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How to release new versions

Alberto Vena edited this page Sep 14, 2018 · 19 revisions

Release a new MINOR version

Let's say latest version on master is 2.7.0.alpha and we want to release a new 2.7 versions.

These are the steps required for the release to happen:

Make sure is up to date

Our CHANGELOG is where all the major changes are listed. It's a great resource for developers that want to update their store since they can walk through it and understand if there are changes that can impact their stores. Take a look at the current CHANGELOG to better understand how to update it.

Prepare the repository

Open core/lib/spree/core/version.rb file and change from

def self.solidus_version


def self.solidus_version

Do create a PR on master. When it's merged you can create a new version branch (v2.7) that will help us understand what's inside each version in the future and relase new PATCH level versions.

git fetch -a upstream
git checkout -b v2.7 upstream/master
git push -u upstream v2.7

Publish the new version on Rubygems

Now it's time to build and push gems to rubygems. Be sure you have right rubygems permissions, take a look at their guides.

We need to release all gems that compose solidus individually before pushing it, let's do every step with these commands:

cd core && gem build solidus_core && gem push solidus_core-2.7.0.gem && cd ..
cd api && gem build solidus_api && gem push solidus_api-2.7.0.gem && cd ..
cd frontend && gem build solidus_frontend && gem push solidus_frontend-2.7.0.gem && cd ..
cd backend && gem build solidus_backend && gem push solidus_backend-2.7.0.gem && cd ..
cd sample && gem build solidus_sample && gem push solidus_sample-2.7.0.gem && cd ..
gem build solidus.gemspec && gem push solidus-2.7.0.gem

Let's cleanup our folders:

rm backend/solidus_backend-2.7.0.gem core/solidus_core-2.7.0.gem frontend/solidus_frontend-2.7.0.gem sample/solidus_sample-2.7.0.gem solidus-2.7.0.gem

Create a GH release

Now you can go on GH and create a release into:

Prepare master for the next version:

In the master branch let's start a 2.8.0.alpha

Open core/lib/spree/core/version.rb file and change from:

def self.solidus_version


def self.solidus_version

and change the CHANGELOG with:

  • release date of 2.7.0
  • 2.8.0 (unreleased) line

Take a look at this PR as example.

Release a new PATCH version

Suppose latest 2.6.x is 2.6.0 and we want to release a new 2.6.1 version.

First thing to do is checking out to the right branch:

git checkout v2.6

Open core/lib/spree/core/version.rb file and change from

def self.solidus_version


def self.solidus_version

Publish the new version on Rubygems

Now it's time to build and push gems to rubygems. Be sure you have right rubygems permissions, take a look at their guides.

We need to release all gems that compose solidus individually before pushing it, let's do every step with these commands:

cd core && gem build solidus_core && gem push solidus_core-2.6.1.gem && cd ..
cd api && gem build solidus_api && gem push solidus_api-2.6.1.gem && cd ..
cd frontend && gem build solidus_frontend && gem push solidus_frontend-2.6.1.gem && cd ..
cd backend && gem build solidus_backend && gem push solidus_backend-2.6.1.gem && cd ..
cd sample && gem build solidus_sample && gem push solidus_sample-2.6.1.gem && cd ..
gem build solidus.gemspec && gem push solidus-2.6.1.gem

Let's cleanup our folders:

rm backend/solidus_backend-2.6.1.gem core/solidus_core-2.6.1.gem frontend/solidus_frontend-2.6.1.gem sample/solidus_sample-2.6.1.gem solidus-2.6.1.gem

Create a GH release

Now you can go on GH and create a release into: