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Java 8
Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.squareup:connect:2.20191120.0"
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install -DskipTests
To run tests, you would need to create below accounts.json under travis-ci folder.
"US-Prod": {
"email": "your_email",
"access_token": "your_access_token",
"location_id": "your_location_id",
"application_id": "your_application_id"
"US-Prod-Sandbox": {
"email": "your_email",
"access_token": "your_sandbox_access_token",
"location_id": "your_sandbox_location_id",
"application_id": "your_sandbox_application_id"
mvn install
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/connect-2.20191120.0.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import com.squareup.connect.ApiClient;
import com.squareup.connect.ApiException;
import com.squareup.connect.Configuration;
import com.squareup.connect.api.LocationsApi;
import com.squareup.connect.auth.OAuth;
import com.squareup.connect.models.Location;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) apiClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
// List all locations
LocationsApi locationsApi = new LocationsApi();
try {
List<Location> locations = locationsApi.listLocations().getLocations();
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling API");
import com.squareup.connect.ApiClient;
import com.squareup.connect.ApiException;
import com.squareup.connect.Configuration;
import com.squareup.connect.api.LocationsApi;
import com.squareup.connect.auth.OAuth;
import com.squareup.connect.models.Location;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Set sandbox url
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) apiClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
// Set your sandbox token
LocationsApi locationsApi = new LocationsApi();
All URIs are relative to https://connect.squareup.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApplePayApi | registerDomain | POST /v2/apple-pay/domains | RegisterDomain |
CatalogApi | batchDeleteCatalogObjects | POST /v2/catalog/batch-delete | BatchDeleteCatalogObjects |
CatalogApi | batchRetrieveCatalogObjects | POST /v2/catalog/batch-retrieve | BatchRetrieveCatalogObjects |
CatalogApi | batchUpsertCatalogObjects | POST /v2/catalog/batch-upsert | BatchUpsertCatalogObjects |
CatalogApi | catalogInfo | GET /v2/catalog/info | CatalogInfo |
CatalogApi | deleteCatalogObject | DELETE /v2/catalog/object/{object_id} | DeleteCatalogObject |
CatalogApi | listCatalog | GET /v2/catalog/list | ListCatalog |
CatalogApi | retrieveCatalogObject | GET /v2/catalog/object/{object_id} | RetrieveCatalogObject |
CatalogApi | searchCatalogObjects | POST /v2/catalog/search | SearchCatalogObjects |
CatalogApi | updateItemModifierLists | POST /v2/catalog/update-item-modifier-lists | UpdateItemModifierLists |
CatalogApi | updateItemTaxes | POST /v2/catalog/update-item-taxes | UpdateItemTaxes |
CatalogApi | upsertCatalogObject | POST /v2/catalog/object | UpsertCatalogObject |
CheckoutApi | createCheckout | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/checkouts | CreateCheckout |
CustomersApi | createCustomer | POST /v2/customers | CreateCustomer |
CustomersApi | createCustomerCard | POST /v2/customers/{customer_id}/cards | CreateCustomerCard |
CustomersApi | deleteCustomer | DELETE /v2/customers/{customer_id} | DeleteCustomer |
CustomersApi | deleteCustomerCard | DELETE /v2/customers/{customer_id}/cards/{card_id} | DeleteCustomerCard |
CustomersApi | listCustomers | GET /v2/customers | ListCustomers |
CustomersApi | retrieveCustomer | GET /v2/customers/{customer_id} | RetrieveCustomer |
CustomersApi | searchCustomers | POST /v2/customers/search | SearchCustomers |
CustomersApi | updateCustomer | PUT /v2/customers/{customer_id} | UpdateCustomer |
EmployeesApi | listEmployees | GET /v2/employees | ListEmployees |
EmployeesApi | retrieveEmployee | GET /v2/employees/{id} | RetrieveEmployee |
InventoryApi | batchChangeInventory | POST /v2/inventory/batch-change | BatchChangeInventory |
InventoryApi | batchRetrieveInventoryChanges | POST /v2/inventory/batch-retrieve-changes | BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges |
InventoryApi | batchRetrieveInventoryCounts | POST /v2/inventory/batch-retrieve-counts | BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts |
InventoryApi | retrieveInventoryAdjustment | GET /v2/inventory/adjustment/{adjustment_id} | RetrieveInventoryAdjustment |
InventoryApi | retrieveInventoryChanges | GET /v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}/changes | RetrieveInventoryChanges |
InventoryApi | retrieveInventoryCount | GET /v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id} | RetrieveInventoryCount |
InventoryApi | retrieveInventoryPhysicalCount | GET /v2/inventory/physical-count/{physical_count_id} | RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount |
LaborApi | createBreakType | POST /v2/labor/break-types | CreateBreakType |
LaborApi | createShift | POST /v2/labor/shifts | CreateShift |
LaborApi | deleteBreakType | DELETE /v2/labor/break-types/{id} | DeleteBreakType |
LaborApi | deleteShift | DELETE /v2/labor/shifts/{id} | DeleteShift |
LaborApi | getBreakType | GET /v2/labor/break-types/{id} | GetBreakType |
LaborApi | getEmployeeWage | GET /v2/labor/employee-wages/{id} | GetEmployeeWage |
LaborApi | getShift | GET /v2/labor/shifts/{id} | GetShift |
LaborApi | listBreakTypes | GET /v2/labor/break-types | ListBreakTypes |
LaborApi | listEmployeeWages | GET /v2/labor/employee-wages | ListEmployeeWages |
LaborApi | listWorkweekConfigs | GET /v2/labor/workweek-configs | ListWorkweekConfigs |
LaborApi | searchShifts | POST /v2/labor/shifts/search | SearchShifts |
LaborApi | updateBreakType | PUT /v2/labor/break-types/{id} | UpdateBreakType |
LaborApi | updateShift | PUT /v2/labor/shifts/{id} | UpdateShift |
LaborApi | updateWorkweekConfig | PUT /v2/labor/workweek-configs/{id} | UpdateWorkweekConfig |
LocationsApi | createLocation | POST /v2/locations | CreateLocation |
LocationsApi | listLocations | GET /v2/locations | ListLocations |
LocationsApi | retrieveLocation | GET /v2/locations/{location_id} | RetrieveLocation |
LocationsApi | updateLocation | PUT /v2/locations/{location_id} | UpdateLocation |
MerchantsApi | listMerchants | GET /v2/merchants | ListMerchants |
MerchantsApi | retrieveMerchant | GET /v2/merchants/{merchant_id} | RetrieveMerchant |
MobileAuthorizationApi | createMobileAuthorizationCode | POST /mobile/authorization-code | CreateMobileAuthorizationCode |
OAuthApi | obtainToken | POST /oauth2/token | ObtainToken |
OAuthApi | renewToken | POST /oauth2/clients/{client_id}/access-token/renew | RenewToken |
OAuthApi | revokeToken | POST /oauth2/revoke | RevokeToken |
OrdersApi | batchRetrieveOrders | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/orders/batch-retrieve | BatchRetrieveOrders |
OrdersApi | createOrder | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/orders | CreateOrder |
OrdersApi | payOrder | POST /v2/orders/{order_id}/pay | PayOrder |
OrdersApi | searchOrders | POST /v2/orders/search | SearchOrders |
OrdersApi | updateOrder | PUT /v2/locations/{location_id}/orders/{order_id} | UpdateOrder |
PaymentsApi | cancelPayment | POST /v2/payments/{payment_id}/cancel | CancelPayment |
PaymentsApi | cancelPaymentByIdempotencyKey | POST /v2/payments/cancel | CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKey |
PaymentsApi | completePayment | POST /v2/payments/{payment_id}/complete | CompletePayment |
PaymentsApi | createPayment | POST /v2/payments | CreatePayment |
PaymentsApi | getPayment | GET /v2/payments/{payment_id} | GetPayment |
PaymentsApi | listPayments | GET /v2/payments | ListPayments |
RefundsApi | getPaymentRefund | GET /v2/refunds/{refund_id} | GetPaymentRefund |
RefundsApi | listPaymentRefunds | GET /v2/refunds | ListPaymentRefunds |
RefundsApi | refundPayment | POST /v2/refunds | RefundPayment |
ReportingApi | listAdditionalRecipientReceivableRefunds | GET /v2/locations/{location_id}/additional-recipient-receivable-refunds | ListAdditionalRecipientReceivableRefunds |
ReportingApi | listAdditionalRecipientReceivables | GET /v2/locations/{location_id}/additional-recipient-receivables | ListAdditionalRecipientReceivables |
TransactionsApi | captureTransaction | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}/capture | CaptureTransaction |
TransactionsApi | charge | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions | Charge |
TransactionsApi | createRefund | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}/refund | CreateRefund |
TransactionsApi | listRefunds | GET /v2/locations/{location_id}/refunds | ListRefunds |
TransactionsApi | listTransactions | GET /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions | ListTransactions |
TransactionsApi | retrieveTransaction | GET /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} | RetrieveTransaction |
TransactionsApi | voidTransaction | POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}/void | VoidTransaction |
V1EmployeesApi | createEmployee | POST /v1/me/employees | CreateEmployee |
V1EmployeesApi | createEmployeeRole | POST /v1/me/roles | CreateEmployeeRole |
V1EmployeesApi | createTimecard | POST /v1/me/timecards | CreateTimecard |
V1EmployeesApi | deleteTimecard | DELETE /v1/me/timecards/{timecard_id} | DeleteTimecard |
V1EmployeesApi | listCashDrawerShifts | GET /v1/{location_id}/cash-drawer-shifts | ListCashDrawerShifts |
V1EmployeesApi | listEmployeeRoles | GET /v1/me/roles | ListEmployeeRoles |
V1EmployeesApi | listEmployees | GET /v1/me/employees | ListEmployees |
V1EmployeesApi | listTimecardEvents | GET /v1/me/timecards/{timecard_id}/events | ListTimecardEvents |
V1EmployeesApi | listTimecards | GET /v1/me/timecards | ListTimecards |
V1EmployeesApi | retrieveCashDrawerShift | GET /v1/{location_id}/cash-drawer-shifts/{shift_id} | RetrieveCashDrawerShift |
V1EmployeesApi | retrieveEmployee | GET /v1/me/employees/{employee_id} | RetrieveEmployee |
V1EmployeesApi | retrieveEmployeeRole | GET /v1/me/roles/{role_id} | RetrieveEmployeeRole |
V1EmployeesApi | retrieveTimecard | GET /v1/me/timecards/{timecard_id} | RetrieveTimecard |
V1EmployeesApi | updateEmployee | PUT /v1/me/employees/{employee_id} | UpdateEmployee |
V1EmployeesApi | updateEmployeeRole | PUT /v1/me/roles/{role_id} | UpdateEmployeeRole |
V1EmployeesApi | updateTimecard | PUT /v1/me/timecards/{timecard_id} | UpdateTimecard |
V1ItemsApi | adjustInventory | POST /v1/{location_id}/inventory/{variation_id} | AdjustInventory |
V1ItemsApi | applyFee | PUT /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/fees/{fee_id} | ApplyFee |
V1ItemsApi | applyModifierList | PUT /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id} | ApplyModifierList |
V1ItemsApi | createCategory | POST /v1/{location_id}/categories | CreateCategory |
V1ItemsApi | createDiscount | POST /v1/{location_id}/discounts | CreateDiscount |
V1ItemsApi | createFee | POST /v1/{location_id}/fees | CreateFee |
V1ItemsApi | createItem | POST /v1/{location_id}/items | CreateItem |
V1ItemsApi | createModifierList | POST /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists | CreateModifierList |
V1ItemsApi | createModifierOption | POST /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id}/modifier-options | CreateModifierOption |
V1ItemsApi | createPage | POST /v1/{location_id}/pages | CreatePage |
V1ItemsApi | createVariation | POST /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/variations | CreateVariation |
V1ItemsApi | deleteCategory | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/categories/{category_id} | DeleteCategory |
V1ItemsApi | deleteDiscount | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/discounts/{discount_id} | DeleteDiscount |
V1ItemsApi | deleteFee | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/fees/{fee_id} | DeleteFee |
V1ItemsApi | deleteItem | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id} | DeleteItem |
V1ItemsApi | deleteModifierList | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id} | DeleteModifierList |
V1ItemsApi | deleteModifierOption | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id}/modifier-options/{modifier_option_id} | DeleteModifierOption |
V1ItemsApi | deletePage | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/pages/{page_id} | DeletePage |
V1ItemsApi | deletePageCell | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/pages/{page_id}/cells | DeletePageCell |
V1ItemsApi | deleteVariation | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/variations/{variation_id} | DeleteVariation |
V1ItemsApi | listCategories | GET /v1/{location_id}/categories | ListCategories |
V1ItemsApi | listDiscounts | GET /v1/{location_id}/discounts | ListDiscounts |
V1ItemsApi | listFees | GET /v1/{location_id}/fees | ListFees |
V1ItemsApi | listInventory | GET /v1/{location_id}/inventory | ListInventory |
V1ItemsApi | listItems | GET /v1/{location_id}/items | ListItems |
V1ItemsApi | listModifierLists | GET /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists | ListModifierLists |
V1ItemsApi | listPages | GET /v1/{location_id}/pages | ListPages |
V1ItemsApi | removeFee | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/fees/{fee_id} | RemoveFee |
V1ItemsApi | removeModifierList | DELETE /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id} | RemoveModifierList |
V1ItemsApi | retrieveItem | GET /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id} | RetrieveItem |
V1ItemsApi | retrieveModifierList | GET /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id} | RetrieveModifierList |
V1ItemsApi | updateCategory | PUT /v1/{location_id}/categories/{category_id} | UpdateCategory |
V1ItemsApi | updateDiscount | PUT /v1/{location_id}/discounts/{discount_id} | UpdateDiscount |
V1ItemsApi | updateFee | PUT /v1/{location_id}/fees/{fee_id} | UpdateFee |
V1ItemsApi | updateItem | PUT /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id} | UpdateItem |
V1ItemsApi | updateModifierList | PUT /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id} | UpdateModifierList |
V1ItemsApi | updateModifierOption | PUT /v1/{location_id}/modifier-lists/{modifier_list_id}/modifier-options/{modifier_option_id} | UpdateModifierOption |
V1ItemsApi | updatePage | PUT /v1/{location_id}/pages/{page_id} | UpdatePage |
V1ItemsApi | updatePageCell | PUT /v1/{location_id}/pages/{page_id}/cells | UpdatePageCell |
V1ItemsApi | updateVariation | PUT /v1/{location_id}/items/{item_id}/variations/{variation_id} | UpdateVariation |
V1LocationsApi | listLocations | GET /v1/me/locations | ListLocations |
V1LocationsApi | retrieveBusiness | GET /v1/me | RetrieveBusiness |
V1TransactionsApi | createRefund | POST /v1/{location_id}/refunds | CreateRefund |
V1TransactionsApi | listBankAccounts | GET /v1/{location_id}/bank-accounts | ListBankAccounts |
V1TransactionsApi | listOrders | GET /v1/{location_id}/orders | ListOrders |
V1TransactionsApi | listPayments | GET /v1/{location_id}/payments | ListPayments |
V1TransactionsApi | listRefunds | GET /v1/{location_id}/refunds | ListRefunds |
V1TransactionsApi | listSettlements | GET /v1/{location_id}/settlements | ListSettlements |
V1TransactionsApi | retrieveBankAccount | GET /v1/{location_id}/bank-accounts/{bank_account_id} | RetrieveBankAccount |
V1TransactionsApi | retrieveOrder | GET /v1/{location_id}/orders/{order_id} | RetrieveOrder |
V1TransactionsApi | retrievePayment | GET /v1/{location_id}/payments/{payment_id} | RetrievePayment |
V1TransactionsApi | retrieveSettlement | GET /v1/{location_id}/settlements/{settlement_id} | RetrieveSettlement |
V1TransactionsApi | updateOrder | PUT /v1/{location_id}/orders/{order_id} | UpdateOrder |
- AdditionalRecipient
- AdditionalRecipientReceivable
- AdditionalRecipientReceivableRefund
- Address
- BalancePaymentDetails
- BatchChangeInventoryRequest
- BatchChangeInventoryResponse
- BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest
- BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse
- BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest
- BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsResponse
- BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest
- BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse
- BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest
- BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse
- BatchRetrieveOrdersRequest
- BatchRetrieveOrdersResponse
- BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest
- BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse
- BreakType
- BusinessHours
- BusinessHoursPeriod
- CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyRequest
- CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyResponse
- CancelPaymentRequest
- CancelPaymentResponse
- CaptureTransactionRequest
- CaptureTransactionResponse
- Card
- CardBrand
- CardPaymentDetails
- CashPaymentDetails
- CatalogCategory
- CatalogDiscount
- CatalogDiscountModifyTaxBasis
- CatalogDiscountType
- CatalogIdMapping
- CatalogImage
- CatalogInfoRequest
- CatalogInfoResponse
- CatalogInfoResponseLimits
- CatalogItem
- CatalogItemModifierListInfo
- CatalogItemOption
- CatalogItemOptionForItem
- CatalogItemOptionValue
- CatalogItemOptionValueForItemVariation
- CatalogItemProductType
- CatalogItemVariation
- CatalogMeasurementUnit
- CatalogModifier
- CatalogModifierList
- CatalogModifierListSelectionType
- CatalogModifierOverride
- CatalogObject
- CatalogObjectBatch
- CatalogObjectType
- CatalogPricingRule
- CatalogPricingType
- CatalogProductSet
- CatalogQuery
- CatalogQueryCustomAttributeUsage
- CatalogQueryExact
- CatalogQueryFilteredItems
- CatalogQueryFilteredItemsCustomAttributeFilter
- CatalogQueryFilteredItemsCustomAttributeFilterFilterType
- CatalogQueryFilteredItemsNullableAttribute
- CatalogQueryFilteredItemsStockLevel
- CatalogQueryItemVariationsForItemOptionValues
- CatalogQueryItemsForItemOptions
- CatalogQueryItemsForModifierList
- CatalogQueryItemsForTax
- CatalogQueryPrefix
- CatalogQueryRange
- CatalogQuerySortedAttribute
- CatalogQueryText
- CatalogTax
- CatalogTimePeriod
- CatalogV1Id
- ChargeRequest
- ChargeRequestAdditionalRecipient
- ChargeResponse
- Checkout
- CompletePaymentRequest
- CompletePaymentResponse
- Coordinates
- Country
- CreateBreakTypeRequest
- CreateBreakTypeResponse
- CreateCatalogImageRequest
- CreateCatalogImageResponse
- CreateCheckoutRequest
- CreateCheckoutResponse
- CreateCustomerCardRequest
- CreateCustomerCardResponse
- CreateCustomerRequest
- CreateCustomerResponse
- CreateLocationRequest
- CreateLocationResponse
- CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeRequest
- CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeResponse
- CreateOrderRequest
- CreateOrderRequestDiscount
- CreateOrderRequestLineItem
- CreateOrderRequestModifier
- CreateOrderRequestTax
- CreateOrderResponse
- CreatePaymentRequest
- CreatePaymentResponse
- CreateRefundRequest
- CreateRefundResponse
- CreateShiftRequest
- CreateShiftResponse
- Currency
- Customer
- CustomerCreationSource
- CustomerCreationSourceFilter
- CustomerFilter
- CustomerGroupInfo
- CustomerInclusionExclusion
- CustomerPreferences
- CustomerQuery
- CustomerSort
- CustomerSortField
- DateRange
- DayOfWeek
- DeleteBreakTypeRequest
- DeleteBreakTypeResponse
- DeleteCatalogObjectRequest
- DeleteCatalogObjectResponse
- DeleteCustomerCardRequest
- DeleteCustomerCardResponse
- DeleteCustomerRequest
- DeleteCustomerResponse
- DeleteShiftRequest
- DeleteShiftResponse
- Device
- Employee
- EmployeeStatus
- EmployeeWage
- Error
- ErrorCategory
- ErrorCode
- ExcludeStrategy
- ExternalPaymentDetails
- GetBreakTypeRequest
- GetBreakTypeResponse
- GetEmployeeWageRequest
- GetEmployeeWageResponse
- GetPaymentRefundRequest
- GetPaymentRefundResponse
- GetPaymentRequest
- GetPaymentResponse
- GetShiftRequest
- GetShiftResponse
- InventoryAdjustment
- InventoryAlertType
- InventoryChange
- InventoryChangeType
- InventoryCount
- InventoryPhysicalCount
- InventoryState
- InventoryTransfer
- ItemVariationLocationOverrides
- ListAdditionalRecipientReceivableRefundsRequest
- ListAdditionalRecipientReceivableRefundsResponse
- ListAdditionalRecipientReceivablesRequest
- ListAdditionalRecipientReceivablesResponse
- ListBreakTypesRequest
- ListBreakTypesResponse
- ListCatalogRequest
- ListCatalogResponse
- ListCustomersRequest
- ListCustomersResponse
- ListEmployeeWagesRequest
- ListEmployeeWagesResponse
- ListEmployeesRequest
- ListEmployeesResponse
- ListLocationsRequest
- ListLocationsResponse
- ListMerchantsRequest
- ListMerchantsResponse
- ListPaymentRefundsRequest
- ListPaymentRefundsResponse
- ListPaymentsRequest
- ListPaymentsResponse
- ListRefundsRequest
- ListRefundsResponse
- ListTransactionsRequest
- ListTransactionsResponse
- ListWorkweekConfigsRequest
- ListWorkweekConfigsResponse
- Location
- LocationCapability
- LocationStatus
- LocationType
- MeasurementUnit
- MeasurementUnitArea
- MeasurementUnitCustom
- MeasurementUnitGeneric
- MeasurementUnitLength
- MeasurementUnitTime
- MeasurementUnitUnitType
- MeasurementUnitVolume
- MeasurementUnitWeight
- Merchant
- MerchantStatus
- ModelBreak
- Money
- ObtainTokenRequest
- ObtainTokenResponse
- Order
- OrderEntry
- OrderFulfillment
- OrderFulfillmentPickupDetails
- OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsScheduleType
- OrderFulfillmentRecipient
- OrderFulfillmentShipmentDetails
- OrderFulfillmentState
- OrderFulfillmentType
- OrderLineItem
- OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount
- OrderLineItemAppliedTax
- OrderLineItemDiscount
- OrderLineItemDiscountScope
- OrderLineItemDiscountType
- OrderLineItemModifier
- OrderLineItemTax
- OrderLineItemTaxScope
- OrderLineItemTaxType
- OrderMoneyAmounts
- OrderQuantityUnit
- OrderReturn
- OrderReturnDiscount
- OrderReturnLineItem
- OrderReturnLineItemModifier
- OrderReturnServiceCharge
- OrderReturnTax
- OrderRoundingAdjustment
- OrderServiceCharge
- OrderServiceChargeCalculationPhase
- OrderSource
- OrderState
- PayOrderRequest
- PayOrderResponse
- Payment
- PaymentRefund
- ProcessingFee
- Product
- Refund
- RefundPaymentRequest
- RefundPaymentResponse
- RefundStatus
- RegisterDomainRequest
- RegisterDomainResponse
- RegisterDomainResponseStatus
- RenewTokenRequest
- RenewTokenResponse
- RetrieveCatalogObjectRequest
- RetrieveCatalogObjectResponse
- RetrieveCustomerRequest
- RetrieveCustomerResponse
- RetrieveEmployeeRequest
- RetrieveEmployeeResponse
- RetrieveInventoryAdjustmentRequest
- RetrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse
- RetrieveInventoryChangesRequest
- RetrieveInventoryChangesResponse
- RetrieveInventoryCountRequest
- RetrieveInventoryCountResponse
- RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCountRequest
- RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse
- RetrieveLocationRequest
- RetrieveLocationResponse
- RetrieveMerchantRequest
- RetrieveMerchantResponse
- RetrieveTransactionRequest
- RetrieveTransactionResponse
- RevokeTokenRequest
- RevokeTokenResponse
- SearchCatalogObjectsRequest
- SearchCatalogObjectsResponse
- SearchCustomersRequest
- SearchCustomersResponse
- SearchOrdersCustomerFilter
- SearchOrdersDateTimeFilter
- SearchOrdersFilter
- SearchOrdersFulfillmentFilter
- SearchOrdersQuery
- SearchOrdersRequest
- SearchOrdersResponse
- SearchOrdersSort
- SearchOrdersSortField
- SearchOrdersSourceFilter
- SearchOrdersStateFilter
- SearchShiftsRequest
- SearchShiftsResponse
- Shift
- ShiftFilter
- ShiftFilterStatus
- ShiftQuery
- ShiftSort
- ShiftSortField
- ShiftStatus
- ShiftWage
- ShiftWorkday
- ShiftWorkdayMatcher
- SortOrder
- SourceApplication
- StandardUnitDescription
- StandardUnitDescriptionGroup
- TaxCalculationPhase
- TaxInclusionType
- Tender
- TenderCardDetails
- TenderCardDetailsEntryMethod
- TenderCardDetailsStatus
- TenderCashDetails
- TenderType
- TimeRange
- Transaction
- TransactionProduct
- UpdateBreakTypeRequest
- UpdateBreakTypeResponse
- UpdateCustomerRequest
- UpdateCustomerResponse
- UpdateItemModifierListsRequest
- UpdateItemModifierListsResponse
- UpdateItemTaxesRequest
- UpdateItemTaxesResponse
- UpdateLocationRequest
- UpdateLocationResponse
- UpdateOrderRequest
- UpdateOrderResponse
- UpdateShiftRequest
- UpdateShiftResponse
- UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest
- UpdateWorkweekConfigResponse
- UpsertCatalogObjectRequest
- UpsertCatalogObjectResponse
- V1AdjustInventoryRequest
- V1AdjustInventoryRequestAdjustmentType
- V1ApplyFeeRequest
- V1ApplyModifierListRequest
- V1BankAccount
- V1BankAccountType
- V1CashDrawerEvent
- V1CashDrawerEventEventType
- V1CashDrawerShift
- V1CashDrawerShiftEventType
- V1Category
- V1CreateCategoryRequest
- V1CreateDiscountRequest
- V1CreateEmployeeRoleRequest
- V1CreateFeeRequest
- V1CreateItemRequest
- V1CreateModifierListRequest
- V1CreateModifierOptionRequest
- V1CreatePageRequest
- V1CreateRefundRequest
- V1CreateRefundRequestType
- V1CreateVariationRequest
- V1DeleteCategoryRequest
- V1DeleteDiscountRequest
- V1DeleteFeeRequest
- V1DeleteItemRequest
- V1DeleteModifierListRequest
- V1DeleteModifierOptionRequest
- V1DeletePageCellRequest
- V1DeletePageRequest
- V1DeleteTimecardRequest
- V1DeleteTimecardResponse
- V1DeleteVariationRequest
- V1Discount
- V1DiscountColor
- V1DiscountDiscountType
- V1Employee
- V1EmployeeRole
- V1EmployeeRolePermissions
- V1EmployeeStatus
- V1Fee
- V1FeeAdjustmentType
- V1FeeCalculationPhase
- V1FeeInclusionType
- V1FeeType
- V1InventoryEntry
- V1Item
- V1ItemColor
- V1ItemImage
- V1ItemType
- V1ItemVisibility
- V1ListBankAccountsRequest
- V1ListBankAccountsResponse
- V1ListCashDrawerShiftsRequest
- V1ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse
- V1ListCategoriesRequest
- V1ListCategoriesResponse
- V1ListDiscountsRequest
- V1ListDiscountsResponse
- V1ListEmployeeRolesRequest
- V1ListEmployeeRolesResponse
- V1ListEmployeesRequest
- V1ListEmployeesRequestStatus
- V1ListEmployeesResponse
- V1ListFeesRequest
- V1ListFeesResponse
- V1ListInventoryRequest
- V1ListInventoryResponse
- V1ListItemsRequest
- V1ListItemsResponse
- V1ListLocationsRequest
- V1ListLocationsResponse
- V1ListModifierListsRequest
- V1ListModifierListsResponse
- V1ListOrdersRequest
- V1ListOrdersResponse
- V1ListPagesRequest
- V1ListPagesResponse
- V1ListPaymentsRequest
- V1ListPaymentsResponse
- V1ListRefundsRequest
- V1ListRefundsResponse
- V1ListSettlementsRequest
- V1ListSettlementsRequestStatus
- V1ListSettlementsResponse
- V1ListTimecardEventsRequest
- V1ListTimecardEventsResponse
- V1ListTimecardsRequest
- V1ListTimecardsResponse
- V1Merchant
- V1MerchantAccountType
- V1MerchantBusinessType
- V1MerchantLocationDetails
- V1ModifierList
- V1ModifierListSelectionType
- V1ModifierOption
- V1Money
- V1Order
- V1OrderHistoryEntry
- V1OrderHistoryEntryAction
- V1OrderState
- V1Page
- V1PageCell
- V1PageCellObjectType
- V1PageCellPlaceholderType
- V1Payment
- V1PaymentDiscount
- V1PaymentItemDetail
- V1PaymentItemization
- V1PaymentItemizationItemizationType
- V1PaymentModifier
- V1PaymentSurcharge
- V1PaymentSurchargeType
- V1PaymentTax
- V1PaymentTaxInclusionType
- V1PhoneNumber
- V1Refund
- V1RefundType
- V1RemoveFeeRequest
- V1RemoveModifierListRequest
- V1RetrieveBankAccountRequest
- V1RetrieveBusinessRequest
- V1RetrieveCashDrawerShiftRequest
- V1RetrieveEmployeeRequest
- V1RetrieveEmployeeRoleRequest
- V1RetrieveItemRequest
- V1RetrieveModifierListRequest
- V1RetrieveOrderRequest
- V1RetrievePaymentRequest
- V1RetrieveSettlementRequest
- V1RetrieveTimecardRequest
- V1Settlement
- V1SettlementEntry
- V1SettlementEntryType
- V1SettlementStatus
- V1Tender
- V1TenderCardBrand
- V1TenderEntryMethod
- V1TenderType
- V1Timecard
- V1TimecardEvent
- V1TimecardEventEventType
- V1UpdateCategoryRequest
- V1UpdateDiscountRequest
- V1UpdateEmployeeRequest
- V1UpdateEmployeeRoleRequest
- V1UpdateFeeRequest
- V1UpdateItemRequest
- V1UpdateModifierListRequest
- V1UpdateModifierListRequestSelectionType
- V1UpdateModifierOptionRequest
- V1UpdateOrderRequest
- V1UpdateOrderRequestAction
- V1UpdatePageCellRequest
- V1UpdatePageRequest
- V1UpdateTimecardRequest
- V1UpdateVariationRequest
- V1Variation
- V1VariationInventoryAlertType
- V1VariationPricingType
- VoidTransactionRequest
- VoidTransactionResponse
- Weekday
- WorkweekConfig
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: https://connect.squareup.com/oauth2/authorize
- Scopes:
- BANK_ACCOUNTS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to bank account information associated with the targeted Square account. For example, to call the Connect v1 ListBankAccounts endpoint.
- CUSTOMERS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to customer information. For example, to call the ListCustomers endpoint.
- CUSTOMERS_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to customer information. For example, to create and update customer profiles.
- EMPLOYEES_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to employee profile information. For example, to call the Connect v1 Employees API.
- EMPLOYEES_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to employee profile information. For example, to create and modify employee profiles.
- INVENTORY_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to inventory information. For example, to call the RetrieveInventoryCount endpoint.
- INVENTORY_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to inventory information. For example, to call the BatchChangeInventory endpoint.
- ITEMS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to business and location information. For example, to obtain a location ID for subsequent activity.
- ITEMS_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to product catalog information. For example, to modify or add to a product catalog.
- MERCHANT_PROFILE_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to business and location information. For example, to obtain a location ID for subsequent activity.
- ORDERS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to order information. For example, to call the BatchRetrieveOrders endpoint.
- ORDERS_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to order information. For example, to call the CreateCheckout endpoint.
- PAYMENTS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to transaction and refund information. For example, to call the RetrieveTransaction endpoint.
- PAYMENTS_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to transaction and refunds information. For example, to process payments with the Payments or Checkout API.
- PAYMENTS_WRITE_ADDITIONAL_RECIPIENTS: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Allow third party applications to deduct a portion of each transaction amount. Required to use multiparty transaction functionality with the Payments API.
- PAYMENTS_WRITE_IN_PERSON: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to payments and refunds information. For example, to process in-person payments.
- SETTLEMENTS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to settlement (deposit) information. For example, to call the Connect v1 ListSettlements endpoint.
- TIMECARDS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to employee timecard information. For example, to call the Connect v2 SearchShifts endpoint.
- TIMECARDS_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to employee shift information. For example, to create and modify employee shifts.
- TIMECARDS_SETTINGS_READ: HTTP Method: `GET` Grants read access to employee timecard settings information. For example, to call the GetBreakType endpoint.
- TIMECARDS_SETTINGS_WRITE: HTTP Method: `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` Grants write access to employee timecard settings information. For example, to call the UpdateBreakType endpoint.
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
V1 Endpoints return pagination information via HTTP headers. In order to obtain
response headers and extract the batch_token
parameter you will need to follow
the following steps:
Use the full information endpoint methods of each API to get the response HTTP Headers. They are named as their simple counterpart with a
suffix. HencelistEmployeeRoles
would be calledlistEmployeeRolesWithHttpInfo
. This method returns aCompleteResponse
object with the response data deserialized along with a helper to retrieve the token if present. -
String batchToken = completeResponse.getBatchToken();
to extract the token and proceed to get the following page if a token is present.
// Import classes:
//import .ApiClient;
//import .ApiException;
//import .Configuration;
//import .CompleteResponse;
//import .auth.*;
//import .api.V1EmployeesApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
V1EmployeesApi apiInstance = new V1EmployeesApi();
String order = "order_example"; // String | The order in which employees are listed in the response, based on their created_at field.Default value: ASC
Integer limit = 56; // Integer | The maximum integer number of employee entities to return in a single response. Default 100, maximum 200.
String batchToken = null;
try {
do {
CompleteResponse<List<V1EmployeeRole>> completeResponse = apiInstance.listEmployeeRoles(order, limit, batchToken);
batchToken = completeResponse.getBatchToken();
} while (batchToken != null);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling V1EmployeesApi#listEmployeeRoles");
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.