* POST: /tenants - remove id from incoming request
~~"id": 0,~~
"name": "string",
~~"createdDate": "2020-03-25T16:26:19.609Z",~~
~~"active": true~~
NOTE: look at swagger annotations
* using swagger annotations provide more responses for each endpoint (response codes and examples)
* tenant should be active after creation and not active after removing
* createDate should be presented as timestamp
* id should use UUID data type (not long or int) - String in DB
* remove these fields from create request
~~"id": 0,~~
"firstName": "string", (required)
"lastName": "string", (required)
"email": "6666", (required)
"password": "passwd", (required)
~~"role": "ADMIN",~~ (optional)
~~"createdDate": "2020-03-25T16:42:27.901Z",~~
~~"updatedDate": "2020-03-25T16:42:27.901Z",~~
~~"active": true~~
* missed default role when user created without role
* DTOs: request and response
* should not return any value with null
"id": 2,
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"email": "my@email.com",
~~"password": null,~~
~~"role": null,~~
"createdDate": "2020-03-25T16:45:45.400+0000",
"updatedDate": "2020-03-25T16:45:45.400+0000",
"active": false
* missed comments in source code