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Useful git aliases
The following git aliases can be useful when working with the Spring Boot codebase
This alias allows you to quickly merge from a PR branch with the well formatted commit message. To use make sure you have a PR branch with a value See gh-1234
reference then type:
$ git mergepr <branch>
mergepr = "!f() { \ [[ -z \"$1\" ]] && { echo \"No branch specified\"; exit 1; }; \ declare ownerrepo=$(git remote -v | grep \"$https://github\\.com\\/spring-[projects|cloud|io].*\\(push\\)\" | cut -f 2 | cut -c 20- | sed 's/.git (push)//' | sed 's/ (push)//'); \ declare pullrequest=$(git log --format=%B -n 1 $1 | grep -E \"See\\ gh-([0-9]+)\" | awk '{$1=$1};1' | cut -c 8-); \ [[ -z \"$pullrequest\" ]] && { echo \"No see reference found\"; exit 1; }; \ declare pullauthor=$(curl -s \"https://api.github.com/repos/${ownerrepo}/pulls/${pullrequest}\" | jq -r .user.login); \ git merge -q --no-ff --log -m \"Merge pull request #${pullrequest} from ${pullauthor}\" $1; \ git commit -q --amend -m\"$(git log --format=%B -n1)$(echo \"\\n\\nCloses gh-${pullrequest}\")\"; \ echo \"Merged PR #${pullrequest} in ${ownerrepo} from ${pullauthor}\"; \ }; f"
If you’re on linux, replace the \\n
with \n
, otherwise the git commits are not formatted correctly.
Note that this requires jq
to be available on the command line. This can be installed via Homebrew.
When merging a contribution, we often add a polishing commit on top of the contributed commit. This alias commits any staged changes with a commit message based on the message from the contributed commit. For example, if a contribution has the following commit message:
Avoid NPE when binder is closed before started event Previously, if TomcatMetricsBinder destroy() was called before it had received an ApplicationStartedEvent an NPE would be thrown due to TomcatMetrics being null. This NPE was then caught and logged at warning level by the disposable bean adapter. This prevents the NPE by checking that the TomcatMetrics instance is null before calling close() on it. See gh-22141
$ git polish
will create a commit with the following message:
Polish "Avoid NPE when binder is closed before started event" See gh-22141
polish = "!f() { \ declare issue=$(git log --format=%B -n 1 $1 | grep -E \"See\\ gh-([0-9]+)\" | awk '{$1=$1};1' | cut -c 8-); \ git commit -m \"Polish $(git log -1 --pretty='\"%s\"')$(echo \"\\n\\nSee gh-${issue}\")\"; \ }; f"
This alias will look at every changed file and update the copyright header to use the current year.
$ git update-copyright
update-copyright = "!f() { \ git diff --name-only HEAD | xargs sed -i '' \"s/Copyright \\(20[0-9][0-9]\\)-20[0-9][0-9]/Copyright \\1-$(date +'%Y')/g\"; \ }; f"