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# Example from https://www.continuum.io/blog/developer/blaze-datasets
# Modified to demonstrate pretty printing.
{battingpost: var * {yearID: ?int32, round: ?string, playerID: ?string, teamID: ?string, lgID: (?string, int128, 5 * 10 * {a: complex[float64], b: ?int32}), G: ?int32, AB: ?int32, R: ?int32, H: (Dim... * int32, ... * int32) -> int32, B: (Dim... * int32, ...) -> int32, HR: {a: 10 * float128, b: var * int32, ...}, RBI: ?int32, SB: ?int32, CS: ?int32, BB: ?int32, SO: ?int32, IBB: ?int32, HBP: ?int32, SH: ?int32, SF: ?int32, GIDP: ?int32, AString: fixed_string[100,'utf32'], BString: fixed_string[100], CBytes: bytes[align=16], DBytes: fixed_bytes[1600, align=16]}, awardsmanagers: var * {managerID: ?string, awardID: ?string, yearID: ?int32, lgID: ?string, tie: ?string, notes: ?string}, hofold: var * {hofID: ?string, yearid: ?int32, votedBy: ?string, ballots: ?int32, votes: ?int32, inducted: ?string, category: ?string}, salaries: var * {yearID: ?int32, teamID: ?string, lgID: ?string, playerID: ?string, salary: ?float64}, pitchingpost: var * {playerID: ?string, yearID: ?int32, round: ?string, teamID: ?string, lgID: ?string, W: ?int32, L: ?int32, G: ?int32, GS: ?int32, CG: ?int32, SHO: ?int32, SV: ?int32, IPouts: ?int32, H: ?int32, ER: ?int32, HR: ?int32, BB: ?int32, SO: ?int32, BAOpp: ?float64, ERA: ?float64, IBB: ?int32, WP: ?int32, HBP: ?int32, BK: ?int32, BFP: ?int32, GF: ?int32, R: ?int32, SH: ?int32, SF: ?int32, GIDP: ?int32}, managers: var * {managerID: ?string, yearID: ?int32, teamID: ?string, lgID: ?string, inseason: ?int32, G: ?int32, W: ?int32, L: ?int32, rank: ?int32, plyrMgr: ?string}, teams: var * {yearID: ?int32, lgID: ?string, teamID: ?string, franchID: ?string, divID: ?string, Rank: ?int32, G: ?int32, Ghome: ?int32, W: ?int32, L: ?int32, DivWin: ?string, WCWin: ?string, LgWin: ?string, WSWin: ?string, R: ?int32, AB: ?int32, H: ?int32, B: ?int32, B: ?int32, HR: ?int32, BB: ?int32, SO: ?int32, SB: ?int32, CS: ?int32, HBP: ?int32, SF: ?int32, RA: ?int32, ER: ?int32, ERA: ?float64, CG: ?int32, SHO: ?int32, SV: ?int32, IPouts: ?int32, HA: ?int32, HRA: ?int32, BBA: ?int32, SOA: ?int32, E: ?int32, DP: ?int32, FP: ?float64, name: ?string, park: ?string, attendance: ?int32, BPF: ?int32, PPF: ?int32, teamIDBR: ?string, teamIDlahman45: ?string, teamIDretro: ?string}}