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Server plugin: NodeAttestor "aws_iid"

Must be used in conjunction with the agent-side aws_iid plugin

The aws_iid plugin automatically attests instances using the AWS Instance Metadata API and the AWS Instance Identity document. It also allows an operator to use AWS Instance IDs when defining SPIFFE ID attestation policies. Agents attested by the aws_iid attestor will be issued a SPIFFE ID like spiffe:// Additionally, this plugin resolves the agent's AWS IID-based SPIFFE ID into a set of selectors.


Configuration Description Default
access_key_id AWS access key id Value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable
secret_access_key AWS secret access key Value of AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable
skip_block_device Skip anti-tampering mechanism which checks to make sure that the underlying root volume has not been detached prior to attestation. false
disable_instance_profile_selectors Disables retrieving the attesting instance profile information that is used in the selectors. Useful in cases where the server cannot reach false
assume_role The role to assume Empty string, Optional parameter.
partition The AWS partition SPIRE server is running in <aws|aws-cn|aws-us-gov> aws
verify_organization Verify that nodes belong to a specified AWS Organization see below

Sample configuration:

    NodeAttestor "aws_iid" {
        plugin_data {
            access_key_id = "ACCESS_KEY_ID"
            secret_access_key = "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"

If assume_role is set, the SPIRE server will assume the role as specified by the template arn:{{Partition}}:iam::{{AccountID}}:role/{{AssumeRole}} where Partition comes from the AWS NodeAttestor plugin configuration if specified otherwise set to 'aws', AccountID is taken from the AWS IID document sent by the SPIRE agent to the SPIRE server and AssumeRole comes from the AWS NodeAttestor plugin configuration.

In the following configuration,

    NodeAttestor "aws_iid" {
        plugin_data {
            assume_role = "spire-server-delegate"

assuming AWS IID document sent from the spire agent contains accountId : 12345678, the spire server will assume "arn:aws:iam::12345678:role/spire-server-delegate" role before making any AWS call for the node attestation. If assume_role is configured, the spire server will always assume the role even if the both the spire-server and the spire agent is deployed in the same account.

Enabling AWS Node Attestation Organization Validation

For configuring AWS Node attestation method with organization validation following configuration can be used:

Field Name Description Constraints
management_account_id Account id of the organzation required
management_account_region Region of management account id optional
assume_org_role IAM Role name, with capablities to list accounts required
org_account_map_ttl Cache the list of accounts for particular time. Should be >= 1 minute. Defaults to 3 minute. optional

Using the block verify_organization the org validation node attestation method will be enabled. With above configuration spire server will form and try to assume the role as: arn:aws:iam::management_account_id:role/assume_org_role. When not used, block ex. verify_organization = {} should not be empty, it should be completely removed as its optional or should have all required parameters namely management_account_id, assume_org_role.

The role under: assume_role must be created in the management account: management_account_id, and it should have a trust relationship with the role assumed by spire server. Below is a sample policy depicting the permissions required along with the trust relationship that needs to be created in management account.

Policy :

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": "organizations:ListAccounts",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Sid": "SpireOrganizationListAccountRole"

Trust Relationship

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CrossAccountAssumeRolePolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Disabling Instance Profile Selectors

In cases where spire-server is running in a location with no public internet access available, setting disable_instance_profile_selectors = true will prevent the server from making requests to This is needed as spire-server will fail to attest nodes as it cannot retrieve the metadata information.

When this is enabled, IAM Role selector information will no longer be available for use.

AWS IAM Permissions

The user or role identified by the configured credentials must have permissions for ec2:DescribeInstances.

The following is an example for a IAM policy needed to get instance's info from AWS.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

For more information on security credentials, see

Supported Selectors

This plugin generates the following selectors related to the instance where the agent is running:

Selector Example Description
Availability Zone aws_iid:az:us-west-2b The Availability Zone in which the instance is running.
IAM role aws_iid:iamrole:arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Blog An IAM role within the instance profile for the instance
Image ID aws_iid:image:id:ami-5fb8c835 The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance.
Instance ID aws_iid:instance:id:i-0b22a22eec53b9321 The ID of the instance.
Instance Tag aws_iid:tag:name:blog The key (e.g. name) and value (e.g. blog) of an instance tag
Region aws_iid:region:us-west-2 The Region in which the instance is running.
Security Group ID aws_iid:sg:id:sg-01234567 The id of the security group the instance belongs to
Security Group Name aws_iid:sg:name:blog The name of the security group the instance belongs to

All of the selectors have the type aws_iid.

The IAM role selector is included in the generated set of selectors only if the instance has an IAM Instance Profile associated and disable_instance_profile_selectors = false

Security Considerations

The AWS Instance Identity Document, which this attestor leverages to prove node identity, is available to any process running on the node by default. As a result, it is possible for non-agent code running on a node to attest to the SPIRE Server, allowing it to obtain any workload identity that the node is authorized to run.

While many operators choose to configure their systems to block access to the Instance Identity Document, the SPIRE project cannot guarantee this posture. To mitigate the associated risk, the aws_iid node attestor implements Trust On First Use (or TOFU) semantics. For any given node, attestation may occur only once. Subsequent attestation attempts will be rejected.

It is still possible for non-agent code to complete node attestation before SPIRE Agent can, however this condition is easily and quickly detectable as SPIRE Agent will fail to start, and both SPIRE Agent and SPIRE Server will log the occurrence. Such cases should be investigated as possible security incidents.