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smartcar.AuthClient(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, mode='live')

A client for accessing the Smartcar API


Parameter Type Required Description
client_id String Optional* Application clientId obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal.
client_secret String Optional* Application clientSecret obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal.
redirect_uri String Optional* RedirectURI set in application settings. Given URL must match URL in application settings.
mode String Optional Determine what mode Smartcar Connect should be launched in. Should be one of test, live or simulated.
*Environment Variables VS Passing Arguments:

You must EITHER have your client id, secret, and redirect URI exported as environment variables OR passed in as arguments when instantiating AuthClient. It is recommended that you use environment variables. These variables must use the prefix SMARTCAR_, in capital snake-case format, like so:

export SMARTCAR_CLIENT_ID='<your client id>'
export SMARTCAR_CLIENT_SECRET='<your client secret>'
export SMARTCAR_REDIRECT_URI='<your redirect uri>'

AuthClient will use these environment variables by default. If you choose to pass in your client credentials as arguments, they will take precedence over environment variables.

However, if neither environment variables NOR an argument is passed, an Exception will be raised. And the instantiation of AuthClient will fail.

get_auth_url(self, force=False, state=None, vehicle_info=None, flags=None)

Generate Connect URL


Parameter Type Required Description
scope String[] Required A space-separated list of permissions that your application is requesting access to. Check out API Reference to see available permissions.
options Dictionary Optional A dictionary where you can pass in additional options as query parameters.
options.force_prompt Boolean Optional Setting forcePrompt to true will show the permissions approval screen on every authentication attempt, even if the user has previously consented to the exact scope of permissions.
options.state String Optional OAuth state parameter passed to the redirectUri. This parameter may be used for identifying the user who initiated the request.
options.make_bypass String Optional Allows users to bypass the car brand selection screen. For a complete list of supported makes, please see our API Reference documentation. Makes are case-insensitive.
options.single_select Dictionary Optional Keys of enabled (bool) and/or vin (string). Sets the behavior of the grant dialog displayed to the user. If enabled is set to true, single_select limits the user to selecting only one vehicle. See the Single Select guide for more information.
options.flags Dictionary Optional Dictionary of feature flags that your application has early access to.
options.user String Optional An optional developer-defined unique identifier for a vehicle owner. This ID is used to track and aggregate analytics across Connect sessions for each vehicle owner.


Type Description
String Smartcar Connect URL


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.



exchange_code(code, flags=None)

Exchange an authorization code for Access named tuple.


Parameter Type Required Description
code String Required Authorization code to exchange with Smartcar for an access_token.
options Dictionary Optional A dictionary where you can pass in additional options as query parameters.
opions.flags Dictionary Optional Dictionary of feature flags that your application has early access to.


Value Type Description
Access typing.NamedTuple namedtuple containing the access and refresh token
Access.access_token String A string representing an access token used to make requests to the Smartcar API.
Access.expiration datetime.datetime A datetime of the expiration of the access_token
Access.refresh_token String A string representing a refresh token, which is used to renew access when the current access token expires. The refresh token expires in 60 days.
Access.refresh_expiration datetime.datetime A datetime of the expiration of the refresh_token
Access.expires_in Int The number of seconds the access token is valid for. This is always set to 7200 (2 hours).
Access.token_type String Always set to Bearer . Token type is used in forming the Authorization header used by the Smartcar API in the following step.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

exchange_refresh_token(token, flags=None)

Exchange a refresh token for Access named tuple


Parameter Type Required Description
token String Required Refresh token to exchange with Smartcar for an access_token.
options Dictionary Optional A dictionary where you can pass in additional options as query parameters.
opions.flags Dictionary Optional Dictionary of feature flags that your application has early access to.


Value Type Description
Access typing.NamedTuple namedtuple containing the access and refresh token
Access.access_token String A string representing an access token used to make requests to the Smartcar API.
Access.expiration datetime.datetime A datetime of the expiration of the access_token
Access.refresh_token String A string representing a refresh token, which is used to renew access when the current access token expires. The refresh token expires in 60 days.
Access.refresh_expiration datetime.datetime A datetime of the expiration of the refresh_token
Access.expires_in Int The number of seconds the access token is valid for. This is always set to 7200 (2 hours).
Access.token_type String Always set to Bearer . Token type is used in forming the Authorization header used by the Smartcar API in the following step.


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


After receiving an access_token from the Smartcar Connect, your application may make requests to the vehicle using the access_token and the Vehicle class.

smartcar.Vehicle(self, vehicle_id, access_token, options=None)

Initializes a new Vehicle to use for making requests to the Smartcar API.


Parameter Type Required Description
vehicle_id String Required the vehicle's unique identifier
access_token String Required a valid access token
options Dictionary Optional a dictionary of optional parameters for vehicle instances
options.unit_system String Optional the unit system to use for vehicle data. Defaults to metric.
options.version String Optional the version of Smartcar API that the instance of the vehicle will send requests to (e.g. '1.0' or '2.0')

set_unit_system(self, unit_system)

Update the unit system to use in requests to the Smartcar API.


Parameter Type Description
unit_system String the unit system to use (metric/imperial)

Smartcar Vehicle Endpoints

These methods act as wrappers for calls to vehicle-related endpoints to Smartcar API. These methods return explicitly defined NamedTuples from Python's typing library. Returned NamedTuples contain data retrieved upon calling Smartcar API. NamedTuples allow for a rigid return of data with type hints and dot notation.

# using an instance of Vehicle called "my_model_3"
location = my_model_3.location()


Returns the vehicle's manufacturer identifier.


Value Type Description
Vin typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vin-related data String The manufacturer unique identifier.
Vin.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's charging status of an electric vehicle.


Value Type Description
Charge typing.NamedTuple The returned object with charging status data
Charge.is_plugged_in Boolean State of whether car is plugged in
Charge.status String Indicates the current state of the charge system. Can be FULLY_CHARGED, CHARGING, or NOT_CHARGING
Charge.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's battery status.


Value Type Description
Battery typing.NamedTuple The returned object with battery status data
Battery.percent_remaining Float The remaining level of charge in the battery (in percent)
Battery.range Float The estimated remaining distance the car can travel (in kms or miles). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
Battery.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the total capacity of an electric vehicle's battery.


Value Type Description
BatteryCapacity typing.NamedTuple The returned object data regarding total capacity of an EV's battery
BatteryCapacity.capacity Float vehicle's battery capacity in kWh
BatteryCapacity.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns a list of nominal rated battery capacities for a vehicle.


Value Type Description
NominalCapacity typing.NamedTuple The returned object data regarding the nominal rated battery capacities for a vehicle
NominalCapacity.availableCapacities List[AvailableCapacity] A list of the rated nominal capacities available for a vehicle
NominalCapacity.capacity Optional[SelectedCapacity] The rated nominal capacity for the vehicle's battery in kWh
NominalCapacity.url Optional[String] A URL that will launch the flow for a vehicle owner to specify the correct battery capacity for a vehicle
NominalCapacity.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)

Each AvailableCapacity entry contains:

  • capacity (float): The rated nominal capacity for the vehicle’s battery in kWh
  • description (String, optional): A a description of the uniquness for the nominal capacity and engine type

Each SelectedCapacity entry contains:

  • capacity (float): The rated nominal capacity for the vehicle’s battery kWh
  • source (String): Indicates if this capacity was determined by a user or Smartcar


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's fuel status.


Value Type Description
Fuel typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's fuel status
Fuel.range Float The estimated remaining distance the car can travel (in kms or miles). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
Fuel.percent_remaining Float The remaining level of fuel in the tank (in percent)
Fuel.amount_remaining Float The amount of fuel in the tank (in liters or gallons (US)). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
Fuel.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's tire pressure status.


Value Type Description
TirePressure typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's tire pressure status
TirePressure.front_left Float The current air pressure of the front left tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
TirePressure.front_right Float The current air pressure of the front right tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
TirePressure.back_left Float The current air pressure of the back left tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
TirePressure.back_right Float The current air pressure of the back right tire (in psi or kpa). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
TirePressure.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's oil status.


Value Type Description
EngineOil typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's oil status
EngineOil.life_remaining Float The engine oil's remaining life span (as a percentage). Oil life is based on the current quality of the oil.
EngineOil.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the vehicle's current odometer reading.


Value Type Description
Odometer typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's odometer (in kms or miles). To set unit, see setUnitSystem.
Odometer.distance Float The current odometer of the vehicle
Odometer.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Returns the location of the vehicle in geographic coordinates.


Value Type Description
Location typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's location/coordinates
Location.latitude Float The latitude (in degrees).
Location.longitude Float The longitude (in degrees).
Location.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

service_history(self, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None)

Returns a list of all the service records performed on the vehicle, filtered by the optional date range. If no dates are specified, records from the last year are returned.


Argument Type Description
start_date Optional[str] The start date for the record filter, in 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ' format.
end_date Optional[str] The end date for the record filter, similar format to start_date.


Value Type Description
ServiceHistory typing.NamedTuple The returned object with a list of service entries.
ServiceHistory.items List[ServiceRecord] List of service records describing maintenance activities.
ServiceHistory.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Retrieve the status of various diagnostic systems in the vehicle.


Value Type Description
DiagnosticSystemStatus typing.NamedTuple The returned object with diagnostic system statuses data List[Dict] List of system statuses, each with system_id, status, and description
DiagnosticSystemStatus.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)

Each system entry contains:

  • system_id (String): Unique identifier for the system.
  • status (String): Status of the system, either "OK" or "ALERT".
  • description (String, optional): Additional context or description for the status, if any.


Retrieve active diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) for the vehicle.


Value Type Description
DiagnosticTroubleCodes typing.NamedTuple The returned object with active diagnostic trouble codes
DiagnosticTroubleCodes.active_codes List[Dict] List of active DTCs, each with code and timestamp
DiagnosticTroubleCodes.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)

Each trouble code entry contains:

  • code (String): The DTC code representing the issue.
  • timestamp (String, optional): ISO 8601 timestamp when the code was triggered. May be null if unavailable.


Returns a single vehicle object, containing identifying information.


Value Type Description
Attributes typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's info String A vehicle ID (UUID v4).
Attributes.make String The manufacturer of the vehicle.
Attributes.model String The model of the vehicle.
Attributes.year String The model year.
Attributes.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Lock the vehicle.


Value Type Description
Action typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's status after sending a request to lock the doors
Action.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Action.message String Message of the response.
Action.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Unlock the vehicle.


Value Type Description
Action typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's status after sending a request to unlock the doors
Action.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Action.message String Message of the response.
Action.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException on unsuccessful request


Start charging the vehicle.


Value Type Description
Action typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's status after sending a request to start charging the EV
Action.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Action.message String Message of the response.
Action.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException on unsuccessful request

send_destination(self, latitude, longitude)

Send destination to the vehicle.


Name Type Description
latitude Float Latitude of the destination.
longitude Float Longitude of the destination.


Value Type Description
Action typing.NamedTuple The returned object after sending a destination to the vehicle
Action.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Action.message String Message of the response.


SmartcarException on unsuccessful request


Stop charging the vehicle.


Value Type Description
Action typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's status after sending a request to stop charging the EV
Action.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Action.message String Message of the response.
Action.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException on unsuccessful request


Returns the Permissions NamedTuple, paged list of all permissions currently associated with this vehicle.


Value Type Description
Permissions typing.NamedTuple The returned object with the vehicle's permissions
Permissions.unit_system String[] An array of permission
Permissions.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


Returns the lock status for a vehicle and the open status of its doors, windows, storage units, sunroof and charging port where available. The open status array(s) will be empty if a vehicle has partial support. The request will error if lock status can not be retrieved from the vehicle or the brand is not supported.


Value Type Description
isLocked bool Indicates whether the vehicle is locked.
doors typing.NamedTuple An array of the open status of the vehicle's doors. Array length will vary depending on the number of doors.
windows typing.NamedTuple An array of the open status of the vehicle's windows. Array length will vary depending on the number of windows.
sunroof typing.NamedTuple An array of the open status of the vehicle's sunroofs.
storage typing.NamedTuple An array of the open status of the vehicle's storages. For internal combustion and plug-in hybrid vehicles, front refers to the engine hood. For battery vehicles, this will be the front trunk.
chargingPort typing.NamedTuple An array of the open status of the vehicle's charging port
LockStatus.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)

batch(self, paths)

Make a batch request to the vehicle. WARNING: This feature is exclusive to Smartcar Pro members. Visit to sign up and gain access.

The batch method will return a named tuple named batch. Methods are attached to batch, and they return a NamedTuple corresponding to the path requested. Upon erroneous requests, the method will throw a SmartcarException .


Parameter Type Description
paths List A list of paths (i.e. "/odometer") to request data from.


Value Type Description
Batch collections.namedtuple The returned object with the results of the requests. Each request results in the corresponding NamedTuple
Batch.<request> lambda Returns the appropriate NamedTuple for the request. e.g. Batch.odometer ->
Batch.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)

Example Response

# Sending a batch request for vehicle attributes (i.e. '/'), odometer, and engine oil
batch = my_tesla_3.batch(['/', '/odometer', '/engine/oil'])

# attributes (path: "/")
batch.attributes()  # returns Attributes(...) or raises SmartcarException

# Get 'make' of the car

# odometer (path: "/odometer")
batch.odometer()  # returns Odometer(...) or raises SmartcarException

# odometer (path: "/engine/oil")
batch.engine_oil()  # returns EngineOil(...) or raises SmartcarException


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Disconnect this vehicle from the connected application.


Value Type Description
Status typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's "status" after sending a request to disconnect
Status.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Status.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

Note: Calling this method will invalidate your access token, and you will have to have the user reauthorize the vehicle to your application if you wish to make requests to it

subscribe(self, webhook_id)

Subscribe vehicle to a Smartcar webhook.


Parameter Type Description
webhook_id String Id of the webhook you want to subscribe your vehicle to


Value Type Description
Subscribe typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's "status" after sending a request to subscribe to a webhook
Subscribe.webhook_id String Id of requested webhook
Subscribe.vehicle_id String Id of requested vehicle
Subscribe.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

unsubscribe(self, amt, webhook_id)

Unsubscribe vehicle from a Smartcar webhook.


Parameter Type Description
webhook_id String Id of the webhook you want to unsubscribe your vehicle from


Value Type Description
Status typing.NamedTuple The returned object with vehicle's "status" after sending a request to unsubscribe from a webhook
Status.status String Set to "success" on successful request.
Status.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - on unsuccessful request. See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

Static Methods


Sets the version of Smartcar API to use


Parameter Type Description
version String version number (example: "2.0")



smartcar.get_vehicles(access_token, limit=10, offset=0)

Get a list of the user's vehicle ids


Parameter Type Required Description
access_token String Required A valid access token from a previously retrieved access object
paging Dictionary Optional An optional dictionary to implement paging for returned vehicles
paging.limit Integer Optional The number of vehicle ids to return
paging.offset Integer Optional The index to start the vehicle list at


Value Type Description
Vehicles typing.NamedTuple The returned object with the list of vehicle ids and paging information
Vehicles.vehicles String Set to "success" on successful request.
Vehicles.paging typing.NamedTuple Contains paging information of returned data
Vehicles.paging.limit Integer The number of vehicle ids to return
Vehicles.paging.offset Integer The index to start the vehicle list at
Vehicles.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.


Retrieve the userId associated with the access_token


Parameter Type Description
access_token String A valid access token from a previously retrieved access object


Value Type Description
User typing.NamedTuple The returned object with User id String The user id
User.meta collections.namedtuple Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

get_compatibility(vin, scope, country='US', options=None)

Determine vehicle compatibility with Smartcar.

A compatible vehicle is a vehicle that:

  1. has the hardware required for internet connectivity,
  2. belongs to the makes and models Smartcar supports, and
  3. supports the permissions.


Parameter Type Required Description
vin String Required The VIN of the vehicle.
scope String[] Required The list of permissions to check compatibility for. Valid permission names are found in the API Reference.
country String Optional For details on how to specify country code strings refer to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
options Dictionary Optional A dictionary where you can pass in additional options as query parameters.
options.client_id String Optional Application clientId obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal.
options.client_secret String Optional Application clientSecret obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal.
options.version String Optional the version of Smartcar API (e.g. '1.0' or '2.0')
options.flags Dictionary Optional Dictionary of feature flags that your application has early access to.


Value Type Availability Description
Compatibility typing.NamedTuple API v1.0 and v2.0 The returned object with vehicle's compatibility with the permissions (scope) checked
Compatibility.compatible Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0 Whether the vehicle is compatible with the permissions
Compatibility.reason String or None API v2.0 only One of the following string values if compatible is false, null otherwise: "VEHICLE_NOT_COMPATIBLE", "MAKE_NOT_COMPATIBLE"
Compatibility.capabilities List API v2.0 only A list containing the set of endpoints that the provided scope value can provide authorization for. This list will be empty if compatible is false.
Compatibility.capabilities[].permission String API v2.0 only One of the permissions provided in the scope parameter.
Compatibility.capabilities[].endpoint String API v2.0 only One of the endpoints that the permission authorizes access to.
Compatibility.capabilities[].capable Boolean API v2.0 only True if the vehicle is likely capable of this feature, False otherwise.
Compatibility.capabilities[].reason String or None API v2.0 only One of the following string values if compatible is false, null otherwise: "VEHICLE_NOT_COMPATIBLE", "SMARTCAR_NOT_CAPABLE"
Compatibility.meta collections.namedtuple API v1.0 and v2.0 Smartcar response headers (request_id, data_age, and/or unit_system)


SmartcarException - See the exceptions section for all possible exceptions.

*Note: as we are only using the VIN, we can only guarantee if a vehicle is NOT compatible with the platform.

Webhook Static Methods

hash_challenge(amt, challenge)

Take the random string received in the challenge request and use your Application Management Token (amt) to create an SHA-256 based HMAC. Return the hex-encoding of the resulting hash


Parameter Type Required Description
amt String Required Application Management Token (found in Smartcar dashboard).
challenge String Required The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request


Type Description
String Hex-encoding of resulting hash

verify_payload(amt, signature, body)

Verify webhook payload against AMT and signature.


Parameter Type Required Description
amt String Required Application Management Token (found in Smartcar dashboard).
signature String Required sc-signature header value
body String Required Stringified JSON of the webhook response body


Type Description
Boolean Matching signature and response header

Vehicle Management Static Methods

get_connections(amt, filter, paging)

Get a paged list of all the vehicles that are connected to the application associated with the management API token used sorted in descending order by connection date.


Parameter Type Required Description
amt String Required Application Management Token (found in Smartcar dashboard).
filter Dictionary Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
filter.user_id String Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
filter.vehicle_id String Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
paging String Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
paging.cursor Integer Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
paging.limit String Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request


Value Type Availability Description
GetConnections typing.NamedTuple API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections[].user_id Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections[].vehicle_id Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections[].connected_at Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0
Compatibility.paging String or None API v1.0 and v2.0
Compatibility.paging.cursor List API v1.0 and v2.0

delete_connections(amt, filter)

Delete all the connections by vehicle or user ID and returns a list of all connections that were deleted.


Parameter Type Required Description
amt String Required Application Management Token (found in Smartcar dashboard).
filter Dictionary Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
filter.user_id String Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request
filter.vehicle_id String Optional The randomly generated string received after sending a challenge request


Value Type Availability Description
GetConnections typing.NamedTuple API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections[].user_id Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0
GetConnections.connections[].vehicle_id Boolean API v1.0 and v2.0