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File metadata and controls

101 lines (74 loc) · 3.02 KB

egt - Enrico's Getting Things Done

egt tracks .egt text files scattered in the file system, that mark where your projects live and store project-specific information like planning notes, ideas, activity logs.

I currently use egt to:

  • quickly find project directories, to open terminals in them, and back up the information they contain that is not stored in git and pushed remotely
  • draft TODO lists
  • compute work hours to bill customers
  • brainstorm, and turn brainstorming notes into plans
  • print reports of my activity


apt install python3-dateutil python3-taskw python3-xdg python3-git


  1. enter a directory with one of your projects
  2. create an empty file called .egt
  3. run egt scan
  4. run egt list, your project should appear

You can call projects by name to perform several actions on them:

  • egt edit name opens an editor on the .egt file for the given project.
  • egt term name opens a terminal in the project directory.
  • egt work name opens a terminal in the project directory, with an editor opened on the .egt file. With most tabbed terminals, creating new tabs at this point should open shells with the project directory as current directories.

Once you have some entry in the .egt file log, you can have some statistics:

  • egt weekrpt: prints a report on the last week of your activity
  • egt summary: prints a summary of your activity

egt knows about git, so if your project directories are git checkouts, you can use:

  • egt grep ...: runs git grep on all project directories. Suppose you remember having written some useful utility function, but you do not remember on which project, this may help find it.
  • egt backup: created a tarball with all .git/config and .egt files of all your projects, so that if things go wrong you can restore most of your projects from that tarball and remote git repositories.

Reference documentation

See Format of project files for documentation of the format of egt project files.

See egt annotate for details on the transformation done on project files by egt annotate.

vim integration

I currently have this code in ~/.vim/filetype.vim, to mark .egt files as being of egt file type:

if exists("did_load_filetypes")

augroup filetypedetect
  " Recognise egt files
  au! BufNewFile,BufRead *.egt,.egt setf egt
augroup END

And I have this in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/egt.vim, to make editing easier and to run egt annotate to update log durations and sync with TaskWarrior each time I save the file:

set ts=3
set sw=3
set expandtab
set si
function! EgtAnnotate()
    let l:cur_pos = getpos(".")
    :%!egt annotate --stdin %:p
    call setpos(".", l:cur_pos)
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre <buffer> :silent call EgtAnnotate()

See egt annotate for details on the transformation done by egt annotate.

Note: you can do :au! in vim to deactivate save hooks if you don't want them triggered.