change in future, but for now it seems to be more useful than the golang's one.

Selection from multiple take operations: async-await.
Selection from multiple take and send operations: async-await.
Batched selection: async-await.
Cancellation using select: async-await.
Timeout using select: async-await.
Send/receive with piped channels: async-await.

Timeouts and signals

To create a timeout channel, use chan.timeout(ms[, msg]). The created channel can be used in combination with to add a configurable timeout to some send/receive operation or a set of operations:

var chTimeout = chan.timeout(5000) // to pass optional message, use second arg, ch2, chTimeout).then(ch => {
  switch(ch) {
    case ch1: console.log('got value from ch1:', ch1.value); break
    case ch2: console.log('got value from ch2:', ch2.value); break
    case chan.CLOSED: console.log('both ch1 and ch2 are closed'); break
}).catch(err => console.log(err)) // will go here on timeout

If none of the other operations inside select() statement are able to complete before the timeout, the Promise returned from select() call gets rejected with a timeout error. Similarly, the selectSync() call will throw if one of its operations is a take from a timeout channel which timeout has already passed.

In fact, timeout channels are very special. Once the timeout is reached, they return an error to all current consumers, and keep returning errors to any future consumers. This allows you to define the single timeout channel for some long-running complex operation, and then use that channel in various places in the code. That way, all running operations will be interrupted at the time of a timeout.

Another special kind of channels is signal channels. They are very similar to timeout channels, but return some value instead of an error, and get triggered not after some delay, but manually using the trigger(value) function. This allows you to easily make channels that communicate some message to all their consumers, without the need to know the number of consumers. For example, they can be used to notify all workers that they need to cancel:

let chCancel = chan.signal()

for (let i = 0; i < numWorkers; ++i) {
  worker(chWork, chResults, chCancel).catch(handleWorkerError)

function cancelAllWorkers() {

function worker(chWork, chResults, chCancel) {
  while (true) {
    switch(await chCancel /**, some other chans and operations **/ )) {
      case chCancel:
        console.log('cancelled, reason:', chCancel.value)
      // other cases...

chan.timeout() and chan.signal(): async-await.
Select + timeout: async-await.
Select + timeout (another example): async-await.
Select with cancellation: async-await.


Sometimes you'll want to merge the output of multiple channels into one, and close that resulting channel when all source channels have closed. The chan.merge(...chans) helper function does exactly this, respecting backpressure generated by the output channel.

This is somewhat similar to, but differs in that you are not interested from which channel each output value came from, and you get a channel instead of performing one-time receive operation.

var chMerged = chan.merge(ch1, ch2, ch3)

The function supports optional last argument, in which wou can pass the following options (default values are shown):

var chMerged = chan.merge(ch1, ch2, ch3, {
  bufferSize: 0 // buffer size of the resulting merge channel

The resulting channel is read-only, i.e. you cannot send a value or pipe a stream into it. However, you can close it, which will stop consuming new values from input chans immediately. Otherwise, the channel will be closed as soon as all non-timeout input chan are closed.

Merging channels: async-await.

Making a channel from a Promise

To convert a Promise to a channel, use chan.fromPromise(promise). The resulting channel will produce exactly one value/error and then immediately close.

var ch = chan.fromPromise(somePromise)

chan.fromPromise(): async-await.

Iterables, iterators and generators

To make a channel from an iterable, use chan.fromIterable(iterable[, opts]):

var ch1 = chan.fromIterable('abc') // will produce 'a', 'b', 'c', and then close
var ch2 = chan.fromIterable([1, 2, 3]) // will produce 1, 2, 3, and then close

This function obtains an iterator from an iterable, exhausts it, sending all produced values into the resulting channel, and then closes the channel. The second optional argument allows to pass additional options (defaults are shown):

var ch = chan.fromIterable('abc', {
  output: undefined, // use the passed channel as output, instead of creating a new one
  closeOutput: true, // close the output channel when the iterator is exhausted
  bufferSize: 0, // what buffer size to use when creating output channel
  sendRetval: false, // whether to send the last value of iterator (when state.done == true)
  async: false // allow async iteration (see next section for details)

If you want to make a channel from an already-obtained or custom iterator (instead of an iterable), use chan.fromIterator(iter[, opts]). It supports the same set of options:

var arrayIter = [ 1, 2, 3 ][ Symbol.iterator ]()
var arrayChan = chan.fromIterator(arrayIter)

var myIter = new MyCustomIter()
var myIterChan = chan.fromIterator(myIter, { sendRetval: true })

And, finally, you can also make a channel from a generator with chan.fromGenerator(gen[, opts]) function. Again, it supports the same options as chan.fromIterable() and chan.fromIterator():

function* $generator(x) {
  yield 1
  yield x
  return 2

let genChan = chan.fromGenerator($generator(33), { sendRetval: true })
// produces 1, 33, 2, and then closes

The sendRetval option, in the case of generators, defines whether the value produced by return (instead of yield) statement should be sent to the channel. Please note that all functions end with a return statement, even if you don't specify it explicitly, in which case an implicit return undefined will be appended automatically by the JavaScript VM.

Iterator: async-await.
Generator: async-await.

Async generators

Converting a generator into a channel is cool, but generators have one limitation: they are synchronous. This means that you can't get some Promise, wait until it resolves, and only then send the result into a channel.

Some libraries, like co, allow to turn generators into an async-like functions, with yield meaning the same as await:

function* $asyncGenerator() {
  let result1 = yield promiseReturningX()
  let result2 = yield promiseReturningY()
  return result1 + result2

let promise = co($asyncGenerator())
promise.then(result => console.log('result:', result))

But then you lose the ability to use yield for sending a value into a channel, because yield now means "await a Promise" and, moreover, you cannot pass the resulting thing into chan.fromGenerator(), like this:

let ch = chan.fromGenerator(co($asyncGenerator))

That's because co($asyncGenerator) returns a Promise, and chan.fromGenerator() expects a generator. One possible solution is to forget about chan.fromGenerator(), and just use chan.send() to send values into the channel:

function* $asyncGenerator(ch) {
  let result1 = yield promiseReturningX()
  yield ch.send(result1)
  let result2 = yield promiseReturningY()
  yield ch.send(result2)

let ch = chan()
co($asyncGenerator(chan)).then(result => console.log(result))

But now you may as well use async/await instead of generators and co:

async function asyncFn(ch) {
  let result1 = await smthThatReturnsPromise()
  await ch.send(result1)
  let result2 = await smthThatReturnsPromise()
  await ch.send(result2)

let ch = chan()
asyncFn(chan).then(result => console.log(result))

But there is another option: use chan.fromGenerator() with async option set to true.

function* $asyncGenerator() {
  let result1 = yield smthThatReturnsPromise() // behaves like await
  yield result1 // behaves like send()
  let result2 = yield smthThatReturnsPromise() // behaves like await
  yield result2 // behaves like send()

let ch = chan.fromGenerator($asyncGenerator, { async: true })

It works as follows: when you yield a Promise, then this promise is awaited and the result returned back into the function, just like with the await keyword in an async function. But if you yield a non-Promise value, it will be sent into the resulting channel, and the execution of the function will be resumed after the sent value is either buffered or consumed.

Instead of true, you can pass to opts.async an object of the following shape:

  getRunnableType: (value: any) -> (null | any),
  runner: (value: any, type: any) -> (Promise | any)

The getRunnableType(value) function is called each time a generator yields some value, which is passed into the only argument of that function. If it returns undefined or null, then the value is considered a usual value and gets sent into a channel. Otherwise, the value is considered a runnable.

In that case, the runner(value, type) function is called, with the runnable passed to the first argument, and the type returned from getRunnableType(value) to the second, and its return value is inspected. If this function returns a non-Promise value or throws an error, the returned value or error is sent back into the generator immediately, i.e. the value is returned (and the error is thrown) from the yield operation. Otherwise, the returned Promise is awaited on, and the resulting value/error is sent back into the generator when that Promise settles.

The async option is also supported by chan.fromIterator() and chan.fromIterable() functions.

When you pass async: true, it gets replaced with the default async options described above, i.e. runner and getRunnableType that are designed to run Promises. You can change these defaults with chan.setAsyncDefaults(asyncOpts) function:

  getRunnableType: myGetRunnableType,
  runner: myRunner

This setting will affect all future calls of chan.fromIterable(), chan.fromIterator() and chan.fromGenerator() in which opts.async is set to true.

Async generator: async-await.


To send all values from an object-mode Streams2/3 stream to a channel, respecting backpressure generated by the channel, use stream.pipe(chan). It works because each normal channel is also a Streams3 writable stream:

function streamToChan(stream) {
  var ch = chan(5)
  ch.on('error', err => console.log(err))
  return ch
  // the shorter, but not so readable, version:
  // return stream.pipe(chan(5)).on('error', err => console.log(err))

Note the error event handler attached to a channel. When you pipe some stream into a channel, or use Streams-specific chan::write() or chan::end() functions, any attempt to write into a closed channel will emit error event, which will crash your app unless you handle it.

In the snippet above, this could happen if you manually closed the channel returned from streamToChan().

Also note that, when you pipe some stream into a channel, and that source stream ends, it will end (close) the channel too. This is a standard Streams behavior.

Piping a stream into a chan: async-await.

Unidirectional channels

Sometimes, you know that some code that you're giong to pass a channel to should only consume from that channel, or only produce into it. In such cases, for enforcing correctness you can convert the channel into a take-only or send-only one. This is done with takeOnly and sendOnly properties:

let ch = chan()


These properties don't modify the original channel, but instead return a proxy that delegates all allowed operations to the original channel, and throw on any attempt to perform a prohibited operation.

Take-only channels allow consuming from a channel, both synchronously and asynchronously. Send-only channels allow producing into a channel (sync & async), and closing a channel.

Unidirectional channels: async-await.
Demo: async-await.

Test coverage (WIP)

Please note that functions coverage numbers are currently incorrect (less than expected) due to an issue in nyc/istanbul.

File                 |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |
 src/                |       75 |    63.23 |    65.54 |    75.52 |
  chan.js            |    94.01 |    92.09 |      100 |    94.25 |
  constants.js       |    94.44 |      100 |      100 |    94.12 |
  event-emitter.js   |    47.67 |    33.33 |    42.86 |    51.32 |
  index.js           |    74.46 |       48 |       50 |    74.43 |
  iterator.js        |     13.1 |        0 |        0 |    13.41 |
  merge.js           |     99.1 |    95.96 |    90.91 |    99.06 |
  pool.js            |    86.21 |     62.5 |      100 |    86.21 |
  pools.js           |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |
  schedule.js        |    47.06 |       50 |        0 |    53.85 |
  select.js          |    98.06 |    96.59 |      100 |    98.01 |
  special-chans.js   |    70.97 |     49.3 |    80.95 |    71.77 |
  thenable.js        |    94.59 |    59.26 |    88.89 |    94.59 |
  unidirectional.js  |    17.53 |    13.64 |    55.56 |    17.53 |
  utils.js           |    65.08 |    34.62 |    54.55 |    66.13 |
  writable-stream.js |    43.33 |       40 |       50 |    43.33 |
All files            |       75 |    63.23 |    65.54 |    75.52 |


  • API docs.
  • Cover with tests: special chans, unidirectional chans, streams, event emitter, iterator/generator.
  • Provide missing examples for generators-co and plain-promises.
  • Support async iteration?


JavaScript channel communication primitive







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