This file is used to list changes made in the last 3 major versions of the postgresql cookbook.
- Cast
keys to strings inpostgresql_config
to avoid unnecessary converges
- Bump version to force supermarket release
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- resolved cookstyle error:
- Remove support for Fedora Fedora is not an officially supported platform by the Sous Chefs community. If you would like to see Fedora support added back please open a PR to add it back. The installation methods for Fedora are substantially different than other platforms and require a lot of additional testing and maintenance.
- Add testing for PostgreSQL 16 and 17
- Add libpq package to default packages
- Fix GPG key URLs
- Update Amazon to Amazon Linux 2023
- Remove unsupported configuration options from the
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Update CI config to remove deprecated platforms
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Fix installation of
gem build dependencyperl-IPC-Run
on oracle linux 9
- Bump deepsort fuzzy dependency to 0.5.0 to match latest upstream release
- Add
property topostgresql_install
- Modify installed_postgresql_package_source to get highest PG version from packages
- Remove PG11 suites from kitchen & CI due to upstream removal
- Fix resource property in role library
- Refactor access ordering to allow moves
- Fix package source detection when other packages matching the postgresql name are installed
- Add insert position option for access resources
- Refactor ident class to use update method to empty properties overwriting settings on update
- Fix PostgreSQL version detection
- Prevent
resource from triggering changes, iffilemode
are specified, but there values don't change.
- Allow to configure multiple databases and users in one
- Fix typo in documentation of
- Added support for Debian 12
- Allow to configure auth method with complex/multiple option(s)
- Allow package installation from OS distribution repository
- Make the encrypted_password property in the role resource idempotent.
- Fix unparsable pg_hba.conf when a column value is longer than the max width
- Update CI permissions and remove markdown-link check
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Make database names an identifier to allow additional permitted characters
- Make sure perl-IPC-Run package is installed for RHEL 8/9 platforms
- Allow database encoding to be specified as a String
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Fix regex not matching databases names containing dashes and underscores
- Update formatting output of pg_hba to support longer values
- Fix regex not matching usernames containing characters other than word characters
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/role.rb:1:1 refactor:
- Fix connection to server via local socket
- Fix parsing of address field in
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Major refactor, see
- Condense repository, client_install and server_install into common install resource with actions replacing the previous split resources.
- Refactor database, role (user) and extension resources to use pg gem for database access
- All
- All
- Rename user resource to role to match PostgreSQL (still aliased to
) - Update various resource properties to match PostgreSQL side
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Remove delivery and move to calling RSpec directly via a reusable workflow
- Update tested platforms
- Move connection options to a resource partial
- Require Chef 16+ for resource partials
- Use
resource from yum cookbook instead of manually shelling out- requires new dependency on
>= 7.2.0
- requires new dependency on
- Remove unneeded
dependencies - Move resource documentation out of README
- Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/libraries/helpers_spec.rb:84:31 convention:
- Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
- Prevent leaking the users password during account creation
- Use unified_mode for Chef 17 support
- Update minimum Chef version top 15.3 where unified mode was introduced
- Drop testing PostgreSQL 9.5 support now it's EOL
- Add PostgreSQL 13 testing
- Fix idempotency when installing multiple client versions
- Fix changelog formatting
- Makes psqlrc optional when invoking
- Fix attribute updates for users with dashes
- Fix potential password exposure in logs
- Fix quoting of DROP ROLE query
- Use system default locale when creating databases
- resolved cookstyle error: spec/libraries/helpers_spec.rb:2:18 convention:
- Bumped default version of postgresql to 12
- Added support for dnf by disabling the postgresql module on repo configuration
- Add support for the pgdg-common repository
- Add provides to resources
- Add tests for currently supported postgresql releases
- remove need to surround extension names with "" if they contain a '-'
- resolved cookstyle error: libraries/helpers.rb:43:7 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: libraries/helpers.rb:46:1 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: libraries/helpers.rb:46:1 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/access.rb:30:28 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/access.rb:30:29 refactor:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/access.rb:54:44 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/access.rb:54:45 refactor:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/ident.rb:50:44 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/ident.rb:50:45 refactor:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/repository.rb:35:59 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/repository.rb:35:60 refactor:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/user.rb:39:66 convention:
- resolved cookstyle error: resources/user.rb:39:67 refactor:
- Fix incorrect ubuntu platform family value in
- Re-add unit tests that were skipped
- Correctly configure postgres-common on Ubuntu hosts (fixes #596)
- Remove unnecessary nil default in resource properties
- Migrate to GitHub Actions for testing
- Allow to install extensions with hyphens, ex:
postgresql_extension '"uuid-ossp"'
- Update Circle CI config to match sous-chefs defaults #617
- Remove Fedora testing from CI, not an official supported OS by sous-chefs, PRs welcome #617
- Fix installation of extensions.
- Added support for dash in database role name.
- Cleanup and update the user resource documentation and code. Removed extraneous 'sensitive' property which is a common property in all Chef resources.
- Change default permissions on the postgres.conf to be world readable so that psql can work.
- Rename slave to follower
- Use CircleCI for testing
- Simplyfy extension resource
- Update the
script to use initdb rather than a service. #542 - Refactor database commands to use the common connect method. #535
- Increase the unit test coverage.
Breaking Change Please see and the for information how to use.
Add custom resources for:
Deprecate recipes:
Remove deprecated tests
- Fix recipes referencing the old helpers
this will be the last release of the 6.0 series before all recipes are removed from the cookbook
- Deprecate all recipes
- Fix pg gem installation on non-omnibus chef runs
- Resolve resource cloning deprecation warnings in the ruby recipe
- Fix issues resolving the timezone on CentOS 7 and probably other distros
- Test with Delivery local instead of Rake
- Fix a method name conflict that caused errors if Chef Sugar was also being used on the run list
- Revert a previous PR that added support for Postgresql 9.6 as it introduced incorrect configuration values
- Added Fedora 25 support for pgdg packages
- Added RHEL 5 support for Postgresql 9.4 pgdg packages
- Removed testing for RHEL 5 and Ubuntu 12.04 as they are scheduled for EoL in the near future
- Improvements to Test Kitchen testing to allow more extensive testing in Travis CI
- Fixed the client recipe on Fedora
- Added Inspec tests for client installs
- Fix systemd unit file template
- This cookbook now requires Chef 12.1 or later
- Removed the dependency on the apt cookbook as this functionality is built into modern chef client releases
- Added a new custom resource for installing extensions. This acts as a replacement for the contrib recipe with minimal backwards compatibility. You can now install / remove extensions into any database. This adds the compat_resource cookbook dependency so we can continue to support Chef 12.1-12.4, which lack custom resource support.
- The unused get_result_orig helper has been removed. If you utilized this you'll want to move it to your own wrapper cookbook
- Updates for compatibility with Postgresql 9.5 and 9.6
- Fixed client package installation on openSUSE Leap 42.2
- ca-certificates recipe has been deprecated. If ca-certificates package needs to be upgraded the user should do so prior to including this recipe. Package upgrades in community cookbooks are generally a bad idea as this bring in updated packages to production systems. The recipe currently warns if used and will be removed with the next major cookbook release.
- Fixed RHEL platform detection in the Ruby recipe
- systemd fixes for RHEL systems
- Fix systemd service file include when using pgdg packages
- Package installation now uses multi-package installs to speed up converge times
- Added integration testing in Travis of the client recipe using a new test cookbook. This will be expanded in the future to cover server installation as well
- Expanded the specs to test converges on multiple platforms
- Updated contacts and links to point to Sous Chefs now
- Added a Code of Conduct (the Chef CoC)
- Removed duplicate platforms in the metadata
- Fix Chef runs with local mode in the server recipe
- Fix the ruby recipe to not fail when you specify enabling both the apt and yum repos for mixed distro environments
- Set the postgresql data directory to 700 permissions
- Added node['postgresql']['pg_gem']['version'] to specify the version of the pg gem to install
- Cookstyle fixes for the latest cookstyle release
- Removed test deps from the Gemfile. Rely on ChefDK for base testing deps instead
- Maintenance of this cookbook has been migrated from Heavy Water to Sous Chefs -
- Add support for Chef-Zero (local mode)
- Don't hardcode the UID / GID on RHEL/Amazon/Suse platforms
- Add PGDG yum RPMs for 9.5 / 9.6
Switched from Librarian to Berkshelf
Remove support for the following platforms
- SLES < 12
- openSUSE < 13
- Debian < 7
- Ubuntu < 12.04
- RHEL < 6
- Amazon < 2013
- Unsupported (EOL) Fedora releases
- Added support for Ubuntu 16.04
- Loosened cookbook dependencies to not prevent pulling in the latest community cookbooks
- Added chef_version metadata
- Switched from rubocop to cookstyle and fix all warnings
- Removed minitests and the minitest handler
- Added support for opensuse / opensuseleap
- Added support for Fedora 23/24
- Added a chefignore file to limit the files uploaded to the chef server
- Updated Test Kitchen config to test on modern platform releases
- Added a Rakefile and updated Travis to test with ChefDK and that rakefile
- Avoid installing packages included in build-essential twice in the ruby recipe
- Require at least build-essential 2.0
- Don't cleanup the old PPA files in the apt_pgdg_postgresql recipe anymore. These should be long gone everywhere
- Remove logic in the apt_pgdg_postgresql recipe that made Chef fail when new distro releases came out
- Avoid node.set deprecation warnings
- Avoid managed_home deprecation warnings in server_redhat recipe