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SPDX Software Usage Examples

This repository includes demonstrations of SPDX documents for various examples of software combinations.

The examples include source code and built / packaged binaries for a variety of scenarios. The software in the repository is (for the most part) not taken from real projects. However, the examples are intended to be demonstrations of how SPDX can convey software bill of materials (SBOM) information for a variety of real-world scenarios.

Format of examples

Directories of the form example# are structured as follows:

  • content/build/: contains the example's built artifacts
  • content/src/: contains the example's source code
  • spdx2.2/: contains one or more SPDX 2.2 documents (in tag-value or JSON format) for the sources and the build artifacts
  • spdx2.3/: contains one or more SPDX 2.3 documents (in tag-value or JSON format) for the sources and the build artifacts
  • spdx3.0/: contains one or more SPDX 3.0 documents for the sources and the build artifacts
  • more details about the particular example

Each directory contains build metadata which is used to create the build artifacts. It assumes that the necessary tools (make, gcc, etc.) are present on your system, and doesn't do any autoconfiguration or the like.


# Sources Binaries SPDX Comments
1 1 C file compiled with gcc 1 document source and binary treated as one package
2 1 C file compiled with gcc 2 documents source and binary in separate packages
3 2 C files compiled with gcc 2 documents shared library, dynamically linked at runtime
4 2 C files compiled with gcc 2 documents shared library, dynamically linked at runtime, including system libs
5 1 Go file compiled with go 2 documents source and binary in separate packages
6 1 Go file compiled with go 3 documents source and binary in separate packages, separate doc for standard libs
7 1 Go file compiled with go 4 documents JSON SPDX doc; source and binary in separate packages, separate docs for go tools and third-party module; thank you @nishakm!
8 2 Java files generated from Maven 1 document Simple Maven Java project with a minimal set of dependencies
9 2 Java files generated from Gradle 1 document a copy of the App-BOM-ination SPDX example contributed by @yevster for the SPDX spec version 2.0 docfest
10 1 Python file python package 1 document packaged using the instructions from
11 1 Rust file compiled with Cargo 1 document SBOM describing both source and artifact, related with GENERATED_FROM
12 1 Ruby library built using bundle 1 document SBOM describing Ruby library packaged in a gem
13 Bundled app with a package and container No compiling - hypothetical example Documents in progress SBOM describing a hypothetical "Acme Aplication"
14 SPDX file from example 8 N/A 1 document SPDX file is enriched using a tool such as Parlay - includes relationship to original SPDX document