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Project 0: Setup

Due: September 14, 2021 at 11:59 PM

This project is simply to get your system ready. You will "submit" this project for a grade. The good-faith attempt (GFA) rule does not apply to this project.

Start with the Instructions!

Table of Contents

Languages and Packages

In this course, we will primarily be using Ruby and OCaml. Below is a summary of the packages that need to be installed. You do not need to use these links, they are just for reference or learning more about the languages and/or packages. You can skip below to the instructions.


First, you will need to clone this repository to your local filesystem. You'll only have to do this once this semester (unless you have multiple computers or delete the repository). To do this, run:

git clone

The files in the project0 folder will be used for the Verifying Setup section at the bottom.

The following sections will help you install the necessary packages and programs on your operating system. Some steps may take a long time, please be patient. Read all instructions very carefully.

The output of each command is important, please pay careful attention to what each one prints. If you encounter an error message, do not ignore it. We will be available in office hours to help you get set up if you run into problems. As a general rule, no output means the command executed successfully.

Please skip to the section below that corresponds with your operating system.

Linux (NOT WSL)

These instructions assume you have a Debian-based system (e.g. Ubuntu). If you have a different distribution, you will have to find and download the corresponding packages in your native package manager. Note that the packages there may have slightly different names.

  1. Firstly, install the basic dependencies:
    • Run sudo apt update to update your local package listing
    • Run sudo apt install ruby-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev ocaml ocaml-native-compilers camlp4 make m4 curl graphviz libssl-dev pkg-config
  2. Install some Ruby gems
    • Run sudo gem install minitest sqlite3 sinatra
    • If it hangs on Installing ri documentation for sinatra, just hit Ctrl+C. It will have successfully installed anyway
  3. Install and initialize the OCaml package manager
    • Run sh <(curl -sL (when prompted for the installation location, just hit enter to select the default)
      • Run opam --version. You should be on version 2 (followed by some versions, just make sure the major version is 2). Check out the manual if this is not the case, you may have to follow special directions for your particular operating system and version.
      • If you encounter any issues, or are running a different flavor of linux, check out the manual
    • Run opam init
    • If it hangs at "Fetching repository information" press Enter. This may take a while, be patient
    • When prompted to modify ~/.profile (or another file), type "n", but remember the filename
    • Open ~/.profile (or the file mentioned above) in your text editor
    • Add the line eval `opam config env` (note these are backticks, not single quotes)
    • Save the file
    • Run source ~/.profile (or the file you just edited)
  4. Initialize OCaml
    • We will be using OCaml version 4.11.0. Run ocaml -version to check which version is currently installed
    • If you are already on 4.11.0, you can skip to #5
    • Run opam update
    • If you are on another version, run opam switch 4.11.0. If you get an error saying that switch is not currently installed, run opam switch create 4.11.0. This may take a while, please be patient
    • Run eval $(opam env)
    • Ensure you are now on the correct version by running ocaml -version
  5. Install OCaml packages
    • Run opam install ocamlfind ounit utop dune qcheck
  6. Install Rust
    • Go to and run the installation command provided
    • If prompted, just select the defaults
    • Append ~/.cargo/bin to the PATH environment variable. Frist, do echo $SHELL.
      • If echo $SHELL gives /bin/zsh, do echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc
      • If echo $SHELL gives /bin/bash, do echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
  7. Install gradescope-submit
    • Run cargo install gradescope-submit. If this fails, try closing and re-opening your terminal window.


This will only work on Windows 10. If you are on an older version, you will probably need to set up a Linux VM.

  1. Follow the directions here to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux
  2. Install the basic dependencies:
    • Run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade to update your local package listing
    • Run sudo apt install ruby-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev ocaml ocaml-native-compilers camlp4 make m4 curl graphviz libssl-dev pkg-config
  3. Install some Ruby gems
    • Run sudo gem install minitest sqlite3 sinatra
    • If it hangs on Installing ri documentation for sinatra, just hit Ctrl+C. It will have successfully installed anyway
  4. Install and initialize the OCaml package manager
    • Run sh <(curl -sL (when prompted for the installation location, just hit enter to select the default)
      • Run opam --version. You should be on version 2 (followed by some versions, just make sure the major version is 2). Check out the manual if this is not the case, you may have to follow special directions for your particular operating system and version.
      • If you encounter any issues, or are running a different flavor of linux, check out the manual
    • Run opam init --disable-sandboxing
    • If it hangs at "Fetching repository information" press Enter. This may take a while, be patient
    • When prompted to modify ~/.profile (or another file), type "n", but remember the filename
    • Open ~/.profile (or the file mentioned above) in your text editor
    • Add the line eval `opam config env` (note these are backticks, not single quotes)
    • Save the file
    • Run source ~/.profile (or the file you just edited)
  5. Initialize OCaml
    • We will be using OCaml version 4.11.0. Run ocaml -version to check which version is currently installed
    • If you are already on 4.11.0, you can skip to #6
    • Run opam update
    • If you are on another version, run opam switch 4.11.0. If you get an error saying that switch is not currently installed, run opam switch create 4.11.0. This may take a while, please be patient
    • Run eval $(opam env)
    • Ensure you are now on the correct version by running ocaml -version
  6. Install OCaml packages
    • Run opam install ocamlfind ounit utop dune qcheck
  7. Install Rust
    • Go to and run the installation command provided
    • If prompted, just select the defaults
    • Append ~/.cargo/bin to the PATH environment variable. Frist, do echo $SHELL.
      • If echo $SHELL gives /bin/zsh, do echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc
      • If echo $SHELL gives /bin/bash, do echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
  8. Install gradescope-submit
    • Run cargo install gradescope-submit. If this fails, try closing and re-opening your terminal window.


Check the Special macOS Instructions to check if you need to follow any special steps, then come back here.

  1. Install the Homebrew package manager (Updated in Fall 2021)
    • Run /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Check your Ruby version by running ruby -v. If it's older than 2.2.2, you'll need to install a newer version using brew install ruby
  3. Install the basic dependencies
    • Run brew install ocaml opam graphviz openssl
  4. Install some Ruby gems
    • Run sudo gem install minitest sqlite3 sinatra
    • If it hangs on Installing ri documentation for sinatra, just hit Ctrl+C. It will have successfully installed anyway
  5. Initialize the OCaml package manager
    • Run opam init
    • When prompted to modify ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile (or similar file), type "y"
    • Run source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bash_profile (or the file mentioned above)
  6. Initialize OCaml
    • We will be using OCaml version 4.12.0. Run ocaml -version to check which version is currently installed
    • If you are already on 4.12.0, you can skip to #7
    • Run opam update
    • If you are on another version, run opam switch 4.12.0. If you get an error saying that switch is not currently installed, run opam switch create 4.12.0. This may take a while, please be patient
    • Run eval $(opam env)
    • Ensure you are now on the correct version by running ocaml -version
  7. Install OCaml packages
    • Run opam install ocamlfind ounit utop dune qcheck
  8. Install Rust
    • Go to and run the installation command provided
    • If prompted, just select the defaults
    • Append ~/.cargo/bin to the PATH environment variable. Frist, do echo $SHELL.
      • If echo $SHELL gives /bin/zsh, do echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc
      • If echo $SHELL gives /bin/bash, do echo "export PATH=\"$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
  9. Install gradescope-submit
    • Run cargo install gradescope-submit. If this fails, try closing and re-opening your terminal window.

Verifying Setup

This is the graded part of this project. To verify that you have the correct versions installed, run ruby test/public/public.rb in this directory. You should not get any errors. This will create a file called Submit this file by running gradescope-submit in the project folder. You will have to enter your credentials the first time, but for future projects you should not have to. Alternatively, you can manually submit the file to Gradescope by uploading the file to the appropriate assignment.

Problem with OPAM?

If you are failing the public test with error "The wrong version of OPAM is installed. Expected '2.0' Actual '2.1'", modify line 10 in public.rb from




gradescope-submit Troubleshooting

Incorrect Passwords

Make sure that the email address and password you entered is of the account where your CMSC 330 course enrollment shows up. (If you login through "school credentials" option and don't remember your Gradescope password, please reset it.) Great chances are that people have multiple Gradescope accounts, and it is suggested to merge them before trying to submit by the program.

HTTP Errors

Remove the gradescope-submit config file by doing rm -r ~/.gradescope-submit. Then, refer to the troubleshooting for incorrect passwords and try it again.

Special macOS Instructions

Do you have a Mac with an Apple Silicon (M1) chip?

Follow the directions for macOS, but do the following for Step 6 instead:

  • We will be using OCaml version 4.12.0. Run ocaml -version to check which version is currently installed
  • If you are already on 4.12.0, you can skip to the final step in this list.
  • Run opam update
  • If you are on another version, run opam switch 4.12.0. If you get an error saying that switch is not currently installed, run opam switch create 4.12.0.
  • To wrap up, let's make sure you don't fail the validation test. Modify line 9 in public.rb from
    OCAML_VERSION = "4.11"
    OCAML_VERSION = "4.12"

Do you have a Mac running an older version of macOS?

Verify you're running an older version of macOS. Either click the Apple button in the menubar in the top-left and click "About This Mac", or else run sw_vers from the terminal.

Follow the directions for macOS, but with some changes.

  • Step 3.
    • Instead do brew install ocaml opam
  • Step 10. Install OpenSSL.
    • Run brew edit openssl
    • Edit the file that's opened
      • NOTE: By default, Homebrew will put you in vim for this. If you're not familiar with vim: type i to switch to a regular editing mode, make the changes below, then (when you're done) hit ESC followed by :wq, then press ENTER.
      • Scroll to the line args = %W[
      • At the bottom of this list (which should have items like --prefix=#{prefix}, --openssldir=#{openssldir}, no-ssl3, etc), add a new line:
        • -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include
      • Save and close the file.
      • You can look at this Stack Overflow answer to see what it should look like.
    • Run brew install openssl@1.1
  • Step 11. Install dependencies.
    • Run brew install readline sqlite xz python@3.9 ninja meson libffi pcre glib sphinx-doc cmake jasper netpbm gts util-macros xtrans xcb-proto libpthread-stubs xorgproto libxau libxdmcp libxcp libx11 libxext libxrender lzo pixman cairo gobject-introspection libssh2 gdk-pixbuf fribidi graphite2 icu4c harfbuzz pango libtool automake gtk-doc pkgconfig
  • Step 12. Install librsvg from source.
    • Create a temporary directory: mkdir /tmp/cmsc330
    • Go there: cd /tmp/cmsc330
    • Clone the librsvg repository: git clone
    • Enter it: cd librsvg
    • Run export XML_CATALOG_FILES="/usr/local/etc/xml/catalog"
    • Run the configuration script: ./ --enable-gtk-doc
    • Run make
    • Run make install
    • Leave the directory: cd ..
  • Step 13. Install graphviz from source.
    • Download the archive: curl -o
    • Extract the archive: tar -xzvf
    • Move into the created directory: cd graphviz-2.49.0
    • Run the configuration script: ./configure
    • Run make
    • Run make install
  • Step 14. Check it worked.
    • Assuming no errors came up, graphviz should now be installed.
    • Verify by doing dot -V
      • This should output a version number. If it says something like "command not found", something didn't go right.