All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- queue-service: use toString to better check for object (d825139)
- export module constants (235813a)
3.0.1 (2021-08-24)
is moved toListenOptions
and will not be available onQueueModuleOptions
- add support to use multiple connections (af4d5bb)
- queue-module: throw error if no way to create provider is supplied (d711d81)
- events: dispatch disconnected event on connection (5e2f21e)
- support latest version of class-validator + class-transformer (53a87dd)
- nest: add support to Nest v8 (edb044f)
2.0.0 (2021-04-14)
was renamed toAMQPService.getModuleOptions()
method argument interface was restructured and renamed toQueueModuleOptions
. The new structure (all properties are optional):{ "isGlobal": true, "logger": new MyLogger(), "throwExceptionOnConnectionError": true, "acceptValidationNullObjectException": false, "connectionUri": "amqp://admin:secret@", "connectionOptions": { // rhea and rhea-promise connection options go here "transport": "tls", "reconnect": false } }
- add support to use custom logger (accdc72)
- connection-uri: add custom protocols (1816233)
- module: add option to make AMQP module available globally (d92dcc5)
- queue: add support to work only with module options arg (523d279)
- add async module configuration (de4a3df)
- check connection is open to cleanup during shutdown (e6bb019)
1.3.0 (2021-03-26)
- amqp-service: add acceptValidationNullObjectException connection option (8d68a2f)
- release: abort release on first error (2e4cfdd)
1.2.0 (2020-11-18)
- connection: add throwExceptionOnConnectionError connection option (7b4ba08)