- PT-11618 - Fix error with too many open database connections
- PT-11525 - Optimize media migration process
- PT-11490 - Improve custom field and property migration
- PT-11533 - Fix guest migrations
- PT-11464 - Recognizes basic settings of price management in Magento
- PT-11465 - Fixed incorrect migration of min and max purchase
- PT-11468 - Fix seo url reader for categories
- NTR - Fix query missing table prefix
- NTR - Solves an issue with version compatibility
- PT-11324 - Migrate product weight
- PT-11347 - Optimize media migration
- PT-11429 - Order categories based on parent (colinmurphy)
- PT-11453 - Optimize category sorting with limit and offset
- NTR - Migrate meta data for products and categories
- NTR - Optimize payment premapping
- NTR - Fix custom field migration of selection type without options
- PT-11183 - Migrate customer passwords
- PT-11251 - Use default number range for magento customers
- PT-11245 - Migrate magento attributes & sets as they are
- PT-11244 - Improve category migration performance
- PT-11238 - Migrate guest orders
- PT-10982 - Refactor store view mapping
- PT-11111 - Change plugin icon
- PT-11211 - Do not migrate empty root category
- PT-11217 - Optimize sql queries
- NTR - Improve performance
- First version of the Shopware Migration Magento profile for Shopware Migration Assistant