1.6.2 (2021-09-27)
1.6.1 (2020-09-18)
- add --seperator to allow to configure a custom perfdata seperator (#47) (9a9a1b1)
- add limit switch ('--limit', '-l') and change spec for label switch from '-l' to '-L' (f396fbe)
- add release automation via semantic-release-bot (19bb5d1)
- add support for limit in more subs (90b7995)
- add the ability to set a custom perfdata label for sub check_keyword and check_threshold_and_get_perfdata (#56) (5c0ef0a)
- get host, user and password from environment variables (NETSCALER_HOST, NETSCALER_USERNAME, NETSCALER_PASSWORD) (4cec658)
- replace hardcoded id with $plugin->opts->label (2c623d3)
- return OK in state check if no vservers are configured (#44)
- replaced depreacted calls from Perl-Nagios-Plugin with new names from Perl-Monitoring-Plugin
- experimental support for objecttypes with a slash inside, e.g. for nspartition/foo (#43)
- enhanced support for array responses in check_threshold_and_get_perfdata (#43)
- fixed minor typo, made matches/matches_not support matching in arrays
- output for array matches more comprehensible (#33)
- updated README.md and CHANGELOG.md (#33)
- updated README.md (plugin successful tested with 12.1)
- using 12.0 build 56.20 for traivs ci tests
- added automated tests against a NetScaler CPX with TravisCI
- using /usr/bin/env instead of hardcoding the perl binary path
- added filter parameter for filtering out objects from the API response (used in state, sslcert, staserver and interface) (#31)
- disabled performance data in sub state for services
- added command ntp to check NTP status (#18)
- merged check_threshold and get_perfdata into one function: check_threshold_and_get_perfdata
- added command hastatus to check the status of an high availability pair (#25)
- command state: more performance data when testing single vserver and service objects (not servicegroups)
- switched from Nagios::Plugin to Monitoring::Plugin (Nagios::Plugin was renamed to Monitoring::Plugin in 2014)
- added command license to check the status of a local license file (#17)
- added perl-Time-Piece as new dependency (Time::Piece for license check)
- added perl-Data-Dumper to the install instructions in the README.md
- added switch for selecting a different version of the NITRO API (fixes #16)
- allow the usage of urlopts everywhere (fixes #13)
- check_threshold and check_string accept arrays (seperated by colon) (fixes #7)
- renamed checks 'string' and 'string_not' to 'matches' and 'matches_not' (backwards compatibility given)
- renamed check 'performancedata' to 'perfdata' (backwards compatibility given);
- backwards compatibility will be removed in a future release, please update your nagios configuration
- harmonized plugin output for all subcommands
- refactored sub check_state (cleanup and simplified code)
- added support for testing the status of server objects
- added a new warning level for DISABLED and PARTIAL-UP objects
- removed command server (as it might be confusing for users to have two checks with the same function)
- merged pull request from @bb-Ricardo
- added command server to check status of Load Balancing Servers
- added command hwinfo to just print information about the Netscaler itself
- added command interfaces to check state of all interfaces and add performance data for each interface
- added command to request performance data
- added command to check the state of a servicegroup and its members (set warning and critical values for member quorum)
- added Icinga2 config templates
- updated documentation and plugin_test.sh
- bugfix for servicegroups in 12.0 (#12)
- new option to connect to an alternate port (for CPX instances)
- new check command for STA services
- small documentation fixes
- huge rewrite of the Plugin, changed nearly every parameters
- upgrading from versions prior to 1.0.0 require to change your monitoring configuration
- added own nitro implementation and dropped the dependency to Nitro.pm by Citrix
- added check for unsaved configuration changes (changes in nsconfig not written to disk)
- improved check for ssl certificates to only check for a specific certificate
- fixed a bug in check_state to support services and servicegroups again
- patch for Nitro.pm to support ssl connections
- added check to test the validity and expiry of installed certificates
- added performance data feature
- updated sub add_arg and added default values for parameters
- Bugfix in vserver checks loop by @macampo
- documentation fixes by @Velociraptor85
- First release based on Nitro.pm