The following packages are required.
To install this SDK manually:
Clone the source code from this repo GitHub
Install the required packages:
pip install setuptools six requests
Ensure you are in the
directory -
Install it using
python install
There are three log levels currently supported by the Smartsheet Python SDK (in increasing order of verbosity):
ERROR - messages related to API or JSON serialization errors
INFO - messages about the API resources being requested
DEBUG - API request and response bodies and messages regarding object attributes that are changed by the SDK due to the nature of the API call being made
Use the logging facility's basicConfig method to set your logging properties:
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='mylog.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
If there is an API feature that is not yet supported by the Python SDK, there is a passthrough option that allows you to pass and receive raw JSON objects.
To invoke the passthrough, your code can call one of the following four methods:
response = client.Passthrough.get(endpoint, query_params)
response =, payload, query_params)
response = client.Passthrough.put(endpoint, payload, query_parameters)
response = client.Passthrough.delete(endpoint)
: The specific API endpoint you wish to invoke. The client object base URL gets prepended to the caller’s endpoint URL argument, so in the aboveget
example, if endpoint is'/sheets'
an HTTP GET is requested from the URL
: The data to be passed through, can be either a dictionary or string.query_params
: An optional dictionary of query parameters.
All calls to passthrough methods return a JSON result. The data
attribute contains the JSON result as a dictionary. For example, after a PUT operation the API's result message will be contained in['message']
. If you prefer raw JSON instead of a dictionary, you can use the to_json()
method, for example response.to_json()
The following example shows how to POST data to
using the passthrough method and a dictionary:
payload = {"name": "my new sheet",
"columns": [
{"title": "Favorite", "type": "CHECKBOX", "symbol": "STAR"},
{"title": "Primary Column", "primary": True, "type": "TEXT_NUMBER"}
response ='/sheets', payload)
- Follow the instructions here
- Run
pytest tests/integration
NOTE: the mock API tests will fail unless the mock server is running.
- Clone the Smartsheet SDK tests repo and follow the instructions from the README to start the mock server
- Run
pytest tests/mock_api
The following example shows how to enable a proxy by providing a proxies
argument when initializing the Smartsheet
# Initialize client
proxies = {
'https': ''
smartsheet_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(proxies=proxies)
The following sample demonstrates best practices for consuming the event stream from the Smartsheet Event Reporting feature.
The sample uses the smartsheet_client.Events.list_events
method to request a list of events from the stream. The first
request sets the since
parameter with the point in time (i.e. event occurrence datetime) in the stream from which to
start consuming events. The since
parameter can be set with a datetime value that is either formatted as ISO 8601
(e.g. 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z) or as UNIX epoch (in which case the numeric_dates
parameter must also be set to True
By default the numeric_dates
parameter is set to False
The sample utilizes the smartsheet_client.Events.list_events
method to request a list of events up to a certain
point in the stream. The to
parameter specifies the endpoint in time (i.e., event occurrence datetime) in the stream
up to which events should be retrieved. This to
parameter can be assigned a datetime value formatted either as
ISO 8601 (e.g., 2020-12-31T23:59:59Z) or as UNIX epoch time, in which case the numeric_dates parameter must be set to True.
If not specified, the numeric_dates
parameter defaults to False
, assuming the datetime is in ISO 8601 format.
This allows for precise control over the range of events to be fetched, facilitating efficient data retrieval and processing.
To consume the next list of events after the initial list of events is returned, set the stream_position
with the next_stream_position
property obtained from the previous request and don't set the since
parameter with
any values. This is because when using the list_events
method, either the since
parameter or the stream_position
parameter should be set, but never both.
Note that the more_available
property in a response indicates whether more events are immediately available for
consumption. If events are not immediately available, they may still be generating so subsequent requests should keep
using the same stream_position
value until the next list of events is retrieved.
Many events have additional information available as a part of the event. That information can be accessed using
the Python dictionary stored in the additional_details
property (Note that values of the additional_details
dictionary use camelCase/JSON names, e.g. sheetName
not sheet_name
). Information about the additional details
provided can be found here.
# this example is looking specifically for new sheet events
def print_new_sheet_events_in_list(events_list):
# enumerate all events in the list of returned events
for event in
# find all created sheets
if event.object_type == smartsheet.models.enums.EventObjectType.SHEET and event.action == smartsheet.models.enums.EventAction.CREATE:
# additional details are available for some events, they can be accessed as a Python dictionary
# in the additional_details attribute
smartsheet_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet()
# begin listing events in the stream starting with the `since` parameter
last_week = - timedelta(days=7)
# this example looks at the previous 7 days of events by providing a `since` argument set to last week's date in ISO format
events_list = smartsheet_client.Events.list_events(since=last_week.isoformat(), max_count=1000)
# continue listing events in the stream by using the stream_position, if the previous response indicates that more
# data is available.
while events_list.more_available:
events_list = smartsheet_client.Events.list_events(stream_position=events_list.next_stream_position, max_count=10000,
If you need to access Smartsheetgov you will need to specify the Smartsheetgov API URI as the base URI during creation
of the Smartsheet client object. Smartsheetgov uses a base URI of The base URI is
defined as a constant (smartsheet.__gov_base__
You can create a client using the URI using the api_base parameter:
client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(api_base=smartsheet.__gov_base__)
If you need to access Smartsheet Regions Europe you will need to specify the API URI as the base URI during creation of the Smartsheet client object. uses a base URI of The base URI is defined as a constant (smartsheet._eu_base_
You can create a client using the URI using the api_base parameter:
client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(api_base=smartsheet._eu_base_)