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This is a copy of a thread from the darwin mailing list regarding preemption level retrieval in a kernel debug session. The delta values for cpu_preemption_level on 10.14 Mojave are as follows. To get an actual value for a CPU subtract this deltas from cpu_data_ptr[CPU_NUM]->cpu_preemption_level

  1. A CPU interrupted by a NMI to enter debugger - 4 .
    Others CPUS - 1 .

  2. A CPU which called panic() - 3 .
    Other CPUs - 1 .

The value is increased by an interrupt handler that processes IPI or NMI to freeze CPUs and by panic code, e.g.




On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at XXXXX, Slava Imameev wrote:


The cpu_preemption_level values were altered by the panic code. The actual values might be calculated by subtracting 3 from the cpu_preemption_level value for a CPU that panic'ed (panic_trap_to_debugger, kdp_i386_trap increase it) and 1 for other CPUs(a value is increased when processing IPI / NMI sent to freeze CPUs). That said the CPU's preemption level for a cpu that called msleep() was -1 before calling panic() and 0 for another cpu. The showcurrentstacks command has a bug by reporting values altered either by panic() or a kernel debugger code.


On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 9:25 PM, Irad K wrote: Hi Slava and thanks for your support,

I've followed your instructions and found out that both processors I've got (my VM runs 2 processors) have positive value in the preemption level unlike the panic log that print negative preemption value (= -1) Notice that the thread the produces the panic, runs my driver code and it's calling msleep command with NULL mutex so I'm not sure how did it got to "unlocking an unlocked mutex or spinlock".

  1. Perhaps do you know what does cpu_preemption_level means ? (my guess is that it represent the number of threads in scheduler that wait on mutex - this can explain that negative value means that we unlocked more than we've locked).
  2. How can we explain the contradiction between cpu_data_ptr[X]->cpu_preemption_level and the paniclog preemption level... perhaps it's a bug in 10.14 ?

I attached here below the panic log, the data from cpu_data_ptr[X] for both cpus, and output from showcurrentstacks.

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff800affef06): "thread_invoke: preemption_level -1, possible cause: unlocking an unlocked mutex or spinlock"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff801201b850 : 0xffffff800afe2c3d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x48d
0xffffff801201b8a0 : 0xffffff800b11b373 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x153
0xffffff801201b8e0 : 0xffffff800b10ceb4 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x594
0xffffff801201b960 : 0xffffff800af90c80 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xffffff801201b980 : 0xffffff800afe2657 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x197
0xffffff801201baa0 : 0xffffff800afe24a3 mach_kernel : _panic + 0x63
0xffffff801201bb10 : 0xffffff800affef06 mach_kernel : _thread_unstop + 0x1366
0xffffff801201bb90 : 0xffffff800affdaff mach_kernel : _thread_block_reason + 0xaf
0xffffff801201bbe0 : 0xffffff800b4fcfe1 mach_kernel : _sleep + 0x331
0xffffff801201bc60 : 0xffffff800b4fd352 mach_kernel : _msleep + 0x62


(lldb) p cpu_data_ptr[0]->cpu_preemption_level
  cpu_this = 0xffffff800b80c900
  cpu_active_thread = 0xffffff8016ed5440
  cpu_nthread = 0x0000000000000000
  cpu_preemption_level = 1
  cpu_number = 0
  cpu_int_state = 0xffffff809da73cf0
  cpu_active_stack = 0xffffff809da70000
  cpu_kernel_stack = 0xffffff809da73fb0
  cpu_int_stack_top = 0xffffff807d45a000
  cpu_interrupt_level = 1
  cpu_signals = 0
  cpu_prior_signals = 2
  cpu_pending_ast = 0
  cpu_running = 1
  cpu_task_map = TASK_MAP_64BIT
  cpu_task_cr3 = 1851977728
  cpu_kernel_cr3 = 235036672
  cpu_ucr3 = 654248203
  cpu_pagezero_mapped = 0
  cpu_uber = (cu_isf = 18446743524420743424, cu_tmp = 33554549, cu_user_gs_base = 123145317695712)
  cd_estack = 0xfffffd000007b200
  cpu_xstate = 2
  cd_shadow = 0xffffff800ad08000
  cpu_processor = 0xffffff800b9e3db8

(lldb) p *cpu_data_ptr[1]
(cpu_data_t) $5 = {
  cpu_this = 0xffffff800b80da00
  cpu_active_thread = 0xffffff801b7a4030
  cpu_nthread = 0x0000000000000000
  cpu_preemption_level = 2
  cpu_number = 1
  cpu_int_state = 0x0000000000000000
  cpu_active_stack = 0xffffff8012018000
  cpu_kernel_stack = 0xffffff801201bfb0
  cpu_int_stack_top = 0xffffff809d4ce000
  cpu_interrupt_level = 0
  cpu_signals = 0
  cpu_prior_signals = 8
  cpu_pending_ast = 0
  cpu_running = 1
  cpu_task_map = TASK_MAP_64BIT
  cpu_task_cr3 = 2564120576
  cpu_kernel_cr3 = 235036672
  cpu_ucr3 = 2564126986
  cpu_pagezero_mapped = 0
  cpu_uber = (cu_isf = 18446743524356580864, cu_tmp = 33554438, cu_user_gs_base = 140735814677600)
  cd_estack = 0xfffffd000006c630
  cpu_xstate = 2
  cd_shadow = 0xffffff800ad09100
  cpu_processor = 0xffffff807d485000

Looking at showcurrentstacks command, it seems that both processors have preemption disabled bit on

Processor 0xffffff800b9e3db8 cpu_id  0x0 AST:        State RUNNING      Preemption Disabled

task                 vm_map               ipc_space            #acts flags    pid       process             io_policy  wq_state  command             
0xffffff801dbb1808   0xffffff801dbb9648   0xffffff801d88dde0       9 D        727   0xffffff801d896290             TQ  2  2  0    myproc1    
	thread                   thread_id  processor            base   pri    sched_mode      io_policy       state    ast          waitq                            wait_event           wmesg                thread_name         
	0xffffff8016ed5440       0x30f4     0xffffff800b9e3db8   20     20     timeshare       T               R                                                                                                                    
	kernel_stack = 0xffffff809da70000
	stacktop = 0xffffff809da73f40
	0xffffff809da73f40 0xffffff800b4f4630 calcru((proc *) p = 0x0000000000000000, (timeval *) up = 0x0000000000000000, (timeval *) sp = 0x0000000000000000, (timeval *) ip = 0x0000000000000000) 
	0xffffff809da73f40 0xffffff800b4f482b getrusage((proc *) p = 0xffffff801d896290, (getrusage_args *) uap = 0xffffff801a7fa208, (int32_t *) retval = <>, ) 
	0xffffff809da73fa0 0xffffff800b5dc213 unix_syscall64((x86_saved_state_t *) state = <>, ) 
	0x0000000000000000 0xffffff800af91446 kernel`hndl_unix_scall64 + 0x16 

	stackbottom = 0xffffff809da73fa0

Processor 0xffffff807d485000 cpu_id  0x1 AST:        State RUNNING      Preemption Disabled

task                 vm_map               ipc_space            #acts flags    pid       process             io_policy  wq_state  command             
0xffffff801dc4ec98   0xffffff801dbb8c98   0xffffff801d88dc60       4 D        736   0xffffff801d892470             TQ  2  2  0    myproc2      
	thread                   thread_id  processor            base   pri    sched_mode      io_policy       state    ast          waitq                            wait_event           wmesg                thread_name         
	0xffffff801b7a4030       0x30b6     0xffffff807d485000   20     20     timeshare       T               WRU                   0xffffff807cb44c40               0x1000004001ddd89                                             
	kernel_stack = 0xffffff8012018000
	stacktop = 0xffffff801201baa0
	0xffffff801201baa0 0xffffff800afe2657 current_cpu_datap [inlined](void) 
	0xffffff801201baa0 0xffffff800afe2657 current_processor [inlined](void) 
	0xffffff801201baa0 0xffffff800afe2657 DebuggerTrapWithState [inlined]((debugger_op) db_op = DBOP_PANIC, (const char *) db_message = <>, , (const char *) db_panic_str = <>, , (va_list *) db_panic_args = <>, , (uint64_t) db_panic_options = <>, , (void *) db_panic_data_ptr = <>, , (boolean_t) db_proceed_on_sync_failure = 1, (unsigned long) db_panic_caller = <>, ) 
	0xffffff801201baa0 0xffffff800afe2635 panic_trap_to_debugger((const char *) panic_format_str = <>, , (va_list *) panic_args = <>, , (unsigned int) reason = 0, (void *) ctx = <>, , (uint64_t) panic_options_mask = <>, , (void *) panic_data_ptr = <>, , (unsigned long) panic_caller = 18446743524138282758) 
	0xffffff801201bb10 0xffffff800afe24a3 panic((const char *) str = <>, ) 
	0xffffff801201bb90 0xffffff800affef06 thread_invoke((thread_t) self = 0xffffff801b7a4030, (thread_t) thread = 0xffffff801afe4540, (ast_t) reason = 0) 
	0xffffff801201bbe0 0xffffff800affdaff thread_block_reason((thread_continue_t) continuation = <>, , (void *) parameter = <>, , (ast_t) reason = <>, ) 
	0xffffff801201bc60 0xffffff800b4fcfe1 thread_block [inlined]((thread_continue_t) continuation = <>, ) 
	0xffffff801201bc60 0xffffff800b4fcfd6 _sleep((caddr_t) chan = <>, , (int) pri = 0, (const char *) wmsg = <>, , (u_int64_t) abstime = 1299691844730, (int (*)(int)) continuation = 0x0000000000000000, (lck_mtx_t *) mtx = 0x0000000000000000) 
	0xffffff801201bca0 0xffffff800b4fd352 msleep((void *) chan = 0x01000004001ddd89, (lck_mtx_t *) mtx = 0x0000000000000000, (int) pri = 0, (const char *) wmsg = 0xffffff7f8d6f2e07 "", (timespec *) ts = <>, ) 
	0xffffff801201bd00 0xffffff7f8d6e8d1e + 0x5d1e 
	0xffffff801201be30 0xffffff7f8d6eb144 + 0x8144 


On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 7:12 PM, Slava Imameev wrote: Hi,

The GS register doesn't contain a virtual address for a segment. The GS register contains an offset into a GDT that contains segment descriptors.

Actually, you don't need to access per-CPU data this way. Per-CPU data can be found by dereferencing elements from an array of pointers

cpu_data_t *cpu_data_ptr[MAX_CPUS]

For example, per-cpu data for a core which has been assigned an index 0 

(lldb) p *cpu_data_ptr[0]
(cpu_data_t) $2 = {
  cpu_this = 0xffffff800ec0c900
  cpu_active_thread = 0xffffff8019e017b0
  cpu_nthread = 0xffffff8019e017b0
  cpu_preemption_level = 4
  cpu_number = 0
  cpu_int_state = 0xffffff801604be40
  cpu_active_stack = 0xffffff8016048000
  cpu_kernel_stack = 0xffffff801604bfb0
  cpu_int_stack_top = 0xffffff8081a2a000
  cpu_interrupt_level = 1
  cpu_signals = 0
  cpu_prior_signals = 0


The above assumes that you have loaded a kernel dump or attached to a live system with valid kernel symbols. If you are not sure on which core a kext is running use showcurrentstacks command.

Regards, Slava Imameev


On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 6:14 PM, Zohar Cabeli wrote: Hi,

I was wondering if you could give me some direction in lldb issue I'm currently struggling with ...

I've got a kext that produce panic for "preemption level -1" in macOS Mojave (10.14), and I'd like to further investigate the issue. It looks like preemption_level is read from the per-cpu data which that be parsed using cpu_data_t struct (defined in xnu cpu_data.h).

However, it seems like the memory is inaccessible using memory read of %gs+0x18:

register read gs gs = 0x000000009da40000

memory read 0x000000009da40018

error: kdp read memory failed (error 4)

perhaps there is another way of reading the cpu data ?

I also tried another approach by looking how could the preemption level be negative. I guess that when using spin lock, it blocks the preemption of the cpu... however, I've tried to look for such locks in all threads (using showallstacks lldb command) but couldn't find any.

Perhaps do you know better way to checking in lldb if spin lock is currently active on any cpu ?

Thanks, Zohar

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