Releases: slakbal/gotowebinar
Updated test routes with compatible timezone codes
Updated test routes with compatible timezone codes
Solved timezone-codes incompatibility issue
Laravel timezones (php standard) are not compatible with GotoWebinar timezone-codes. See GotoWebinar Timezone Codes for list of codes. User should rather pass the code in the request body. It is an optional field. If this parameter is not passed, the timezone of the organizer's profile on GotoWebinar will be used.
Locale issue resolved
The locale was not passed correctly to the API thus all emails were sent in English instead of the passed locale language.
Add getSessionQuestions
getSessionQuestions was added
Code optimisations
Code was restructured a bit and path building was optimised a bit
Early days and getting better
- Test routes loading: Moved environment check into the ServiceProvider and out of the routes files
- Optimized building of the paths as @upwebdesign did it in his PR ... which I like also more.
Sunrise release
Laravel 5.5+ GotoWebinar API wrapper package with good documentation and covering most of the important API resources. Your contribution or bug fixes are welcome!