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rtgoodwin edited this page Dec 29, 2011 · 31 revisions

NOTE: This page is a work in progress. I'll remove this label when all options have been documented.

Print Settings
Printer and Filament
Start/End GCODE

# Print Settings
Option Description Example Default
Scale Decides whether Slic3r will scale up/down the model 1.2 will scale the object to 120% of the original size 1 (100%)
Rotate Rotates the model around the Z (vertical) axis 180 will turn the object 180 degrees (turn it around) 0
Copies along X Creates additional copies along X axis Using "3" will produce 3 copies of the object on the X axis 1
Copies along Y Creates additional copies along Y axis Using "3" will produce 3 copies of the object on the Y axis 1
# Printer and Filament # Start/End GCODE # Advanced