- Sub-organization with whom you hope to work(*): pgmpy
- Name(*): Pratyaksh Sharma
- Email(*): psharma1707@gmail.com
- Telephone(*): +91 720 804 9809
- Time zone(*): GMT +5:30
- IRC nick on freenode.net: pratyash
- Source control username(s)(*): Github: pratyakshs
- Instant Messaging information: Google Hangouts: psharma1707@gmail.com
- Any other ways we can reach you: Skype: psharma1707
- Blog(s)(*): Blogger
- GSoC Blog RSS feed(*): Link
- Resume: Link
- Primary Language: English
- University(*): Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
- Major(*): Computer Science and Engineering
- Current Year and Expected Graduation date(*): Currently in 3rd year, expected to graduate in Aug 2016.
- Degree(*) (e.g. BSc, PhD): B.Tech.
- Proposal Title(*): pgmpy: Implementation of sampling algorithms for approximate inference in probabilistic graphical models
- Proposal Abstract (*):
Currently pgmpy supports algorithms like Variable Elimination and Belief Propagation for exact inference. In large graphs (particularly those having large treewidth), exact inference becomes computationally intractable.
Thus, there's a need for approximate algorithms which answer the inference query with a lower time complexity.
In this project I will implement the two most popular algorithms which fall under the more general class of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
- Gibbs Sampling. My implementation will follow closely the discussion in section 12.3.1-12.3.3 of [Koller]^[1]^
- Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Refer section 12.3.4 of [Koller]1
Will implement a general framework which will allow easy installation of more MCMC algorithms.
Basically, there are a variety of MCMC sampling methods. If time permits, I shall implement
- Blocking Gibbs sampler
- Collapsed Gibbs sampler
- Rao-Blackwellisation
- AND/OR importance sampling
- Hamiltonian MCMC (becoming increasingly popular in recent times)
- Chapter 12. Koller, Daphne, and Nir Friedman. Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. MIT press, 2009.
- B. Bidyuk, V. Gogate, R. Dechter: Tutorial on Sampling Techniques for Probabilistic and Deterministic Graphical models (AAAI-2010). Link
Sampling based estimation:
Monte Carlo algorithms are based on the fact that while it may not be feasible to compute expectations under
, it may be possible to obtain samples from
, or from a closely related distribution such that marginals and other expectations can be approximated using sample-based averages.
Gibbs sampling is an example of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. In an MCMC algorithm, samples are obtained via a Markov chain whose stationary distribution is the desired
. The state of the Markov chain is a set of assignments of values to each of the variables, and, after a suitable “burn-in” period so that the chain approaches its stationary distribution, these states are used as samples
The Markov chain for the Gibbs sampler is constructed in a straightforward way:
The implementation of Gibbs sampling thus reduces to the computation of the conditional distributions of individual variables given all of the other variables. For graphical models, these conditionals take the following form:
where denotes the set of cliques that
contain index
. This set is often much smaller
than the set
of all cliques, and in such cases
each step of the Gibbs sampler can be implemented efficiently.
When the computation of the above equation is overly complex, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can provide an effective alternative. Metropolis-Hastings is an MCMC algorithm that is not based on conditional probabilities, and thus does not require normalization.
Given the current state
of the algorithm, Metropolis-Hastings chooses a new state
from a “proposal distribution,” which often simply involves picking a variable
at random and choosing a new value for that variable, again at random. The algorithm then computes the “acceptance probability”:
- With probability
the algorithm accepts the proposal and moves to
, and with probability
the algorithm remains in state
. For graphical models, this computation also turns out to often take the form of a simple message-passing algorithm.
The following is merely a modest sketch. It is possible that if the allocated work for a week completes earlier than time, I shall start the next week’s tasks. On the contrary, a week’s tasks may spill over to the next. This timeline is quite a lenient one for me. I believe I will end up exceeding my promises
Week 1:
- Implement Forward Sampling (FS), Rejection Sampling (FS)
- Tune parameters such as:
- Number of samples required to estimate a distribution.
- Deliverables: A method which takes as arguments a Bayesian Network and an evidence set and returns the distribution P(Y | E=e), where Y is the set of unobserved variables and E is the evidence set.
Week 2:
- Implement Importance Sampling (IS)
- Write tests+documentation for FS, RS and IS
Week 3:
- Implement a general purpose Markov Chain Monte Carlo class which has methods that take as input a Markov Chain (with corresponding transition probability matrix) and simulates a run of the same.
- Write tests+documentation
Week 4:
- Write functions to compute various statistics which compares probabilities across different initializations and across different windows in the same run.
- Tune parameters (window size, various thresholds) for deciding if the distribution has converged to a stationary one.
- Deliverables: An MCMC class with methods to sample from it and report various statistics to decide mixing.
- Write tests+documentation
Week 5:
Implement plots/charts etc. for visualizing the statistics computed in week 4.
This will help the user decide if the distribution has converged.
Write tests+documentation
Week 6:
- Within the MCMC class, write functions to generate the Gibbs chain, given a Bayesian Network or Markov Network.
- Implementing the transition model.
- Write tests+documentation
Week 7:
- With the Gibbs chain, write a function to sample a target Gibbs distribution
- Deliverables: A method to estimate the Gibbs distribution of a bayesian network or a markov network.
Week 8:
Write tests for inference using Gibbs sampling.
Analyse performance
Compare (time/space efficiency+accuracy) with exact algorithms
Find performance bottlenecks (a compact representation of states is absolutely necessary).
Week 9:
- Implement the framework for Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
- Write methods to initialize the proposal distribution and acceptance distribution
- Write an interface for inference which supports the various algorithms in pgmpy for both undirected and directed models.
- Deliverables: Methods supporting various inference (approximate) queries on graphical models.
Week 10:
- Tests+debugging+documentation for Metropolis-Hastings
- Do a performance analysis + look for improvements
- Buffer time
Week 11:
- Write an interface for inference which supports the various algorithms in pgmpy for both undirected and directed models.
- Deliverables: Methods supporting various inference (approximate) queries on graphical models.
- Write documentation+tests
Week 12:
- Complete the integration
- Complete documentation
- Test edge cases
- Buffer time
The documentation for each week’s work shall be done by the end of that week only. In any case, any code shall not stay undocumented for more than 1-2 weeks.
The documentation shall also contain ipython notebook(s) which will form part of the tutorial.
I submitted two pull requests, both of which have been merged.
- Fixed a bug, which was causing issues with the latest version of networkx (1.9.1) https://github.com/pgmpy/pgmpy/pull/346
- Added functionality to compute induced graph https://github.com/pgmpy/pgmpy/pull/349
Approximately 40 hours per week or the amount of time required to finished the tasks allocated for the week (whichever higher).
I was introduced to graphical models during my second year, from the coursera course on the same. During May-July 2014, I worked at the Graphical Model Algorithms group at UC Irvine, under Prof. Rina Dechter. Rina (and her group) has been at the forefront of research in PGMs. The winning solver at Pascal approximate inference competition (at UAI 2012) was developed at Rina’s group. I worked on weighted best-first search algorithms for anytime approximate inference in PGMs. My contribution was to implement the algorithm and compare its performance with the branch and bound methods (which is the state of the art). The paper we wrote was accepted at PlanSOpt workshop at AAAI’15. I also participated in the PASCAL approximate inference challenge at UAI 2014, submitting the solver that we developed.
Why pgmpy?
During my time at UC Irvine, I strongly felt the need of a robust library for PGMs. The
existing codebase that they used was poorly documented and it took me a lot of time just to get a hang of it. Around December 2014, I stumbled upon pgmpy. I found that the organisation participates in GSoC. The codebase, though quite limited, seemed decently documented. The fact that the whole project is written in python made it easier for me to understand (the code at UC Irvine was written in C++). Basically, I feel a PGM library was desperately needed and I think I’ll have fun expanding it.
[1] Koller, Daphne, and Nir Friedman. Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. MIT press, 2009.