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Lukas Mueller edited this page Jun 12, 2021 · 28 revisions


= How To Write SGN Tests =

There are different types of tests:

  • Unit tests - t/unit/class/name.t
  • General tests that use Perl modules directly
  • Integration tests
  • all new integration tests should be based on the selenium2 framework (see below).
  • the old integration tests have been moved to t/legacy/integration . They should still be run, but they require an SGN database (such as cxgn-test).
  • Validation tests
  • the old validation tests have been moved to t/legacy/validate. They should still be run, but require an intact SGN database (such as cxgn-test).
  • Tests that verify that web requests don't blow up (return a 500/etc) and that HTML/JSON/etc is valid
  • Selenium tests
  • the old selenium tests have been moved to t/legacy/selenium

An introduction to the philosophy of testing in Perl can be found [ here]

Some general guidelines:

  • The test script lives in a folder "t/" in the root directory of the component (perllib/t, sgn/t, etc). In general, the directory structure inside t/ mirrors the directory structure of the component.
  • The test script should be based on Test::More or Test::Most. Use Test::Warn if you have warnings. Use Test::Exception to test exceptions and die messages.
  • The test script does not take any parameters.
  • If the test needs file-based test data, include them in the t/data/
  • Use the diag function of Test::More to produce diagnostic output for when a test fails. However, do not produce this output for normal successful test runs!
  • The last argument to most testing functions is what to print when a test runs. Make this output useful for debugging failing tests.

== Using the fixture ==

  • The test should be based on the database fixture, not a version of the production database (which is too large and unwieldy, and whose contents could change and the tests fail).
  • The fixture can be cloned from GitHub, It should be placed in the cxgn/ directory, where the {{{t/}}} script will look for it.
  • If you write a test using the fixture, but the fixture contains no corresponding data, the data needs to be added to the fixture (talk to Lukas).
  • test using the fixture have to be run using the {{{t/}}} script.

== Running the tests ==

  • The selenium2, fixture-based tests should be run using {{{t/}}} script.
  • It expects the fixture in {{{ t/data/fixture/cxgn_fixture.sql}}} by default.
  • You also have to run the selenium2 server.
  • Download selenium standalone server from here
  • The selenium server needs to be started using {{{java -jar selenium-server-standalone-X.XX.jar }}}

== Step by Step Guide to Running Tests ==

  • cd /dir/where/downloaded/selenium_standalone_jar
  • To run Selenium with the browser visible during tests: java -jar selenium-standalone-server-2.53.1.jar
  • Alernatively to run Selenium in headless mode with no browser during tests: xvfb-run -s "-screen 0, 1920x1080x24" java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar
  • In an open terminal, cd to cxgn/sgn directory
  • Run all selenium tests: perl t/ t/selenium2/
  • Run all unit_fixture tests: perl t/test_fixture --noserver t/unit_fixture/
  • Run all unit tests: perl t/test_fixture --noserver t/unit/

== How To Write Unit Tests ==

Unit tests should use Perl modules or other programs directly. If you need to do web requests, then you are writing an integration test, not a unit test.

You can create a new unit test and start editing it with the new_sgn_file command

{{{ new_sgn_file perl_unit_test.t mytest.t }}}

where mytest.t will be the name of the newly created test. If you are testing SGN::Foo::Bar, then you should probably call the test t/SGN/Foo/Bar.t, so it is easy to find.

Here is an example: {{{ #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More;

BEGIN { use_ok( 'The::Module::Being::Tested' ) or BAIL_OUT('could not include the module being tested'); }

add your tests here

done_testing; }}}

== How to Write Unit tests using the Database Fixture ==

These tests should be in {{{t/unit_fixture/}}}. Some unit tests will require a database backend. It is preferable to use the database fixture as the test database. To use the fixture, include the following code at the beginning of your test script:

{{{ use lib 't/lib'; use SGN::Test::Fixture; }}}

The {{{ SGN::Test::Fixture }}} class makes available accessors for a database handle and different schema objects (Bio::Chado::Schema, SGN::Schema, and CXGN::Phenome::Schema), that will access the fixture. Note that you have to run the test script using t/ to use the fixture features.

Perldoc of {{{ SGN::Test::Fixture }}} has more details on its usage.

== How To Write Integration Tests ==

All integration tests should be written based on the Selenium2 framework. The should be in {{{t/selenium2/}}}.

The Selenium2 framework has two components: The testing scripts and libraries, and the Selenium2 !WebDriver, which connects to the browser and needs to be running for the tests to work.

Download the WebDriver from [].

The recommended location for the web driver jar files are in {{{~/cxgn/selenium2/}}}

Start the WebDriver using {{{ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar }}} before starting the tests.

To write tests, first read the POD of SGN::Test::WWW::WebDriver int he sgn repo with {{{ perldoc t/lib/SGN/Test/WWW/ }}}

Note that the preferred location for the actual test files is in {{{ ~/sgn/t/selenium2/}}}

An example test may look like this: {{{

use strict; use lib 't/lib'; use Test::More 'tests'=>8; use SGN::Test::WWW::WebDriver;

my $t = SGN::Test::WWW::WebDriver->new();

$t->while_logged_in_as("submitter", sub { $t->get_ok('/breeders/manage_programs');

my $new_bp_link = $t->find_element_ok('new_breeding_program_link', 'id', 'new breeding program link');


my $breeding_program_name_input = $t->find_element_ok('new_breeding_program_name', 'id', 'find add breeding program name input');


#### and so forth...




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