Miscellaneous clustering manipulation tools
Either pip install using command
pip install .
or use
python setup.py install
and test with
python setup.py test
clusterfunk -h
usage: clusterfunk <subcommand> <options>
Miscellaneous clustering tools
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
Available subcommands:
Assigns phylotypes to a tree based on a branch length
Annotates the tips of tree. Can annotate tips from a
csv/tsv and/or taxon labels
Reconstructs ancestral states on internal nodes using
Fitch parsimony algorithm
This funk pushes annotations to tips. It identifies
the mrca of nodes with each value of the trait
provided and pushes the annotation up to any
descendent tip
extracts annotations from tips in a tree and ouputs a
extracts taxa labels from tips in a tree
returns a representative basal taxon
counts and labels transitions of traits on a tree
Prunes a tree either removing the specified taxa or
keeping only those specified. Taxa can be specified
from a fasta file, text file, metadata file, or by an
This function grafts trees (scions) onto a guide tree
(input). The scion tree is grafted onto the guide tree
at the MRCA of the tips shared between the two. Any
shared tips originally in the guide tree are then
removed. All incoming trees must be in the same format
Annotate the tips of a tree using fields from a CSV file. It will use 'sequence_name' column in the CSV to match the tips of the tree and then add the data from the columns specified by --trait-columns
to each tip using the NEXUS metacomment format.
clusterfunk annotate_tips --in-metadata <master.metadata.csv> --index-column sequence_name --trait-columns <trait1 trait1 ...> - --input <input.tree> --output <output.tree>
Same as above but adds the metadata fields to the taxon labels of the tree.
clusterfunk relabel_tips --in-metadata <master.metadata.csv> --index-column sequence_name --trait-columns <trait1 trait1 ...> --input <input.tree> --output <output.tree>