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File metadata and controls

24 lines (24 loc) · 1.74 KB

Change Proposal: [name]



  • Name of the persons initiating and taking responsibility for this Change Proposal (and Github ID, as needed)

Issue Statement


  • Provide a concise statement of the issue that you want to solve, new use case you wish to cover, etc. Include any issues that you would consider to be out of scope for your proposal.
  • Briefly describe why existing capabilities of SPDX don’t effectively address this issue.

Proposed Solution


  • Provide a proposed resolution to solve this issue.

Describe the benefit to SPDX and its ecosystem


  • Describe the audience in the SPDX ecosystem this proposal serves.
  • Include a statement as to how this fits into the overall mission/vision of SPDX.
    • The mission of SPDX is to develop and promote open standards for communicating software bill of material information, including provenance, license, security, and other related information.
    • The vision of SPDX is to reduce redundant work by providing common formats for organizations and communities to share important data, thereby streamlining and improving compliance, security, and dependability.

Scope of impact


  • Identify which existing parts of the SPDX project would be impacted by the proposal from, e.g., specification (model, ontology, serializations, etc.), online tools, language libraries, license list matching guidelines, license list inclusion principles, website content etc. Provide a brief explanation of impact in each case.

Additional information


  • Include any additional information that is relevant or may be helpful to understand the context and/or use case for this change proposal. Also include here links to any related, existing issue or discussions.