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Become a sponsor to Mponos George


Mponos George

Athens, Greece

If you are you a company that is willing to fund PHP opensource community and you have found something useful that I contributed then consider supporting my work and my efforts.

2 sponsors have funded gmponos’s work.


Featured work

  1. guzzle/guzzle

    Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client

  2. Seldaek/monolog

    Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services

  3. moneyphp/money

    PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern.

  4. phpmetrics/PhpMetrics

    Beautiful and understandable static analysis tool for PHP

  5. thephpleague/skeleton

    A skeleton repository for League Packages

  6. monolog-http/monolog-http

    A collection of monolog handlers that use a PSR-18 HTTP Client to send your logs

    PHP 39

Select a tier

$ a month

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$2 a month


Just a thanks for my open source efforts

$20 a month


Are you happy with my contributions... share some appreciation :)

$200 a month


Do you need consulting or taking over a task for you.. just hit here.

$2,000 a month


Wow.. you must really like me 🤗
Send me an email if you have any project that you need to be done.