Dockerfile for running FreeSWITCH in a Docker container.
Base image: debian:jessie
Exposed ports:
- 5060 TCP/UDP
- 1813 TCP/UDP
- 5080 TCP/UDP
- 5061 TCP/UDP
- 5081 TCP/UDP
- 7443 TCP
- 64535-65535 UDP
- 16384-32768 UDP
Volumes: None
To quickly launch through Docker-compose, run the following command:
docker-compose up -d
For docker image build:
docker build -t freeswitch .
For docker container run:
docker run -d --name=freeswitch -p 5060:5060 -p 1813:1813 \
-p 5080:5080 -p 5061:5061 -p 5081:5081 -p 7443:7443 -p 5070:5070 \
-p 64535-65535:64535-65535 \
For the most part used the default "vanilla" configuration that FreeSWITCH installs in /usr/share/freeswitch/conf/vanilla. However, we do override some of the configuration options. The changes are as follows:
Disable console colorizing as this seems to break some logging systems.
Bind to instead of :: to disable IPv6 (which has issues as described above).
This file is renamed to prevent FreeSWITCH from setting up an example (and non-functional) SIP gateway.
These files are renamed to disable IPv6 SIP profiles.