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File metadata and controls

147 lines (102 loc) · 4.51 KB

Update Log

This document details any major updates required to use new features or improvements in Viper.


New file searching API

Viper now includes a new file searching API that allows users to customize how Viper looks for config files.

Viper accepts a custom Finder interface implementation:

// Finder looks for files and directories in an [afero.Fs] filesystem.
type Finder interface {
	Find(fsys afero.Fs) ([]string, error)

It is supposed to return a list of paths to config files.

The default implementation uses under the hood.

You can supply your own implementation using WithFinder:

v := viper.NewWithOptions(

For more information, check out the Finder examples and the documentation for the locafero package.

New encoding API

Viper now allows customizing the encoding layer by providing an API for encoding and decoding configuration data:

// Encoder encodes Viper's internal data structures into a byte representation.
// It's primarily used for encoding a map[string]any into a file format.
type Encoder interface {
	Encode(v map[string]any) ([]byte, error)

// Decoder decodes the contents of a byte slice into Viper's internal data structures.
// It's primarily used for decoding contents of a file into a map[string]any.
type Decoder interface {
	Decode(b []byte, v map[string]any) error

// Codec combines [Encoder] and [Decoder] interfaces.
type Codec interface {

By default, Viper includes the following codecs:

  • JSON
  • TOML
  • YAML
  • Dotenv

The rest of the codecs are moved to

Customizing the encoding layer is possible by providing a custom registry of codecs:

You can supply the registry of codecs to Viper using the appropriate With*Registry function:

codecRegistry := viper.NewCodecRegistry()

codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("myformat", &MyCodec{})

v := viper.NewWithOptions(

BREAKING: "" depedency replaced

The original mapstructure has been archived and was replaced with a fork maintained by Viper (#1723).

As a result, the package import path needs to be changed in cases where mapstructure is directly referenced in your code.

For example, when providing a custom decoder config:

err := viper.Unmarshal(&appConfig, func(config *mapstructure.DecoderConfig) {
	config.TagName = "yaml"

The change is fairly straightforward, just replace all occurrences of the import path with

- import ""
+ import ""

BREAKING: HCL, Java properties, INI removed from core

In order to reduce third-party dependencies, Viper dropped support for the following formats from the core:

  • HCL
  • Java properties
  • INI

You can still use these formats though by importing them from

import (

codecRegistry := viper.NewCodecRegistry()

    codec := hcl.Codec{}

    codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("hcl", codec)
    codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("tfvars", codec)


    codec := &javaproperties.Codec{}

    codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("properties", codec)
    codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("props", codec)
    codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("prop", codec)

codecRegistry.RegisterCodec("ini", ini.Codec{})

v := viper.NewWithOptions(