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Stochastic Reachability Toolbox |
SReachTools focuses on the problem of stochastic reachability of a target tube1 --- Construct controllers and characterize the set of initial states such that
- the controller satisfies the specified control bounds,
- the stochastic system stays within a time-varying target tube with a probability above a given threshold.
For example, a typical reach-avoid constraint is to stay within a safe set to stay within the time horizon and reach a target set at the time horizon when starting from an initial state \(\overline{x}_0\), as shown in the figure below.
Here, we would like to pick the *green* controller over the *red* controller and compute the collection, the *orange set*, of all initial states such that the probability of success (reach-avoid) \\(\mathbb{P}\\) is above a given threshold \\(\theta\\).This problem appears in a wide range of applications --- space applications
(spacecraft rendezvous and docking problem), transport
(semi-autonomous/fully-autonomous cars and airplanes), biomedical applications
(automated anesthesia delivery system), to name a few. Some of these examples
have been analyzed using SReachTools. See the examples
Our approaches rely on convex optimization, stochastic programming, Fourier transforms, and computational geometry to provide scalable, grid-free, and anytime algorithms for stochastic reachability analysis of linear systems. Specifically, SReachTools tackles the stochastic reachability of a target tube problem 1,2 for stochastic linear (time-varying or time-invariant) systems. SReachTools can construct polytopic (over- and under-) approximations and (open-loop and affine) controller synthesis for this problem. Our solution techniques include:
- chance-constrained approaches3,4,
- Fourier transforms5,
- particle control (and Voronoi partition-based undersampling) 3,6,
- Lagrangian (set-operations)7, and
- dynamic programming8,9.
SReachTools also provides APIs to analyze the forward stochastic reachability problem10 using Genz's algorithm 11.
A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Stochastic reachability of a target tube: Theory and computation", submitted to IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, 2018 (submitted). ↩ ↩2
A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Scalable Underapproximative Verification of Stochastic LTI Systems using Convexity and Compactness", in Proceedings of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pp. 1--10, 2018. ↩
K. Lesser, M. Oishi, and R. S. Erwin, "Stochastic reachability for control of spacecraft relative motion," in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4705-4712, 2013. ↩ ↩2
A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Affine controller synthesis for stochastic reachability via difference of convex programming", in Proceedings of Conference on Decision and Control, 2019 (submitted). ↩
A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Scalable Underapproximation for Stochastic Reach-Avoid Problem for High-Dimensional LTI Systems using Fourier Transforms", in IEEE Control Systems Letters (CSS-L), pp. 316--321, 2017. ↩
H. Sartipizadeh, A. Vinod, B. Acikmese, and M. Oishi, "Voronoi Partition-based Scenario Reduction for Fast Sampling-based Stochastic Reachability Computation of LTI Systems", In Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2019 (accepted). ↩
J. Gleason, A. Vinod, and M. Oishi, "Underapproximation of Reach-Avoid Sets for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems via Lagrangian Methods," in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4283-4290, 2017. ↩
A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Probabilistic reachability and safety for controlled discrete time stochastic hybrid systems," Automatica, 2008. ↩
S. Summers and J. Lygeros, "Verification of discrete time stochastic hybrid systems: A stochastic reach-avoid decision problem," Automatica, 2010. ↩
A. Vinod, B. HomChaudhuri, and M. Oishi, "Forward Stochastic Reachability Analysis for Uncontrolled Linear Systems using Fourier Transforms", in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), pp. 35-44, 2017. ↩
A. Genz, "Quadrature of a multivariate normal distribution over a region specified by linear inequalities: QSCMVNV", 2014. ↩