- After you do
in the main STK directory you can directly run the server using./run.sh
in the server directory./run.sh
install dependencies by runningnpm install
and start the server by callingnpm start
- See client instructions for how to run incremental build of client assets using webpack during development. That will watch for changes and automatically update the client build packages.
- Use browser to go to localhost:8010
Set NODE_ENV=prod
to run the server in production mode (e.g., w/ cache-control
header set on server responses).
If you want to start the server on ports other than the defaults (8010), or under an application prefix use
NODE_BASE_URL='/myapp' HTTP_SERVER_PORT=8010 npm start
You can specify these values in an env.sh
file (see env.example.sh for an example), and then run run.sh
Clone the scene-toolkit repository:
git clone git@github.com:smartscenes/sstk.git
cd sstk
Make a copy of the example environment shell script and add the following values:
cp env.example.sh env.sh
# Edit env.sh to change the ports and base url
export NODE_BASE_URL="/scene-toolkit"
export HTTP_SERVER_PORT=8010
export USE_LOCAL=1 # add to indicate running of services such as solr and libsg on the machine
Build and run the server:
cd server
# Update apache settings to proxy new ports as needed
Create a proxy conf file /etc/apache2/scene-toolkit.conf
ProxyPass /scene-toolkit/ http://localhost:8010/
ProxyPassReverse /scene-toolkit/ http://localhost:8010/
Update apache configuration by updating the conf files at /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default*.conf
Include scene-toolkit.conf
Make sure to also enable the proxy
and proxy_http
modules in apache2 using sudo a2enmod proxy
, etc.
Reload apache conf: sudo apache2ctl graceful
# Existing files
app/ # Main server app
proxy-rules.js # Add routes here to access data on other servers and webservices
config/ # Server config: Modify to set annotation database connection info and other configurations
lib/ # Utility functions (e.g db querying, logging)
proj/ # Project specific server apps (mirrors main app directory structure)
# Add your project specific app code here
sass/ # scss (templated css style files)
static/ # static content (all our static html, css, data goes here)
css/ # static stylesheets
data/ # Global data and assets here
html/ # static pages
test/ # Need some more tests
views/ # Template pug files for generating html
# Example project directory (mirror main app)
proj/ # Project specific server apps (mirrors main app directory structure)
index.js # Hookup of server apps to main express.js
# Generated files
logs/ # Server logs
node_modules/ # dependent node modules (populated by npm install)
Static checking and style checking
<->npm run lint
Unit/integration tests and code coverage*
<->npm run cover
Test everything!
<->npm test
*Note: Code coverage is only over files touched by unit/integration tests