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216 lines (178 loc) · 7.3 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (178 loc) · 7.3 KB

Antti Karkman and Jenni Hultman

Metagenome analysis of bird feces dataset

Log into Taito, either with ssh (Mac/Linux) or PuTTy (Windows)

All the scripts are to be run in BioInfo_course folder!

Data download

First set up the course directory, make some folders and then download the data.
Move to work directory at CSC and make a course directory there. Or a subfolder under a previous course folder.

mkdir BioInfo_course
cd BioInfo_course
mkdir raw_data
mkdir scripts
mkdir trimmed_data

Download the metagenomic data (takes few minutes)

cd raw_data
cp /wrk/antkark/shared/course_metagenomes.tar.gz .

The md5 sum for the file is 531d74bfe7892356824b7c1ce236792e. Check that the md5 um for the file you downloaded matches by typing

md5sum course_metagenomes.tar.gz

And then unpack the tar.gz file

tar -xzvf course_metagenomes.tar.gz

Make a file containing the sample names to be used later in bash scripts.
ls *.fastq.gz |awk -F "-" '{print $2}'|uniq > ../sample_names.txt

QC and trimming

QC for the raw data (takes few min, depending on the allocation).
Go to the folder that contains the raw data and make a folder called e.g. FASTQC for the QC reports.
Then run the QC for the raw data and combine the results to one report using multiqc.
Can be done on the interactive nodes using sinteractive. In that case use only 4 threads in the fastqc step.

# allocate the computing resources and log in to the computing node. 
salloc -n 1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=3000 --nodes=1 -t 00:30:00 -p serial
srun --pty $SHELL

# activate the QC environment
module load bioconda/3
source activate QC_env

# Run fastqc 
fastqc ./*.fastq.gz -o FASTQC/ -t 6

# Then combine the reports with multiqc
multiqc ./ --interactive

# deactivate the virtual env
source deactivate

# log out from the computing node 

# and free the resources after the job is done

Copy the resulting HTML file to your local machine with scp from the command line (Mac/Linux) or WinSCP on Windows.
Have a look at the QC report with your favorite browser.

After inspecting the output, it should be clear that we need to do some trimming.

Make a folder for the trimmed data.
Then we'll make a bash script that runs cutadapt for each file using the sample_names.txt file.
Go to your scripts folder and make a bash script for cutadapt with any text editor. Specify the adapter sequences that you want to trim after -a and -A. What is the difference with -a and -A?

Option -q is for quality trimming (PHRED score).
Check that the paths are correct.
Cutadapt manual.


while read i
        -o ../trimmed_data/$i"_R1_trimmed.fastq" -p ../trimmed_data/$i"_R2_trimmed.fastq" \
        *$i*_R1*.fastq.gz *$i*_R2*.fastq.gz > ../trimmed_data/$i"_trim.log"
done < $1

Then we need a batch job file to submit the job to the SLURM system. More about CSC batch jobs here:
Make another file with text editor.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J cutadapt
#SBATCH -o cutadapt_out_%j.txt
#SBATCH -e cutadapt_err_%j.txt
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -p serial
#SBATCH --mem=50

module load biokit
cd $WRKDIR/BioInfo_course/raw_data
bash ../scripts/ ../sample_names.txt

After it is done, we can submit it to the SLURM system. Do it from the course main folder, so go one step back in your folders.

sbatch scripts/

You can check the status of your job with:

squeue -l -u $USER

After the job has finished, you can see how much resources it actually used and how many billing units were consumed. JOBID is the number after the batch job error and output files.

seff JOBID

Then let's check the results from the trimming. Go to the folder containing the trimmed reads and make a new folder for the QC files.
Allocate some resources and then run FASTQC and MultiQC again.

salloc -n 1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=3000 --nodes=1 -t 00:30:00 -p serial
srun --pty $SHELL
# activate the QC environment
module load bioconda/3
source activate QC_env
# run QC on the trimmed reads
fastqc ./*.fastq -o FASTQC/ -t 6
 multiqc ./ --interactive
# deactivate the virtual env
source deactivate
# log out from the computing node 
# and free the resources after the job is done

Copy it to your local machine as earlier and look how well the trimming went.


Let's assemble first one seagull sample and one goose sample an then all six samples together (co-assembly). We will use tool Megahit for the assembly Megahit is an ultra fast assembly tool for metagenomics data. It is installed to CSC and be loaded with following commands:

module purge
module load intel/16.0.0
module load megahit

module purge is needed to remove wrong Python versions you might have loaded in earlier today.

Assembling metagenomic data can be very resource demanding and we need to do it as a batch job. As we want to do both individual and co-assemblies the R1 and R2 reads need to be merged into two files with cat

cd trimmed_data
cat *R1_trimmed.fastq > all_R1_trimmed.fastq
cat *R2_trimmed.fastq > all_R2_trimmed.fastq

Make a script called in a text editor

#SBATCH -J megahit
#SBATCH -o megahit_out_%j.txt
#SBATCH -e megahit_err_%j.txt
#SBATCH -t 06:00:00
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --mem=20000

module purge
module load intel/16.0.0
module load megahit

cd $WRKDIR/BioInfo_course/

megahit -1 trimmed_data/all_R1_trimmed.fastq -2 trimmed_data/all_R2_trimmed.fastq \
         -o co-assembly -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --min-contig-len 1000

# MetaQUAST assembly statistics
module purge
module load biokit
cd co-assembly -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --no-plots -o assembly_QC final.contigs.fa 

Submit the batch job as previously

Taxonomic profiling with Metaxa2

The microbial community profiling for the samples will be done using a 16S/18S rRNA gene based classification software Metaxa2.
It identifies the 16S/18S rRNA genes from the short reads using HMM models and then annotates them using BLAST and a reference database. We will run Metaxa2 as an array job in Taito. More about array jobs at CSC here.

Make a folder for Metaxa2 results and direct the results to that folder in your array job script. (Takes ~6 h for the largest files)

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J metaxa
#SBATCH -o metaxa_out_%A_%a.txt
#SBATCH -e metaxa_err_%A_%a.txt
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=10000
#SBATCH --array=1-6
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
#SBATCH -p serial

cd $WRKDIR/BioInfo_course/Metaxa2
# Metaxa uses HMMER3 and BLAST, so load the biokit first
module load biokit
# each job will get one sample from the sample names file stored to a variable $name
name=$(sed -n "$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"p ../sample_names.txt)
# then the variable is used in running metaxa2
metaxa2 -1 ../trimmed_data/$name"_R1_trimmed.fastq" -2 ../trimmed_data/$name"_R2_trimmed.fastq" \
            -o $name --align none --graphical F --cpu $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --plus
metaxa2_ttt -i $name".taxonomy.txt" -o $name