Spring.NET contains:
- A full featured Inversion of Control container
- An Aspect Oriented Programming framework
- Expression Language for lightweight scripting
- UI-agnostic validation framework
- ASP.NET Framework
- Dependency Injection for pages and user controls, bi-directional data binding, and more.
- ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebAPI Framework
- Dependency Injection for MVC (includin WebAPI).
- Declarative transaction management abstraction
- Declarative transaction management via use of common XML configuration and attributes across different transaction APIs
- ADO.NET framework
- Simplifies use of ADO.NET. DAO support classes and integration with Spring's declarative transaction management functionality
- Portable Service Abstractions
- Export plain .NET objects via .NET Remoting, Web Service or .NET Serviced Component and create client side proxies based on endpoint URL and service interface.
- NHibernate Integation
- NHibernate 5 integration to simplify use of NHibernate and participate in Spring's declarative transaction management functionality.
- ASP.NET AJAX Integration
- Exporter to expose plain object on which Dependency Injection and AOP have been applied to JavaScript.
- NUnit and MSTest integration
- Provides Dependency Injection of test cases and Spring container loading and caching. . Data access and transaction management features aid with integration testing.
- WCF integration
- Provides Dependency Injection and applicatin of AOP advice to WCF services
- Quartz integration
- Configure Quartz jobs using dependency injection and Spring's transactional support to persist job details
- MSMQ integration
- Simplifies the use MSMQ by providing helper classes for message sending and receiving. Integrates with Spring's transaction management features.
- NMS integration
- Simplifies the use of NMS by providing helper classes for message sending and receiving.
- TIBCO EMS integration
- Simplifies the use of TIBCO EMS by providing helper classes for message sending and receiving.
- NVelocity integration
- Simplifies the use of configuring NVelocity
Spring.NET is a port of the Java based Spring Framework. In turn, the Java/J2EE Spring Framework is based on code published in "Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development" by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).
Spring.NET 3.0.0 supports .NET 4.6.2 and .NET Standard 2.0 and later.
Release contents:
contains the C# source files for the frameworktest
contains the C# source files for Spring.NET's test suitebin
contains various Spring.NET distribution dll fileslib/Net
contains shared third-party libraries needed for building the frameworkdoc
contains reference documentation, MSDN-style API help, and the Spring.NET xsd.examples
contains sample
contains additonal applications need to build using NAnt as some convenience VS.NET solution
contains 'developer support' tools and code, such as solution templates for VS.NET
debug build is done using /DEBUG:full and release build using /DEBUG:pdbonly flags.
The VS.NET solution for the framework and examples are provided.
Latest info is available at the public website:
The Spring Framework is released under the terms of the Apache Software License (see license.txt).
The "bin" directory contains the following distinct dll files for use in applications. Dependencies are those other than on the .NET BCL.
- Contents: Inversion of control container. Collection classes.
- Dependencies: Common.Logging
- Contents: Abstract Oriented Programming Framework.
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Common.Logging
- Contents: Transaction and ADO.NET Framework.
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop
Spring.Data.NHibernate5 (~90 KB)
- Contents: NHibernate 5.x integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop, Spring.Data, NHibernate
- Contents: Web Services, Remoting, and Enterprise Component based services.
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop
- Contents: ASP.NET based Web Application Framework.
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop
- Contents: ASP.NET AJAX Integartion
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Aop, System.Web.Extensions
- Contents: ASP.NET MVC5 and WebAPI Integartion
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Web
- Contents: NUnit Integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, NUnit
Spring.Testing.Microsoft (~24 KB)
- Contents: MSTest Integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, MSTest
- Contents: MSMQ Integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, System.Messaging
Spring.Messaging.Nms (~100 KB)
- Contents: NMS Integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, Apache NMS
Spring.Scheduling.Quartz3 (~44 KB)
- Contents: Quartz32.x Integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, Spring.Data, Quartz
Spring.Template.Velocity (~44 KB)
- Contents: NVelocity Integration
- Dependencies: Spring.Core, NVelocity
Documentation can be found in the "docs" directory:
- The Spring reference documentation
Documented sample applications can be found in "examples":
- IoCQuickStart.MovieFinder - A simple example demonstrating basic IoC container behavior.
- IoCQuickStart.AppContext - Show use of various IApplicationContext features.
- IoCQuickStart.EventRegistry - Show use of loosely coupled eventing features.
- AopQuickStart - Show use of AOP features.
- CachingQuickStart - Show use of Caching abstraction.
- SpringAir - Show use of Spring.Web features.
- Calculator - Show use of Spring.Services features.
- WebQuickStart - Show step by step usage of Spring.Web features.
- Web.Extensions.Example - Show ASP.NET AJAX integartion.
- DataQuickStart - Show use of Spring.Data data access features.
- TxQuickStart - Show use of Spring's transaction features.
- Data.NHibernate.Northwind - Show use of Spring's NHibernate features.
- WCFQuickStart - Show use of DI and AOP with WCF
- NMSQuickStart - Sample application using NMS
- MSMQ QuickStart - Sample application using MSMQ
- Quartz Example - Scheduling using Quartz
- Mvc5QuickStart - Show the configuration of the ASP.NET MVC 5 support
Visual Studio 2022 is required to open and build the solution. The free community version of Visual Studio should suffice.
InnovSys has kindly provided a license to generate the SDK documentation and supporting utilities for integration with Visual Studio.