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Tony Arcieri edited this page Dec 28, 2016 · 9 revisions

The NIO::Monitor class monitors a specific IO object and lets you introspect on why that object was selected. Monitors are returned by Selectors whenever you #register an IO object or whenever they #select as ready for a particular interests.

NIO::Monitors are thread safe only if you are holding the selector lock (i.e. if you're in a block passed to #select). Don't share them between multiple threads unless only one thread at a time is calling #select.

The following methods are available for controlling and inspecting interests:

  • #interests: what this monitor is interested in (:r, :w, or :rw)
  • #interests=: change the current interests for a monitor (to :r, :w, or :rw)
  • #readiness: what I/O operations the monitored object is ready for
  • #readable?: was the IO readable last time it was selected?
  • #writable?: was the IO writable last time it was selected?

Monitors also support a #value and #value= accessor for storing a handle to an arbitrary object of your choice (e.g. a proc with a callback to fire on a given event)

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