Sprint participants are encouraged to use OS Open Zoomstack, a comprehensive basemap of the United Kingdom showing coverage from national level right down to street detail.
A list of previous and future OGC sprints and hackathons is available at https://www.ogc.org/projects/initiatives/ogcsprints
OGC API website, https://ogcapi.ogc.org
Blog posts about previous sprints, https://ogcapi.ogc.org/#blogs
Some coverage data can be downloaded from the Copernicus Open Access Hub https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/home
Some coverage data can be downloaded from the NASA Open Data service https://open.nasa.gov/open-data/
Some coverage data can be downloaded from the JAXA Data Distribution service https://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/en/distribution/
Provides up-to-date information on past, present and future weather, water, climate and environmental conditions over Canada and the world. https://eccc-msc.github.io/open-data/